Is DOOM the best single player FPS since BioShock?

Is DOOM the best single player FPS since BioShock?

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There have been WAY better FPS released between Bioshock and DOOM.
Hell, there are way better FPS released in 2007 - Like Crysis.

>good fps

It's one of the best FPS ever.
You probably fell for the "le tech demo" meme.


good game but not really anything special as far as FPS go

It's a step in the right direction, Best shooter in the past couple years
D44M should be a example of what people actually want, Expansive levels with plenty of secrets,fast paced combat, No regenerating health and minimal cut-scenes.

D44M is currently my GOTY, this is after having played and beaten DaS3, Stellaris, and Total War Warhammer. Its just so damn amazing

>remarkable as an fps in any way

Honestly what surprised me the most was that they didn't add reloading.

The fact that you don't have to relead makes for such a good flow of combat.

Game really needed more enemies though. The enemy limit, even while being better than in most shooters, wasn't nearly Doom enough.


It's the best FPS since HL2EP2.

Crysis is not a good fps but okay

I think its one of the best FPS in years. It could have done some things better of course, but it is fun and I like where the shooter Genre would be going if other developers would try to do oldschoolish things as well.

Good point I forgot about Orange Box

Doom and Half Life used to be the big daddies of FPS. When Doom 3 and HL2 hit one year after the other there was a huge rivalry.

It feels weird (and sad) that they are still the kings of single player FPS games, almost a decade after their releases and the only game that manages to reach such a high level is Doom 4.

Now if only Half Life follows suit and also makes a triumphant return.

DOOM as a FPS is probably the best FPS ever.

Why? Because the simple action of shooting an Imp with the super shotgun was refined to perfection for what it is

What is up with the super shotgun in this game? If I'm point blank range it will deal ridiculous damage but if I'm even like 3 feet away it won't do any damage at all. Is that how shotguns work irl?

Just finished this masterpiece
The only issue I have is that there are only 3 bosses

>mfw Cyber Demon boss fight

Holy hell that was an amazing boss fight

>What is balance


The shooting in Bioshock was average at best, don't kid yourself.

Blame console limitations.

If they make Quake 5 PC exclusive and ditch consoles prepare for quake 1 but with doom 1 amounts of enemies

Bioshock was a visual novel with a shooting minigame.


but it depends what you're shooting no? I think that demons are built to take some serious punishment and Doom Guy is happy to oblige.


Infinite is a bioshock game in name only fuck that game

What about Wolfenstein: The New Order?

>good after the aliens come
The first half, maybe. The entire game, nah.

new new doom is literally this game with updated graphics and not made by slavs

>getting a good FPS
>let alone the best FPS
please. that game still can't run on modern hardware.

Was this any good?

First Person Shooter and Frames Per Second are different things.

Fuck I just got trolled

literally who?

I haven't been putting the Super Shotgun in my snapmaps because I can't balance the damn thing. Its too good.

And you get too much carrying capacity for the rocket launcher.

I want to customize this shit.

Once you enter the demon world shit gets real.


it was this way in doom 2 as well, at point blank a super shotgun blast does more damage than the bfg

1) Stalker:soc is way better than Bioshock.
2) HL2.
3) Doom 2016.

the way you feel about how the series went downhill from bioshock->bioshock infinite is exactly how I feel about how the series went downhill from system shock 2->bioshock

Metro 2033 stomps all these faggot games you guys are talking about

This and Wolfenstein The New Order are the best modern shooters in a while.

>Metro xxxx
Sorry bro, but railshotter a shit.

Singularity was better than Bio Shock

It's one of the best.

>tfw playing DOOM on ultra nightmare

the plasmids made the shooting great m8

try again, dork

Some of the guns in HL2 feel pathetic
Stalker's gunplay is just average

Post yfw you realised the Gauss cannon is the best weapon in the game. Also the plasma rifle a shit.

>being a contrarian neo-Sup Forums cunt

>summer children in charge of having taste in shooters

good single player

Snap map is smooth and well made

Multiplayer is average at best

Stalker is eh

I fucking love the assault rifle.

Makes me feel like driving steel stakes through enemies.

But you know

>Fully upgraded Chaingun

That's something else entirely

What makes it good, then?

>tfw you use siege mode for the first time.

Easily one of the best if not the best. There were some parts where I just had a big, stupid grin on my face because of how much fun I was having and how out of control shit was getting. Fucking loved it.

>tfw I can't even get past the 4th mission

UN is fucking tough, but every time I die on it is because I fucked up, which just makes the defeat so much worse.

>a good FPS




>reaction pic from a shitty eroge
>calls other people summer children

>using siege mode on Barons of Hell

How good is the chaingun fully upgraded? I completely forgot about using it because I loved the assault rifle, but in videos that tri-cannon mode with the chaingun looks fucking powerful.

Both upgrade paths (trigun and incendiary rounds) kick ass. I use if mostly for the mancubus'

Just because Infinite was shit doesn't mean the other ones were

Odds of DLC single player content? Or is snapmap the end all be all

>D44M should be a example of what people actually want
ham-fisted RPG elements, and first-person cinematics every 5 seconds?

Its a shitty cinematic shooter for brutal doom kids, dead and forgotten in a month.


The singleplayer ends on a fucking cliffhanger.
More singpleplayer stuff is fucking confirmed.

The upgrade mechanics were goat (everybody here LOVES FEAR) and the glory kills are brief, stop being such a fucking baby

I'm hoping for an Old Blood-style expansion, sort of like a "Thy Flesh Consumed" for the game.

In the sequel

>first playthrough on Ultra Violence
>get to that level when you ride on top of the tram and it stops in that drop off bay area
>enemies fucking everywhere
>shit getting ridiculous
>this starts blaring at deafening levels during the fight

Easily one of the most memorable SP experiences I've had in awhile, I know for a fact that part and many others will stay in my mind and make me want to play it again for a long time.

2 certainly was

and 1 controls like ass + secuROM

post your face when this music came on after every battle

>mfw i just can't into SoC because of the really plastic-y gunplay

ing4 >git gud

>reach tower ascent
>this starts blasting at the top

remember that pipe laying minigame in 1?


I'm gonna have to have another playthrough and actually use it this time around, then. I was using the Gauss Cannon most of the time to take of Mancubus' but it was a total waste of ammo when I needed it bad for Barons or Cyber Mancubus'.

>The upgrade mechanics were goat
Fuck no. That cancer needs to be cut off of FPS genre once and for all. ESPECIALLY from fucking DOOM games.
>(everybody here LOVES FEAR)
what has that to do with anything? FEAR didn't have upgrade / level up features.

>glory kills are brief
every single nu-Doom shill repeats this same mantra.

No, they are not "brief" when you repeat the same shit hundreds of times throughout the whole game. And don't even joke about them being """optional""", as the whole loot economy of the game is chained to GKs, totally eliminating item management and good chunk of the reason people actually looked for secrets in originals.

git gud, and git better gear. The starting guns are literal pea-shooters with no reach or accuracy.

Shit will become cash once you get a rifle + scope.

starts at 8:50

lol did you even play fear lol

you can turn glory kills off m8

Get a load of this tryhard moron.

>he didnt upgrade his reflex in FEAR

I already played the pre-release DEMO back in the days, and purchased the full game day 1. So take a wild guess.

No, you cannot.
Jesus christ people, either half of you morons are LITERALLY Zenimax shills, or have NOT PLAYED THE GAME.

You can ONLY disable the GLOW EFFECT that signals Glory Kill being possible. That's all!


totally different sort of system, needs to be earned by finding secrets, and even then they are totally optional.

Meanwhile, D44M doesn't allow you to even move at decent speed, deal proper damage, or even carry more than some 20 shots at once, unless you spend hours in the goddamn upgrade menus.

Why is there always one autist going off on a fucking tirade about glory kills?

They could have been disastrous, yes, but they were implemented in pretty fucking good. They're there to keep you constantly in the fight, nothing more, and they do the job damn well. I don't really see what there is to complain about in a game like DOOM where you HAVE to be in an enemies face all the fucking time.

>Fuck no. That cancer needs to be cut off of FPS genre once and for all. ESPECIALLY from fucking DOOM games.
Once again, could've been disastrous but it wasn't and was implemented very well. There is still an incentive to find secrets because they give you collectibles on top of health/armor/ammo pickups. Also, who the fuck uses that as their main incentive for secrets anyway? I want to find secrets regardless of what it is.

Doom is dogshit

am I the only one here who fucking LOVES the new Plasma Rifle? Jesus Christ that heat exhaust upgrade is fucking incredible how it just destroys EVERYTHING

There was also F.E.A.R When it came to graphics
>tfw being 9 and everything was still possible and i had awesome doctor
>tfw these days only a shadow of formerself, with no bro as fuck of an doctor that approved my vidya

Greentexted the wrong thing, but I'm sure you get what I was talking about.

Same here, man. Even without upgrades the Plasma Rifle was a fucking monster, but it ripped through ammo so goddamn fast.

>They won't allow access to the Well without a fight, but I'm sure that's exactly what you're lookng for, isn't it?

There is more than one autist disliking those shitty glory kills, along with all the other mini cutscene bullshit being thrown in your face every 5 seconds.

>That cancer needs to be cut off of FPS genre once and for all.
>Deus Ex
>inb4 Deus Ex is shit
Light RPG elements go along well in FPS games.

The stun grenade makes pinkies so much easier to deal with.

DE was pretty shit, and not exactly a shooter either.

Not everything in first-person perspective is a shooter. And games like DOOM do not benefit one bit of pointless upgrade systems; that's just lazy ass devs trying to both appeal to way too wide audiences, and not wanting to actually design a properly balanced arsenal and enemy set

I love it when contrarian "no-fun-allowed" pseudo old-fags are sperging out.
Keep at it, bruh

Deus Ex is not a shooter.

So did doomguy just literally shut down hell for good now?

You could not be more fucking over-dramatic if you tried.

>deus ex

but Moot said summer was a meme!