>best JRPG dungeon crawler of the decade releases
>no one's talking about it
Why aren't you playing GOAT right now Sup Forums?
>best JRPG dungeon crawler of the decade releases
>no one's talking about it
Why aren't you playing GOAT right now Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you really too homosexual to enjoy a good JRPG crawler?
>27,74€ after 25% discount
lol no. too expensive
Can you really put a price on this artstyle though?
And yes, I'm coming across as the worlds biggest shill, but I really enjoyed this game, and so might other people.
He cannot keep getting away with it, user.
Also the game's out on Steam.
Don't know why I didn't open with that.
Because for 1.
NiS censored like they do all there games. And any game thats censored, I choose not to support there company anymore.
2. Its only for the vita.
The announcement of an enhanced version from month ago doesn't help selling this one.
And we're always complaining that JRPGs aren't hard enough.
You won't have that problem here.
Except that it isn't though store.steampowered.com
Its not only for vita ...
So you can create your party on this one or you pick from a list of classes/chracters?
>Can't even be bothered to do character animations.
>Literally just pretty pictures and numbers bouncing up and down
Literally the cancer that is ruining JRPGs
Create party.
>$33 canuckbucks on Steam
Dunno, is it better than Demon Gaze?
Is there a download for it yet?
>deep as fuck
>beautiful and visually unique
>incredibly hard
You don't know what you're talking about. Go watch a movie if you want pretty visuals.
I don't play games without animation.
I tried Elminage Gothic but bounced off it because I was too casual for the super random mazes in which you couldn't orientate visually at all. Is this game better?
I'll play it user
When my torrents are done
I thought so, but I didn't like Demon Gaze all that much.
i think i will pass desu
>if games don't have my desired level of animation, they're bad!
Fuck off.
Sure, why not. I'm a sucker for this kinda shit.
It's fun.
Be careful user, I played it back in the day and it was dangerously close to entertaining.
Are classes gender-locked?
This is literally the most important thing.
>$40 canadian tire bucks
>only review available tagged "received for free"
Does it look like this in game?
Or is it hella simplified in comparison?
If it looks like this I'd play it.
Nope. Both genders can be any class.
$30 dollarydoodlers
I really want to play it but I just bought the odin sphere CE/
It's been out for an hour.
Yes. See:
I can't believe people actually like the other style.
That's a sweet webm though.
>dungeon crawlers
How can you NOT enjoy dungeon crawlers? They're gameplay in it's rawest form.
Hunting and killing bigger prey is like an instinct.
he didn't say they were bad, he said he didn't play them
I can't believe you like pouty faces.
So, your implication is that he plays bad games?
You should play a MMO if you want to grind just for killing bigger shit.
But I'm socially retarded, even for MMO players.
no seriously. what's so appealing about straightedged jaws and off center lips? meh, to each their own I guess. I just hate cynical pandering to something that's perceived as being popular. not the right way to go about it. not everything needs to look the same. seems like so many artists now are using the lazy excuse "muh arstyle" to cover the fact they're mediocre artists.
Except in MMOs you get to make one hero and hope that everyone else is doing as good of a job as you.
Here you customize many and the hunt lives and dies on your tactical skill.
I really wish they gave us Demon Gaze or Ray Gigant too, Stranger is too much for me, the only dungeon crawler I finished was Persona 1.
Is this game actually good ? i kinda want to get it.
Agreed. Hope it's in the tubes.
Like, this is the third floor of THE FIRST DUNGEON. You can't navigate that shit without constantly looking at a map and opening the map costs uses from a consumable item.
The SECOND DUNGEON has a 3x2 secret room you have to find to progress in the game. The only way to find it is to either have a Thief in your party and succeed at a luck check when passing by or clicking EVERY WALL IN THE DUNGEON where you suspect a secret room might be at.
Are Stranger's dungeons less batshit insane?
I'm having fun with it. Never thought I'd see a thread about it on Sup Forums though.
It's a hard game though and I've found my decision making is alpha and omega on how a fight goes down.
I beat it back in the day and yeah, it's amazing.
Does this game automap?
I gave up on EO cause I'm not autistic enough to manually draw my map
So what's a good party?
I really don't want to wait for the inevitable restart
I got to the 4th dungeon back before the PC release and I've never experienced anything as cryptic as what you describe about the second dungeon of EG.
That shit doesn't sound too fun.
Is this weebtrash that people with no standards like, or is it a good game? Said weebs need not reply.
>too expensive for a game that's already obsolete
>no one has posted funny portaits to use for this game yet
Damn it you guys always let me down
>walk through corridors, fight random encounters and try not to die
Is this all dungeon crawling games are? I was kind of hoping for more.
Depends a bit on what you enjoy.
It's not a very weeb game, though it does have anime art-style.
Personally I just play because the monsters look cool, the combat is fun, and the composition of your party and the way they're build is all on you.
I like it a lot and I usually hate weebshit. Can't say if you will though.
Source? that's some god-tier animation
>game genre is literally called dungeon crawler
>expecting anything other than crawling through dungeons
Waiting for the torrent.
I'll wait for a torrent and try it out.
Any solid details on the director's cut version that was recently announced or whatever?
>Literally the filename
Not that guy, but I've played Demon Gaze and a lot of similar games on 3DS. I feel like once you've played one or two, you've played them all.
Filename, son.
So how long is it? How much of it is randomized? Are there lots of skills/spells?
I end up masturbating to the females in the game.
Elminage original is way better
Do we know how much NISA have fucked with this yet?
I keep seeing that "changes have been made" and other bullshit, but nothing specific.
>how long
40 hours for me and I didn't get all the way through it.
>lots of skills/spells
>Publisher: NIS America, Inc.
This, I want to know exactly what they changed before I even glance at it.
>no torrent yet
Better work on some transparencies in the meantime
Waiting for the torrent
Late response but I'm just saying, it's not really fair to say a game has quality art if there isn't any animation for the artists to worry about. It's kind of a cheap copout. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying those character profiles don't look pretty, but they look pretty because the artists only had to draw them one time.
Can you make some cartoon ones?
i want to know this too
Huh? I thought this would be the xbone version which was published by experience themselves.
>no torrent
Time to play the waiting game.
I was looking for a good Dungeon Crawler.
My only question is, can you play as a grizzled warrior?
I'm a bit worried that due to its being a Jap game I will need to be a faggot or a loli.
How's the story?
Custom portraits are available
I think all you need is a proper sized transparency
It looks good. Do I buy it now or hope the Summer sale gives a better deal?
Is there a guide for how stats and class levels affect shit, really want to know some specifics, like if any stats actually affect knight interception rates, or the chance a ninja will be able to hide.
Looks interesting.
Really liked Grimrock and M&MX so I might try it.
Grimrock is based upon Dungeon Hack, SoSC is based upon Wizardry, you sure as fuck better know which you want before grabbing it.
>THIRTY smackaroos
How many hours of gameplay and replayability am I gonna get out of this?
demon gaze combat wasnt that good, but I really enjoyed characters and story. Also MC gets dat dragon pusssaaay
>drawing map
Nigga that's half of the fun.
3 diffrent alignment endings at least, and all your time is gonna be spent in combat and wandering dungeons, getting a chunk of story every several hours, probably 60 hours minimum first run, game has leaderboards for time trials on several things in the game.
I'll probably wait for a torrent then buy it if I like it enough. I did the same thing for DMC4:SE except I haven't even finished that fucking game yet.
Is there a plot? IS IT GOOD?
>tfw have no money
rip me i totally forgot about this
i think i remember seing ray gigant on the steam database
I bet you kill God in this one.
Have you played Operation Abyss? Because that's one of the shittest games on the Vita and it's by the same company. It also looks alarmingly similar.
Could you educate us savages on the differences between the games?
Elminage in general is one of the most impentetrable dungeon crawler series on the market, but mostly because of lazy design where there is assloads of unfielded information, like how certain skills at character creation work, or even how certain facilities in town work, like the alchemist work bench shit costs money but the game will never tell you how much it actually costs. Not even gonna go into the game requiring a certain action at points that is a specific button to investigate something despite any other time you investigate something simple accept/cancel buttons work - even on hidden walls, but not these weird occurances that shouldn't be any diffrent but are for some sloppy fucking reason.