Overwatch tips

Do you guys have some tips on how to improve, generally or specifically (with a character), in Overwatch?

I get confused by all the information of things going on at once and get killed easily. It's like, I can see some of my enemies and by the time I found a way to reach or shoot them, something else happens and I'm just lost in a feeling of helplessness. I want to gitgut and play better with friends but its really stressful and I get dizzy playing this.

Other urls found in this thread:


> play the most casualized brainless shooter out there
> need to improve
how bout you improve by pulling your ethernet cable off

I never play fps or team games like this so its new to me.

Watch some streams and spectate other players.

Most of the reload animations are quicker than they seem. I.E., with roadhog's shotgun, you're fully reloaded as soon as he shoves the trash into it, and don't have to wait until he closes it again.

This won't matter if you're only reloading, but you can use another ability right after he shoves it in and not have to waste the extra second or two. (I usually start reload, jump behind cover, and use the heal as soon as he mashes ammo in)

Also remember that this is a game about counters, not whatever hero you're best with. Always change heroes to counter whoever the enemy is using,because most of the time your team won't.

Walking aiming and shooting is new?

Press E + right click to win as McCree.

After years of rpg/mmo, etc. it is to me.

McREEEEE isn't hitscan right?

Just play 76.

I mean, not the action of walking and shooting but the speed of all this, combined to various visual/audio cue

What's the best way to D.va?
Or is there one?

Gun is too shit for medium long, mech is too shit for trying to close range duel.
Is the cuteness all she has going for her? I just wanted to mech pilot.

Does this game have ranks based on skill/playtime? Or am I going to be pitted against people who have been playing since the beta if I buy it now? That would kind of suck.

I always try to get behind the enemy team to harass them. Usually you can kill a couple of squishy character easily (widow, mercy, even bastion is fair game). Of course this means you dont fly over everything. You can if you need to kill a sniper on top of a building. Play D.VA like an annoying pest and you'll have fun and good results.

how about something more useful?
>toss flashbang over reinhardts shield to stun him

your job as d.va isn't doing massive amounts of damage
you use energy matrix to block damage from turrets, bastions, widows, etc and then shift to find them and harass them
your ultimate clears points really well but if you actually want to kill with it it's best to coordinate it with ults like reinhardt's or zarya's or launching it on point on KOTH maps

With Symettra, I make sure that my turrets are placed in hard-to-shoot locations (on the back of archways for example) and spam the fully-charged M2 attack into Reinhardt shields because it passes through them


if you're playing Lucio, use the M2 attack to knock people off of cliffs or into non-advantageous positions

also wallrun is great if you can pull it off well


You have the means to dash in and out of combat. You're also quite deadly on your feet provided you're at a distance from your target. D.VA on her feet has absolutely no means of getting a Symmetra, Reaper or an irritating Winston off of her so it's a death sentence if you pop the suit in the middle of an enemy encampment without activating your ult.

A good thing to do with D.Va is activate her barrier thing because it absorbs gun ults, concentrated turret fire and all that kinds of good shit. If your team isn't stupid then they'll realize they can push behind you and tag a Bastion or Tolberone from a distance. You have very little to fear from a Toblerone turret--you can close the distance and blow that thing to all hell.

Harrassing Snipers is also a D.Va specialty but be wary--there is no getting a Symmetra off of you. And a Zenyatta will immediately discord and fuck your shit.

It has matchmaking that matches you with people of equal skill. It isn't perfect but it works pretty well.

As for general tips, most ultimate abilities have a very loud and specific audio cue (IT'S HIGH NOON), so listen for them and act accordingly.

How to I become a better healslut with Mercy?

literally HOW do I play genji

I can never hit anybody with swift strike and the moment anybody decides to pay attention to me, I die

Don't be afraid to hop on an objective when you're about to lose , initiate overtime. You can buy your team valuable time by doing so.

Use his agility and block ability to escape sticky situations

The only tip that anyone need to be better at Overwatch is to remember that shooting peoples' heads does more damage. The game's pretty damn shallow.

Double-jump and strafe like a motherfucker, learn to lead your shuriken shots, and if they're too hard to hit, sacrifice damage and use your alt-fire instead. Also, be sure to start deflecting enemies while they're firing, if they're using an auto/semi-auto weapon, otherwise it's too easy for them to stop firing.

His movement is like a poverty TF2 Scout. Spam jump, throw your projectiles, and use your reflect when being shot at (especially against Bastion). That's pretty much it.

Just got to 100 games, 57 wins.
Does anyone actually have a lower win rate than 50%?

How do I exist as Zenyatta?
I've played it for 13 hours and I get killed by basically every hero in half a second at medium range.
I have been fucking erased by 76 from really far away in less than a second cause he headshot me.
The hitbox is so huge that Tracer can melt you from mid range and doesn't even have to get in close.
If anyone, literally anyone, gets in close, it's over.
And let's not even mention the fucking french blueberry of instant hero-deletion.
What the fuck do I do? How do I live?

How the fuck are you supposed to win on some maps like Temple of Anubis when Mercy keeps reviving people like every 2 min?

user it's literally impossible for everyone to have a winrate higher than 50%.

I have like 550 games played and 297 wins. I keep getting put in some rage quitter's spot where I lose the minute I get into a game.

Always test the M2 of every character, some of them have alternate firing modes that are not entirely clear at first glance. Torbjorn has a shotgun, for example, and Roadhog has a displaced shotgun blast that flies off for a short distance [and if it hits anything during that period does very little damage] but then explodes into a full shotgun blast that can shred enemies you couldn't hit with your regular shot. Pretty useful if someone is trying to get away after you've hooked them and didn't quite manage to kill with the first shot.

I there should be a Tracer on your team at all times. She is a very good instigator (especially behind reinhardt) and can flank very well with well timed blinks.

My main is always Tracer but sometimes I like to switch to Pharah if they have more then two Torbjorns.

Remember when TF2 was first released and people complained THAT was a sluggish and casualized fps?

What the fuck happened?

Meet a nice Reinhardt and hide behind his shield like a good boy and do DPS

>hide behind his shield
>enemy flanker comes in
>instantly evaporates you with no chance of failure unless he has a spontaneous seizure or disconnects
>runs away
>even if he dies he traded his life for a healer pick

I always loved sniper rifles in FPSs but suck using them in PVP. I want to break my streak and get better but what's the best way to do so?

I know the fundamentals is to anticipate the shot but i always manage to just miss by a hair's breath. Should I just keep playing PVP constantly as a sniper and die until I get better or does going into training mode actually help out?

Don't worry about any of that with Widowmaker, she's braindead easy to play

>what the fuck do I do
Your most basic function, even more basic than healing I'd say, is being an Orb of Discord dispenser that turns every tank into a pretty paper crane for the rest of your team to murder effortlessly. If you can't move and fight because there's someone tagging you and you cam't shake it off, at least applying your orb to tanky enemies is already quite useful. But of course, if there's a widowmaker or a good Pharah making short work of you every time you leave the spawn, swap heroes.

If I can't see you, I can't heal you.
If you walk out of my line of sight, you're going to die, so don't come crying to me because you wanted to be a lone wolf and walk into the enemy with no one to assist you.
I'm over here doing my damnedest to heal everyone and make sure everyone's staying alive, but if you go somewhere I can't go, you're most likely going to die.
So, stick together, stay behind the tank, and let me throw my balls at you.

Excuse me

D.Va isn't a tank so much as a backline harasser.

Your main targets are people like Widowmaker, Hanzo, Mercy, Toblerone and Bastion - mostly squishy and/or static targets who like to sit back, essentially.

Learn the layout of maps and use your boost to flank over buildings or around otherwise-impossible gaps.

Almost always initiate combat by boosting into the enemy, it'll hit for 50 damage and get you immediately into rape-range for your shotguns.

If the enemy is smart, they'll try to back away - your guns lose 99% of their damage once the enemy is around 3 inches or further from you, so don't fall into the trap of thinking "I can get this guy!" just because you're sorta-close, you want to be within spitting distance at all times.

Against heroes with high damage/low ammo pool weapons, throw down defence matrix mid-attack to (hopefully) bait them into wasting ammo - Reaper, Roadhog and Toblerone can all end up wasting their entire magazine long before defence matrix drops, letting you unload on them as they're forced to reload.

not him but I cant aim for shit so even widow is hard for me. I get like 3 elimination and 5 death and then just switch. I'm literally unable to aim at anything that doesnt stand still for 2 seconds.

Don't lead your shots when zoomed in as Widowmaker since her weapon is hit-scan it will hit exactly where you are aiming. Hanzo is one where you need to lead your shots more.




and your winrate will go up by 10%

also advise your team to not pick hanzo ask them to switch if they accidentally picked hanzo


Google it dumbass the forced 50 is a v meme, kaplan himself said it was a myth


Go back to Sup Forums genji. You weeb.

Just do not play her on offense you will be the bane of your team's existence

Reaper takes like a split second to reload, so I wouldn't even fight a reaper as Dva.

If you ever fight a Dva up close id recommend just slapping her while her defense matrix is up until she drops it

what makes me sick are people that only play one or two characters exclusively then as they level up continue to play those characters because they never bothered to learn others early on.

Reaper can cancel his reload animation by using a melee attack once he gets rid of his shotguns.

Makes reloading ~1 second shorter.



have a mercy suck your cock, damage boost plus infinity ammo = win, just remember you have to have a smart team for this

You fucking idiot
>It's impossible for everyone to have more than 50% winrate
as in

also, put your ult on top of payloads on the last push, will win games

Every once in a while get a team full of reinhardts and bum rush the objective.

If you guys get smoked, look at their team and adjust accordingly but every now and then you will overwhelm the enemy team who is set up to take on squishies and you will aquire a free point.

sometimes so quick that they are not set up at the second and you can cap that in under a minute too.

This is horrible advice and should only be taken if you are 100% willing to lose and be called a faggot. Shit is fun as fuck though when it works.

who cares its a game for underageb& reddit faggots

Thx Im gonna use that

Overwatch is aimed at shitters like yourself op

Overwatch is baby's first fps

There are only maybe three characters I am useless as and thats only because I am balls at sniping.

If you are not thumbing through characters constantly to get the best results for your team then you just arent playing the game right.

Not everyone likes all kinds of character. I love to play D.VA to harass the other team and dea lwith sniper/bastion/etc. My time played as something else is usually entirely map dependent (like playing lucio at Ilios to push people of ledges, or Reaper when the other team goes full tanks). But really, I dont like that switch that much if possible.


It doesn't make reloading any faster, just adds a melee hit

Maybe I should stop assuming Sup Forums is deliberately trying to be cancer. Figured he was spouting the forced 50% winrate bullshit thats been all over these threads

Maybe you should've stayed in school, shithead

Holyshit I'm fucking mad. How is this fair
>Defend route 66
>other team as a lv92 and 86, we average around lv45-50
>They setup on the payload with 2 Reinharth, 1 bastion and there's a mercy staying near them. Meanwhile they have a widow and McGee moving around.
>I pick junkrat to try to deal with this. A teammate pick Pharah for similar reasons
>Get absolutely BTFO by bastion and widow. Literally cant be anywhere near the payload or get shit, stunned by McGee, etc.
>It takes Pharah's ult and blind grenading to move them a little.
>Reinharth usually just looks at me shield up like "haha motherfucker, you aint doing shit"
God damn it, we lost hard. The one time where we killed them, mercy just rez everyone like nothing happened. Jesus christ. Nerf Bastion damage, or Reinharth shield, or Widow's damage.

Well at least we're back to autistic shrieking and anger, all is right with the world

Tip for Hanzo: Press H

>Mainly play Reinhardt and Zenyatta
>Think about playing another character that's more focused on damage
>Everyone else picks damaging characters
>Get stuck playing either Tank or Healer because people don't want to play anything other than damage
I'll play other characters when people want to actually work together as a team and when other people pick a damage character.

There's a hidden mmr, levels don't mean shit.

*when other people pick a tank or healing character.

>want to start trying out Tracer
>at least 3 people always lock in damage characters a split second after i load in
>stuck playing tank or healer forever

what does it means whn there a star under a player's name? And I'm not talking about the ult ready icon.

How about you stop giving a shit about team comp and play whatever you want?

Your team clearly don't care, why would you?

>Gimping your fun in unranked because of others
Nigga play what the fuck you want. Someone else will switch

A good genji/sniper could have gotten you out of that pickle

Just flair for having a high enough level

You are scum

It's even worse if you want to try McCree, at least Tracer isn't as popular as Mr. Hold On Man. First pick of every team seems to be either McCree, Reaper, or Genji

>Pay 40$
>Can't play what I want
Yeah, no.

Are...are you me?

>works very well

No way. Every fucking team I join they are dumb as fucking bricks and it's usually just me pushing payload or capturing objectives. Teammates don't have a clue of what team comp is, but the enemy team seems to be more aware and 10x better than my team. The games are ALWAYS one sided and it's either you're stomping or you're getting stomped.

Is it true the match-making system in blizzard forces you to have basically a 50/50 win/lose ratio in solo queues?
Can someone who knows the system better elaborate? I'd imagine quitting mid-game and shit probably gets you grouped up with a bunch of shitters afterwards

Partially this but i have actually had quite a few games that were close. My problem is that i always find myself getting put into matches with level 80-90s that have been playing non stop and I'm only like 30ish.

>19 fan the hammer kills
>19 eliminations

so when are you guys going to move this shit to /vg/


I'm feelin never desu

>some faggot wants to git gud in a casual game regardless of what opinion has v about the game

You come and just try hard to be the edgy fag saying all games are shit except the ones you like.
Wow give us more info about your wins at pro tournaments. I wanna know what a real game is

>picking Genji in 2016

kek you are the reason we lose every game hanzo or tjorb on attack.

/vg/ is a cesspool of circlejerking namefags, avatarfags, and tripfags. At least this thread is actually discussing the game

Just keep playing? Practice makes perfect, as they say.

>defending the most casual FPS on PC this hard.
Wow he really hit a nerve didn't he.


Play Junkrat and have loads of fun

To my experience
Snipers at first are pure lucky head shots unless you've played as sniper in any other pc fps but is easy to skill cap

Tracer is just useful to fuck around and distract enemies from behind, not much for killing alone, only if you really know how to head shot while running

Junkrat is just spam, there's some tricks with the bounce of his bombs but it's nothing special

Fucking pharra just jump spam and retreat she's good behind the enemies too

Genji is just a weeb shit don't ever pick him unless there's a to sneak behind sniper or turret out of the range to hit you

>mfw you try it, and you can't hit a Lucio at pinpoint range

You have to admit though, it's annoying to have assholes come into the thread just to bitch that others are invading their space.