And it's still not out!

And it's still not out!


Other urls found in this thread:

>(e.g. a Goon is a denizen of the SA forums)
you have to go back

>Show me a game with an infinite budget and i'll show you a game that will never come out.
>-Brian Fargo

Who backet this shitty game, and why?

They never planned to release it is why. To be honest though, I wasn't entirely sure it was a scam until they released the concept for the endeavor. That was what changed my mind and made it pretty obvious that this was nothing more then a cash grab. They release ships (that you never see), get cash, release another ship (that you never see), get cash, release another ship etc. It's obvious the cycle is just designed to continue grabbing cash from space whales.
>pic related.

fuck off goon

Special Snowflake Squadron

That stream of consciousness reads like a Sup Forums post about Mighty Number 9.

>actually listening to Derek Smart

Even if you were just pretending to be retarded, you'd actually be retarded

fucking lol

five more years amirite?

>allowing whales to fork over $1000s on a game that isn't even released

why the hell is this allowed?


customer service website is offline after the incident, lol. blame goons again?

>making it illegal to be retarded
pls no.

nice meme

>people spend thousands of dollars on virtual concept art that will never be real


>furries defend this
Truly mentally ill

The idea of boarding and taking over a ship is cool. This look shitty af though. I guess it doesn't help that it's being played like this because they can't actually play the game for real.
wew lad

They're not showing up to E3 again. I wonder why?

>be sci-fi nerd
>grow up watching all kinds of shit like star trek
>always dreamed about living on a space station
>get a good job and make 6 figures
>nothing really to spend it on besides various sci-fi themed collectors items
>game comes around offering you a sci-fi space semi-mmo
>close enough
>dump tens of thousands into what is supposed to be a dream come true
>turns out it's a terribly mismanaged project that will never live up to my expectations
>can't deal with the disappointment
>go full stockholm and defend the company that scammed me

>they are still giving these hacks money

what the fuck is wrong with these people

When will you people learn not to fuck with kikestarter?

Frontier and CIG really stumbled on a jackpot with space sims, they can make shit tonnes of money releasing broken unfinished games and sci-fi nerds will eat it up I know because I still play Elite Dangerous

>they hired big names like Mark fucking Hamill, which cost tons of money to get on board
>somehow doing this makes them better able to scam people

inb4 "hurr durr hiring him means theybcan use big names to get even more funding!", as if the additional money would actually make up the cost of hiring him in the first place.

This looks so bad, the idea is cool. But it's obviously still pre alpha and i think it's not gonna change until another 2 years pass.

not illegal but at least some regulation.

the whale who put in over $40,000 thinks he invested the cash. fucking seriously?

what incentive do they have to finish the game when people keep throwing millions of dollars at them over every teaser?

That's bigger than your average AAA game budget

all that proves is they aren't totally malevolent, merely retarded though

But that's exactly what they've done though. They have yet to meet a single deadline they've set. That doesn't seem a little bit odd to you? NOT ONE.

>derek smart

>>what incentive do they have to finish the game when people keep throwing millions of dollars at them
And this is the problem with any kind of funding that gives them the money before they finish the game, including Kickstarter, EA, etc.

Because why the fuck would they do anything except the bare minimum as long as the money keeps rolling in?

>guy trades ships
Grey market trading.
>high maintenance
Complains ALL the fucking time, like right now. Shocking.
Even more annoying than high maintenance. Big fucking surprise.

>buyer's remorse

>massive marketing boost
>get to work with sci-fi stars all day instead of responding to "snowflakes" on the forum
Seems like a scam to me

I feel bad for you guys that got legitimately conned by CR.

Translation: I complain nonstop, just like right now, to the devs. They marked me as a big fucking baby, and that makes me butthurt, and that triggered me.

Is it any surprise someone who donated $40k to look at pretend ships is a sperglord?

I'm not defending star citizen, but that faggot totally deserved those tags.

His fault for throwing away all that good money in the first place. Not a shred of sympathy from me.

I actually used to work for Airbnb as a call center fag, we used a system basically similar to this and it was basically up to the person taking the ticket to fill shit like that in, so you could have a guy marked high maintenance for LITERALLY NO REASON, or because they were the fucking worst. I'm guessing snowflake in their system is similar to whiteglove at airbnb, where rich or famous people get treated better by a special team because you don't want them to shittalk the company in public.

"I am marked high maintenance and I only requested a refund."

>they've decided that insults are good business policy
That's retarded.

What the fuck
Why is there a trading reddit forum for a game that isn't even out?

>pay 40k to someone so they do a job
>they are doing a shit job so remind them to do better since you invested FOURTY THOUSAND DOLLARS in their venture
>they make fun of you for it

in literally no other industry would shit like this fly

the guy was retarded for paying 40k and still giving them money but this is some really shitty business going on

Scam Citizen is a cult

>has become

It's what it was like from the start.

They truly are the... star citizens...

It wouldn't surprise me if he started out wanting to make a game, but once he had the money he decided, "fuck it" when he realized he could continue to just milk this thing. He already got what he wanted from it, which was a fuckton of money.

'sup chris

ffs, this guy hasn't invested 40k - 40k is the total amount of money that has passed through his account as a result of his grey market trading over the years... other people pay him to buy ships, or he buys en mass during sales and resells for a small profit afterwards when the sale has ended.

This guy might have actually pledged $50 of his own money, the rest comes from other people buying into the game through him.

I am pretty sure if you invested $40k into any type of large investment concept project or similar, then made complaint after complaint that you want it finished right now because you think you're hot shit for wasting your money, you'd be mocked, regardless of industry. Privately, of course, but I'm chalking this up to CIG being incompetent as always and forgetting to set those tags as CS agent only.

He didn't "invest" anything, he's a pathetic waste of air with nothing in his life but too much money, and he's willing to pay retarded amounts of it because he dreams of being a virtual space captain when in reality he'll be flying AI controlled ships around because nobody is pathetic enough to work for a whale with all the tactical capability of a potato.

When someone is investing large sums of money with you, its generally a good idea to treat them nicely and not mock them.

>"Fans would come into the studio, and I wanted to be like 'Dude, run. Take your money and run.' I felt like I was part of a con,"

kek, how did people put money into this

>most of that $40k through grey market trading
>out of $115mil
>a "huge investment"

Oh you.

115 million is a massive investment. It makes star citizen the second most expensive game in development history. Are you fucking serious?

>reading comprehension

>we can insult small-medium investors because they're not large
Companies tend not to like attacking people giving them the same amount of money as 10,000 regular customers

I don't get why people think this is a con. I mean, shit is clearly coming together. FPS module, more ships added to the hangar regularly, combat, racing, FTL beta... thing, it's clearly being worked on. Sure, it's taking waaaaay longer than they said, but if you knew about Chris Roberts and Freelancer, you should know that's pretty much par for the course for him.

This isn't fucking reddit, you're not going to get away with your cultist shit here. 40k and 115 are huge investments into a project that has turned out nothing.

I don't understand people who say this shit seriously.

Of course it's not out. Shitting out a game on a yearly basis is pretty much solely the work of AAA-recognized devs. It's far more common for a game to take anywhere from 4-8 years to develop.

How new to video games do you have to be to not know this? Or are those yearly installments like Dark Souls and Call of Duty the only games these people play?


>he was tagged (essentially Blacklisted) in the CIG customer service dB.
> using customer information given to them, then matching it against information (e.g. a Goon is a denizen of the SA forums) they pulled elsewhere, but they were also using it to determine the level of service and attention given to backers
Good, goons don't deserve to be taken seriously

Was this that game with all the fan sprite works of bird people fucking and such? Those were cute. That was the only thing that seemed remotely interesting to me about it.


you retard they are ripping ppl off they said the game would be done last year and it isn't now they are just doing all of this shit so they can rip ppl off for more monies so chris roberts can go into space or some shit.

His point was that 40k out of 115000k isn't shit

starbound, friend

Peoples want it to fail just to have a second Tortanic

I get your point, and no one would intentionally insult their customers regardless of donation amount, but these tags happen in almost every business that keeps a log of customers. A guy further up this thread did it for AirBnB, when I worked at Blockbuster years ago we had comments for our customers. It's not meant for customers, it's necessary to keep track of people for good and bad. Again, CIG were fucking morons for making it public, but all of their tags were perfectly reasonable. If it had personal insults about them it'd be different, but those tags are totally reasonable (and a lot nicer worded than the shit we used to put for ranting soccer moms at Blockbuster).

Oh well carry on.

Speaking of, is Starbound any fun or is the fan sprite sex the only noteworthy thing about it??

Didn't that source turn out to be bullshit, though? Are you still taking it seriously?

star citizen could never be the next tortanic simply because everyone knew it was a scam before the kickstarter was finished.

I've not played it but as far as I've heard its still just the latter.

I have no bleeding idea what you or that post is trying to say. It doesn't even look like English.


>derek smart

I'm sure he's right this time!

It's ok. It's Terraria with a spacetravel gimmick and drastically less endgame

>people complain
>"High Maintenance" because it takes ressources to keep them at bay

>people complain and want to be entitled
>"Snowflakes" because they have to be taken care of even more. Probably only for 10K+ "donators"

I dodged a bullet SO much on this. Thanks Sup Forums

The company responsible for producing Star Shitizen is doing internet-forum background checks on customers and treating them differently based on the sites they frequent

CIG probably didn't do shit themselves proper but make the mistake of hiring their community team, who after a point started being hired from the forums themselves.

I mean, have you actually seen the CS team? They're all fucking obese as fuck (or maybe there's a few normal people in there, shunted to the side of the camera to fit in the WIFE OF THE HAMPLANET WITH JOB DESCRIPTION O "REPRESENTS ENTIRE COMMUNITY" BEN "LE SNICKERS" LESNICK AKA HAVE YOU GUYS HEARD ABOUT THE HOLY GOSPEL THAT IS WING COMMANDER?

Jesus fuck I understand why, it must be a pity hire, but I guess until the game comes out they can't hire a new community team to replace them. I believe the writing team is going to be expanded and effectively replace them when they start GMing the game with any luck.

>Didn't that source turn out to be bullshit, though
i'm just a passerby in this star citizen stuff. in that article i see 6 or 7 sources that seem to have corroborating stories and hopefully the journalist would do at least minimal work in verifying their sources were at least ex employees.

i mean it's either that or take roberts at his word, unless you know something i dont.

customer service ticket website showed tags intended for internal usage after some update. they include:
-grey market trader (trading of ships in reddit before the game's out)
-high maintenance (probably a high investment player or with lots of tickets in the past)
-snowlake (as in special snowflake - handle with care - vip, same as above)

it's a kickstarted game.

star drones like to say it's fake because the sources are anonymous

Nice shit post user, it's about as incomprehensible as the OP who suddenly shouts "150 MILLION!!!111!!" as if that is related to the actual event that has occurred in any way.

It's just salty derek making shit up again

Thanks for the explanation. Good on them, special people need special treatment.

>>I mean, have you actually seen the CS team?
Have you seen Archeage's CM tranny? Just GIS "Celestrata Bloodsong".

you might need to get your eyes checked/head back to 4th grade

CIG employee turnover is horrific. It wouldn't surprise me if alot of them settle into the company only to discover how little has been done and want to dis-affiliate themselves with the company as quickly as possible.

One of the sources they touted as the most legit had posted a made up ID card because SC uses generic industry standard blank RFID keys to access the office.

what regulation, nigger

I'm sure they're legally required to tell you 50 times in the EULA and elsewhere that preorders are basically donations with no obligation on the developer to deliver on time. But because nobody reads those they think it's the same as paying for a car and never getting it

This has already happened with games like Mechwarrior: Online, so it isnt the most unrealistic speculation.

Derek Smart is a complete fucking retard and anything he says should be considered fallacy simply by it exiting his stupid face hole.

Disclaimer: I have invested $0 into Star Citizen and couldn't care less if it's a scam or whatever. I hate Dr. Derek Smart MD PhD for being a litigious bastard that fucked over countless people and wasted hundreds of hours of the court's time on bullshit lawsuits, and because every single game he has ever released has been a massive pile of unplayable dogshit. Fuck him and everything about him.

Oh god why did I do what you asked me to.
Looks a little bit like my friend, scarily enough

Why do they call it blacklisting? It's practically VIP-treatment. And if someone splerges $40k on a game then he deserves the VIP treatment.

>Still not out
>not gonna show up on E3

Star citizen is at a point where no matter the result it will be disappointing and you'll see backers complaining the entire time.

>hopefully the journalist would do at least minimal work in verifying their sources
They didn't, though. That's what the whole shitstorm over that article was about. The sources contacted the "journalist", not the other way around, and used "employee badges" (for a company that claims they don't use employee badges) as evidence they were telling the truth. They were taken at their word, with little or no verification

nah they have a cult like mentality. everything their god does - is good.