The last game you played has been turned into a musou

The last game you played has been turned into a musou.

Is it good?

>Fallout NV

Honestly with how broken my character is, it may as well be.

>Hyrule Warriors Legends

It's nothing.jpg

... so bladestorm.

>Witcher 2
That could somehow work

>Shovel Knight

>Monster Hunter

Either the Monsters are the protagonists or I'm fucking not even gonna bother.

Dota 2 characters in a Musou would be pretty fucking cool


You're just gonna be plowing through tons of Jaggies and Preys.

I'm not sure how would this even work.

>Space Funeral

>Pokemon X

Could be pretty cool.

How would a Musou with guns be? Probably shit

And a Brachydios at every outpost. With my slow-ass gunlance.

>Fire Emblem Conquest

It just works.

>ever good

>Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle

>FE Sacred Stones
So is there any reason why there isn't a FE musou already? It would fit in perfectly.

How would you introduce flying units, though

>Persona 3
Ya know what? I'd be down for it. We already got a fighting game out of the persona series, and a rythm game. So why not have a mousu game?

Just have the flying unit hover slightly above the ground.


So... Blackrock's Morpheus vs a bunch of Hounds (D)?

>rainbow six siege

What a boring copout

>ARK: Survival Evolved

... so I'm gonna be cutting down hordes of dinosaurs with melee weapons ...

It is, but it is most likely what would happen, lets be honest here.

That's pretty much how they're portrayed in the games anyway.

Dungeon Keeper 2... actually, that might work perfectly.

Put ya guns on

No thanks. It would basically be Serious Sam.

That being said, I'd love a musou game based on Rage of Bahamut. It's a shitty mobile game but the characters (and especially character designs) are too good to waste.

>6 Double barreled flintlock pistol
>1 Missing
What the fuck?

>Doom mosou

Seems like a run of the mill slaughter map.

>Fate/stay Night

Oh fuck please


>It would basically be Serious Sam.
Sounds like fun.

Uncharted 4

It'd be meh like every other Musou game by Koei

I'd play these. No idea how Tropico would be turned into a musou

>ffxiv musou
>the WoL (you) has gone missing due to whatever and blah blah cut down waves of minions as scions and other various characters

starcraft 2 baybee

i litterally can't get enough musou

>Persona 4 Musou
could be fun


Sounds fun senpai