
>So, Nintendo will start charging for online play?
they need something you can actually play online first.

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Oh fuck.

The same could be said of all next gen systems.

MK8 says hi.

I think they'll have free online play as a selling point but have a premium payed service like what PS+ used to be.

So does Splatoon.

I sincerely doubt 2016 PSN is making more money than 2015 PSN.

2016's Golden Week sale was so pathetic that I didn't buy anything.

That's going to be pushed hard.

Every 4th time you quick boot your games.

So, you are saying that if Nintendo makes you pay for online is bad but if Sony does the same is good?

Two whole games? Sign me the fuck up!

MK8 gets boring for a while.



Online smash is the worst example. They don't even try

There's also Pokken, Mario Maker, and MH3U.

Also smash

Now name 3 decent online games for your console of choice that can't be played on pc :^)

Monster hunter, Pokemon, Fire emblem have online battles.

You should look better shitposter kun.

Can't I instead just wish for a world where so many people don't fall for the scam of paying to play games online?

Nintendo can't charge for online play until their systems have party chats, voice chat on most if not all games, system wide messaging and offer some incentive like better discounts and *free* games on the PS and Xbox side.

Is Kaz still on top at sony

Iwata would never allow for this

but he's dead

Long live Iwata, Wii U was the last good console for gamers. just not the greatest console for everyone.

not gonna be hyped in the future, this E3 is already looking like shit from Nintendo's end anyway.

Nintendo doesn't have departments in films and other electronics so of course they make far less money.

It's going to happen. I blame Microsoft for starting this paid online meme. It hurts to be a Nintenfag, but after the Wii U, it was obvious paid online will be coming to the NX.

>So, Nintendo will start charging for online play?
PSN isn't PS+, you fucking idiot
PSN represents all of their digital sales. It's like saying Sony's eShop is selling more than all of Nintendo.

But a huge chunk of money comes from PS+

Microsoft and Bethesda did so much harm in general to gaming, it's fucking repulsive.

ps+ costs less than one (1) new game. I wouldn't say it's a huge chunk.

>hey guys I got it
>lets charge for free online
>5 dollars they won't think twice about paying for otherwise free services

If you consider the fact that millions own PS+, i think it's a good chunk of money regardless.

>Monster Hunter
>Mario Maker
Just a few I can come up with within seconds

It's not nothing, but PS+ is just a fraction of PSN revenue. Even if *every* PS4 owner had a PS+ subscription the annual revenue would only be 2 billion. PSN's 2015 revenue was 5 billion.

thats 5 dollars a month from every online customer every month for a year

that money isn't going to a publisher, developer or who ever, its going straight into sony's pocket and they're banking on the price of a new game every single year

>It's not nothing, but PS+ is just a fraction of PSN revenue. Even if *every* PS4 owner had a PS+ subscription the annual revenue would only be 2 billion. PSN's 2015 revenue was 5 billion.
2 billion is 40% thats a huge chunk, an insignificant chunk would be sub 5%

Check Sony's financial statements. FY2015 Sony PSN made over 800M in revenue if I remember right, I think PSN made in FY2014 500M or something along those lines.

ofcourse the user will ignore this and continue to shitpost

you're more than likely boring

>2 billion is 40% thats a huge chunk
Uh, I was talking best possible scenario. Obviously not every PS4 owner has a PS+ sub, not even fucking close.
>an insignificant chunk would be sub 5%
It's probably fairly close to 5%.

Maybe if you're a poorfag.

Wow 6 whole games I can subscribe for.

>you're a poor fag if you don't want to pay for free shit

As opposed to which PS4 exclusives?

Sony has started to put more games on sale latelly

That's delusional at least half of PS4 owners have it to play online sports games, Call of Duty, Uncharted etc.

Its on /totally fluffy/ shitposting guide by ruggarell.
NEVER EVER argue against facts, JUST ignore it an continue your shitposting.

They do

No one ever said anything about Exclusives dude.

Dark Souls
Battlefield 4

Speculation at best

The point is, PSN isn't outselling all of Nintendo because of subscriptions, as OP is implying, PSN is outselling all of Nintendo because there are a lot of Playstation owners buying things digitally instead of physically, as well as Nintendo obviously doing very poorly in the 8th gen marketplace

No they just play fifa offline

>Speculation at best

This list indicates at least 15-20 million subscribers which would be like 2 billion.

I guess Japs don't like Online games.

Oh wait I thought that was PS plus never mind.

Last numbers I can find says 11 million subscribers, and that's across all playstation platforms. PS4 owners have doubled since then so it's reasonable to conclude there are probably 20 million now, but my 2 billion estimate assumed 40 million subscribers... and that's only half that.

Sony is obviously making money off of PS+ subscriptions, there's no doubt about that. I just think it's annoying that most people see "PSN" and they think it's synonymous with "PS+". It's not. PSN represents Sony's digital store across all their consoles, and PS+ subs is but just a small part of that picture. Saying Nintendo should start charging for subscriptions because Sony's digital store made 5 billion last year makes no sense. It doesn't follow.

they're too busy playing splatoon to play shitty westerner shit.

They didn't fall for the PS4 #4theplayers meme marketing

Please replace your image with this one.
Let's avoid clickbait.

Idk if you have tried to play Smash online but it is definitely not playable.

Not really sure if they're in a position to. NX will need all the good PR it can get.

Wonder if by the same logic we can expect region-free next gen
Nope, please understand

Please replace your image with this one.
Let's avoid bongteeth.

Nintendo had a good run, but they're a bit of a relic. Unless the NX is the exact opposite of the Wii U it doesn't have a chance, and even then it might be too late. Nintendo cannot survive two failures in a row.