Fucking neogaf

Fucking neogaf.

The dead rising 4 leaks have been on here hours, in the past hour some dick has posted on their hollowed forum as if they have come along as our lord and saviours and brought the news into everyone's lives.

Is there a more insufferable bunch of cunts on this planet?

Do you really care that much, OP? Really? News travels to difference places at different speeds. It's OK.


Just like Project Beast

It was leaked here first but the fags stole the credit.

Who cares, stop bitching OP.

Well since you do in fact care so much you'll probably be quite butthurt to hear this was posted on reddit before Sup Forums. Like 2 fucking days ago.

>wanting people to come to this site


who cares?

let's talk about dr4. do you guys think frank will return as a playable character?

>try to register for neogaf once back in the day
>profile deleted after waiting for approval because "your profile does not meet our quality standards"

>spot the closet neofags getting butt hurt when being called out on their shitty behaviour

W-who cares OP!!
News g-gets around!!

Fuck off

I don't want it to be credited here, but I don't want Neofag to get the credit.
I'd rather let those fuckers on Reddit get it rather than those cocksucking faggots that use neogaf

What? Do you even know what you're saying? That's some fucking god awful shit posting

It's just words

Gotta be a Sony shill to get approved senpai.

Just make a name like "Sonyisgodforgamersxoxoxo".

Fucking exactly, jesus thank fuck there's at least one person here hasn't been totally swallowed up by autism

OP it's xbox exclusive, I'm surprised the thread there hasn't been deleted by mods

What does it even fucking matter? This tribalism type mentally towards Sup Forums and other sites is completely retarded.

Wasn't DR3 a serious grimdark game with wacky shoehorned in after everyone complained?

How about we don't do that. DR2 and Off the Record were just about perfect.

Matters enough for you to come in posting like an old woman obviously

Yeah, user with his source posted this here and even stated how neogaf basically spilled the beans when he wasn't supposed to.

Posts here

>Is there a more insufferable bunch of cunts on this planet?
No. They are really cunts.

But OP, you should have expected it. Neogaf users constatly lurk Sup Forums and defend sony while shitposting about the competition.
It is a well known thing.

A literally who series. waste of time

That guy's a fake, because someone leaked it here yesterday and even had pictures with placeholder models.


Who cares judging by the leak it is even worse the dr3

Hello neogaf+ps4 defence force

>placeholder models

This was posted before 4 days ago. Could be the same guy who said fuck it and decided to post everything.

Do you have any of those placeholder model images?

>Post about how both sides of GamerGate are retarded now
>"You mean one side and one group of terrorists"
>later got banned for "false equivalence"

Why would anyone ever use NeoGAF


Sup Forums once again proving its underage

That's just like, your opinion, man.

Dead Rising 2 shitted on some of the things that made Dead Rising so perfect. Dead Rising 3 brought some of those back and actually felt "next gen", unlike 2, which was a downgrade from the first except for online co-op.

>someone on a different website told other people on that website about something that other people already told other people about a little bit earlier
>this makes me mad

that's your post

Does it really fucking matter?

xbox exclusive like DR3 was? lmao

Don't argue with this one, he will spew his nostalgia bias rhetroic.

Fuck NeoFAG in general. Worst community in all of gaming.

When NeoGAF keeps claiming that they're the main source for gaming news and people keep giving them ad hits, it does get frustrating.

Didn't they also have a thread where they claimed Naughty Dogs put in NeoGAF easter eggs in Uncharted 4?

There was also a potential Crash Bandicoot 4 leaker here - just info - some days ago.

Interesting if it actually materialises.

that's because using Sup Forums as a source is pointless since links 404 within hours

I was hoping this would be a Dead Rising 4 thread, since there have been a few this weekend

I wouldn't mind Frank, Chuck and Nick co-op, I just really hated Annie/Katie. I hope that Canadian team isn't working on this one, or they hired some competent writers by now.

Already is one

Who the fuck cares? You're not some website warrior you fucking autist. Just talk about vidyagames.

Yep, thanks for that. Congratulations on the most pointless post in this thread you patronising little dick

Matters enough for you to give him a (you), my man.

Oh I'm sorry, feel free to post the link to the ps4 version to prove me wrong. Until then we'll just all laugh at you.

If this DR4 shit is true then all hope is lost for CAPCUM.

Hello retard who did not see the leak the ui is even more generic and they are straying even farther from b horror


Can't wait for neogaf to exclusively break that news.


>Directing someone from a thread that they're already in to one of exactly the same subject


It's a Dead Rising 4 thread, not my fault if you're asking for another one.

Wow. Enjoying summer vacation?

I'm surprised it took this long for neocucks to post it

Those images have been floating around Sup Forums for like a week now


And it was initially posted here 4 days ago, smart ass.

Too bad it was posted here 4 days ago.


Aww, I hope you are OK. I hope that user didn't hurt your feelings too much. He should be banned for his words.

Great contribution. You mad mate?

>people still getting this triggered by other websites

>Is there a more insufferable bunch of cunts on this planet?


I'm serious. I've been around, and they consistently have the stupidest posters on the internet

Not him but surely you are aware you need to be 18 to post here? You're a pretty cool guy. :^)

>That post

Jesus Christ, how do they even play games if they constantly question their own privledge.

Unless they change the location and ui which they won't it is dead rising 3 all over again

Maybe, but at least reserve your expectations for the actual game.

If it's shit then fine, but lets see.

You used it you invalid. I have posted on a forum since gamefaqs back in 2007.

Good joke Micheal!! Haha! Upvote!

Do you even think about what you write? I've been posting here since March and you're the biggest twat I've come across on here, fuck off new fag

Taken with a cargo ship of salt, of course.

>newfag calling others newfags

Mite be a joke but I dunno.

Your posts are even worse than that pricks senpai, just fuck off

>posting here literally months
>being called a new fag

Sorry mate but you've been blown the fuck up. Kek

>Being here 3 months suddenly makes you not a newfag


Oh look, Mr big shot. Fuck off

>Being this salty about being called a newfag

Calm down newfag :^)

>Is there a more insufferable bunch of cunts on this planet?
Actually no. No there isn't. Enjoy the echo chamber.

Dead rising 4. Why?

To be fair, the guy that posted the pics here is a neogaf user