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Quickman a best

Metal Man first

Can't defeat airman

>Quickman's helmet sticks out of the border

Heat Man.


I choose

Metal Man to start out with
Quick Man is the best though

Start with metalman and get the best MM powerup of all time

>he has a order
>not closing your eyes and fucking around on the d-pad

Could you make a whole team of robot masters with dick words?
You know, like Wood Man, Snake Man, Junk Man...


Dr. Wily

Not a flying toy

Metal Man first.

His weapon is so overpowered it's the only right choice.

Mega Man 2's weapon balance is so awful, it's a serious detriment.

>not being a queer
>not choosing Crashman
What the fuck is wrong with you fags?

Reminder that Flash Man is

Quickman has a better song, that's why.

Crash Man, I can almost beat that whole stage without taking a hit.

Wood Man
Snake Man
Junk Man
Cut Man
Hard Man

On the fence:
Drill Man
Spring Man
Pump Man
Buster Rod G

Arguable/Bonus Bosses:
Needle Man or Search Man
Shadow Man or Shade Man

Unlikely, but could be forced if you're desperate:
Plug Man
(Dis)Charge Man

Feel free to argue this list or change it.

>cut man
>spring man
>search man
>shadow man
>shade man

>search / needle
Small dick, a stretch on the first, but could work for the second (needledick)
>shadow / shade
Blacked, but again a stretch.

>Cut man
You know, like, cutting the extra skin off the dick?

Biggest Mega Man faggot on the board tuning in.

I want to know why Mega Man 2 is everybody's favorite? Sure it's got a great art style and great music and made marginal technical improvements over the first game but the items are shit, the Wily stages are shit, and playing the game on the American difficulty setting (like most do) makes it a joke.

Mega Man 1 is my nostalgic favorite but I won't pretend it's not archaic compared to later entries. Mega Man 3 is the objective best of the original 6 and blows Mega Man 2 out of the water even if Mega Man 2 is good in its own right, despite the Wily stages.

If you wanna take it further and cheat a little bit, Mega Man 9 is utterly GOAT and rolls all over the other entries. Once you remove your nostalgia goggles, tha tis.


I prefer 4 to 3, but otherwise you're exactly like me.

Uh, no
That said, really getting the hang of the weapons makes things much better.

Probably Bubble Man. It just feels right to start with that theme playing.

Fucking this. Mega Man 3 is arguably the best game of the classic MM titles.

>I want to know why Mega Man 2 is everybody's favorite?
Nostalgia? Also, fake gamers saying that's their favourite Megaman game when they barely even know who Megaman is.

Personally, I prefer 3, like you do.

Agree, 4 and 9 are my favorites. 2 is the easiest without a doubt so I that most people like the "pick up and play" value of it.

If you hate 9 I'd love to hear why.

It has fantastic art direction, fantastic robot masters, great weapon selection, a pretty good soundtrack, classic difficulty out the ass, sweet platforming gimmicks that vary from level to level without ever feeling forced, and it lets you play as PROTO MAN. Mega Man 9 is a joy, in my opinion.

Literally never noticed until now, and Mega Man is my favorite everything.

It has the best music. Especially dat intro

Those Wily levels drag it down a whole lot though.

>2 is the easiest
But that's not 6.

Bubble Man first

>It has fantastic art direction
Weaker than the NES games, if you don't remember the comparison threads.
>fantastic robot masters,
Fuck no, but better than 10's for the most part.
>great weapon selection
>classic difficulty out the ass
>sweet platforming gimmicks that vary from level to level without ever feeling forced
Disagree, it's far too cheap with spikes and pits at times, and wily's fight took way too long.
>a pretty good soundtrack
There's some standout tracks, but others are just kinda lame
>and it lets you play as PROTO MAN
Who is just Megaman from 4 onward. Doesn't even have any interesting gimmicks like Bass did or the strong single shot from Powered Up.

My nigga

So is it just me or are the levels way too goddamn long?

Its not just you.

I wasn't here for the comparison threads but I'll tell you, the aesthetic of Mega Man 9 looks much brighter, smoother, and more intricate than the NES games to my untrained eye. I realize it was built on more capable technology but still.

I love all of the robot masters, I disagree about the cheap difficulty, I feel that the only truly cheap Mega Man game in the classic series is probably Megaman and Bass. I also feel that giving Mega Man's auxiliary abilities to Proto Man at the cost of taking more damage and not being able to use the shop mixes the game up a lot.

Different strokes for different folks I guess.

Protoman is different. His charge shot is weaker than Mega Man's in 4-6, and he has a shield mechanic.

>I want to know why Mega Man 2 is everybody's favorite? Sure it's got a great art style and great music and made marginal technical improvements over the first game but the items are shit, the Wily stages are shit, and playing the game on the American difficulty setting (like most do) makes it a joke.
Casuals and LOL SO NERDY XDD people
3 and 4 are the best

>Not beating them all with booster

Only one that's any challenge is crash man


And you blew it. 4 is the worst Classic game that isn't on DOS.

>I feel that the only truly cheap Mega Man game in the classic series is probably Megaman and Bass.
How so? King stage 2 aside, the game always struck me as really hard but also fair.


>worse than 7
>worse than 5



It's just imbalanced. Some parts of the game feel like they're built expressly for Bass and other parts feel built expressly for Mega Man, sometimes these transitions would even show within the same stage and it was a design nightmare iirc.

Wasn't there also an issue with screen ratio not showing all of the hazards that could potentially fuck you, as per the norm for a lot of GBA games and ports?

>he played MM&B on the GBA
Well, I guess that explains why you think the game is cheap.

>and it lets you play as PROTO MAN
Wasn't that with DLC? In 10 you play with him without DLC because Bass was DLC there.

>no dongman

Quit playing the fucking GBA version
As someone who beat the SFC version with megaman, it is fair. Especially because bosses don't pull some of the bullshit they do with bass, like burner man's fuckyou dive strike.

First mega man had an exploit when if you shot and paused the game and unpaused you could hit enemies multiple times with one shot...

Made that boss that would break apart much easier

I didn't put Sexy Man in either.

inafune said he wanted quickman to be megaman's nemesis, but it never worked out, so he made his sprite a bit different to make him stand out.

I only ever knew about the GBA version until now. SFC, then? Japanese exclusive or nah?

Maybe I'll have to revisit the better version. Fuck me, I guess.

Why don't we make this trickier.

Flashman first.
I mean, dude, Stop time and free e-tank.

i like that effect, like it was used again in MM9 for Splash Woman.

Something something air man wont die.

Eight-sided die tells me who I should fight
>still no random button in any MM collection re-release

Shield mechanic ain't really that new though, and it feels more worthless in 9 than it did before.
As for the charge shot damage, that's because someone went full retard. It should always be 3 without upgrade parts. Having it only do 2 defeats the purpose.
Like I said though, they should have had his strong single-shot from powered up. Good raw damage, but if you miss, you have to wait for it to vanish to shoot again. That would have really mixed things up.

I only played Megaman 2 in my gba and never once play any megaman.

Google, son.
This is a weird selection.

>Megaman 2 in my gba
Unless you mean a pirate rom cart, you played something else.

no kidding. TWO shield weapons? two not fire mans? "everybody fights astro man first"

Super Famicon, so yeah Japanese exclusive. There's an English patch for it, though, if you don't want to miss out on that deep storyline and shit.

It's infinitely better than the GBA port, so you should definitely give it a try if you only played MM&B on the GBA.

It's just a bunch of random nes game they put on gba cartridge.
They only sells that in my country at that time.

he probably played Battle Network 2.

MM8 or MM&B Astroman?
Because they give you different weapons

Astro Man -> Magnet Man -> Cut Man -> Jewel Man -> Flame Man -> Freeze Man -> Solar Man -> Skull Man

I guess?

the border looks like 8's

Megaman 3 has really boring weapons. I love the music, the stages, the gameplay but the weapons... I don't see the point of the Needles and the Sparks that just go straight forward and both gemini laser and top spin are way too specific, then Search snake is just a slightly improved Bubble Lead.

All the weapons in 2 makes sense, even though Metal Blade is overpowered as fuck, but if you are speedrunning it is still better for you to switch weapons and use them properly.

Megaman 9 is amazing because of good weapon use too.

l've been saying this for years.
Mega Man 3 is my utter favorite. Mega Man 2 is baby's first MM game. Though, it is a good game. 3 is all around superior.

Gave you Proto Man, Proto Man's theme, Rush, Rush items, fucking slide, that master robot theme, Solid Snake Man and Gemini Man!

The OST is beyond fantastic.

The only thing 3 lacks is the Charged Shot but it's kind of nice not having to hold the button down 95% of the run.

What Megaman has the best robot master select screen theme?
Mine is a tie between 3 and 7

>Proto Man
*Break Man


I can't get enough of 4. Select screen that is. Fuck the rest of the game.


I used to think that, but it doesn't have that same rhytmn in it like 2 has when you know the game very well. And I think the weapons are boring in 3 - Rush Jet evens it out, but Rush Jet is basically Megaman 3s Metal Blade, it's the one item that makes the game far easier so beating Needle Man first is recommended.

2 and 3 has a shared First place for me.

Thanks, user.

It's very well rounded

Particularly the music is great, 3 is also good

1 blows and I didn't really try the others

Behold, I have created the ultimate megaman boss roster.

-Main 8-
Ice Man
Air Man
Hard Man
Knight Man
Cloud Man
Astro Man
Jewel Man
Nitro Man

-Bonus Bosses-
Charge Man

Ah yeah, that one is pretty damn good

>Hard Man
>Charge Man

My favorite game is 6. Come the fuck at me.

I always liked 6's as the best. 8's is kinda unfitting for a select screen, but damn is it catchy, especially with the background. Felt 5 was literally OKAY.
If we can throw in RMWorld, I liked 5's "grand" nature and 4's for changing mid-way. 2's would be somewhat okay, if played by a better soundchip. 1's is kinda neat, but a bit odd as well. Can't put my finger on it. 3's is just 4NES.
>3 and 7
Pretty good, but I'd say 3's is a little weak due to its repetitive nature.
Yeah, pretty cool vibe.
Fuck no.

Why is there no robot master from 4?

Rearrange the order
I can't believe I have to give a hint to this, goddamnit Sup Forums.

see Yeah, imagine my disappointment when I had to dig into the GB games. At least I didn't use any of the wonderswan bots.


Any of them is fine, especially Dr Wily
>i wish pic related would be updated up to 10

>john cena in the middle
>not dwayne johnson
What the fuck is this shit

My apologies for not getting your hot Sup Forums memes, I still don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to be getting from this.