Fifa 17 Reveal Trailer

>Fifa 17 Reveal Trailer

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looks good. hopefully career mode is improved upon

>Playing fifa on a fucking pc

I know pc mustard race blah blah. But the fuck, why?

>Football has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies or ethnicity.

Because of Europe. FIFA is big in Europe, PS and to a lesser extent PC are the major European platforms. Same reason why Madden isn't on PC, Americans don't game on PC.

for the same reason you'd play anything else on a PC? higher framerates, better visuals, higher resolutions etc etc. Also, if you bought a PC for general gaming, why would you not use it for Fifa?

did they again waste half their budget on all the female teams that nobody cared about in the first place?

the moment I saw that I knew that fifa16 was going to be an unfinished game and didn´t buy it

>people get excited to buy the same game they bought last year and the years before that

The people who defend EA Sports games are the same people who think all the Smash Bros games are the same when they're not. If you stuck with one FIFA game, you wouldn't be missing out at all.

>did they again waste half their budget on all the female teams that nobody cared about in the first place?

you dumb mate?Half of their budget goes to advertise, the other half is licensing everything.

They barely improve the models, players are with the same model as 5 years ago.

They just added some tits and a different face, not a biggie deal.

You need to lay off the schizofrenia pills

>playing EA games on pc

yeah i don't get it how a company can create a brand just by releasing the same game over and over again with no improvements and just relying on brand recognition alone.

They've probably left the few female teams they put in, but I doubt they've added any more. It's clear that they did that last year, in order to try and sell to more women, and I doubt it worked. The new trailer pretty clearly says "people say fifa is always the same but this time we're actually changing stuff", so they probably have actually made significant improvements.
>people say football never change
>we believe football has changed
>big splash screen at the end saying "WE'RE USING A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ENGINE NOW"
Unless they're blatantly lying, they've probably made some decent changes, so it's worth keeping an eye on.


freedom hating mudslimes detected.

But football, football never changes

>Fütbol. Fütbol nëvér chângës.

it will always be about nations ideologies or ethnicity.

PES wins again

Because you can use 4 controllers and hook it to your tv?

Need something to do between Football Manager burnouts.

>Sup Forums giving a fuck about what's probably the most cancerous game that ever existed


>be shit at fifa

How can you be shit at a game that plays itself?

Last time I played a football game was when I was literally 6 years old on psx, and I'm european. Fifa is absolute cancer because of the utterly shit fanbase and... youtubers... It's the worst fucking tumor that the videogame industry has ever encountered, make sure you kill yourself but don't forget to watch those fifa pack opening reactions on youtube

>told that American sports are shit because there are too many stoppages
>told that soccer is the beautiful game, nonstop action, tons of passion
>actually watch it
>get this

>watch a video of FIFA
>its just an hour of some dude opening packs
>1.2 million views
>click on another videos, more pack openings, 1+ million views
>another, another, another, another
>all the same story
>game must only be opening packs
how can you be shit at opening packs?


>DUDE IT PLAYS ITSELF just admit you're shit.
>it's shit because the fanbase is shit
Nice argument

So much this. Famous fifa youtubers record their retarded faces while either opening packs or just shouting at the screen whenever they score a goal. And they shout ALL the fucking TIME.
What a tumor, really.

>It's good because it can be hard to play

we really need a /facebook/ board.

Got me thinking actually. How about a football hooligan game where you lead a football firm's hooligans and lead them around the world to defeat all other football hooligans.

The campaign would be an open-world map where you lead hooligans (of your choosing so England, Poland, Russia, etc) but there would also be campaigns on cups like the World Cup or the Premiership league and stuff like that.

Police and civilians would be a constant threat and different types of hooligans could be recruited like throwers who can throw stuff well (obvious) and hooligans with bin lid shields and others with fireworks along many others.

Yay or Nay?

>"it plays itself"
>actually it has a very high skill ceiling
>that means it's shit because "it can be hard to play"
what the fuck are you even saying? Is a high skill ceiling a bad thing or a good thing? first you said it was shit because it requires no skill, then you said it's shit because it does require skill


Oh wow, he's serious about it. How sad.

this is what delusional nintendo faggots think
fifa yearly has more improvements than those dumbass nintendo games you play

omg mario has a nice suit after 10 years!!!111 omg zelda but with a new dungeon and forest!111!!

>oh wow he likes things that I don't like
>I have no argument against him, but I'm still gonna pretend to be in the right, because normies play his game

You can like whatever you want, just don't pretend this shit has depth. I've played these games before you were even born.

Is indoor stadium coming back? It was in fifa98

>links a montage with some random dude scoring goals online with some dubstep music
>"I-It means it's good, r-right?"

Alright, first I'm not 340191689 so I never said that it plays itself. Second I never said it's shit because it does or does not require skill. I said that the fact that it CAN require skill does not necessarily mean it's good. Reading comprehension? Oh my god, I can't believe I am seriously arguing on Sup Forums with a 13 year old that is subscribed to KSI and other tumors like him.

You could also incorporate the home turfs by having hooligans of a specific team hiding in the buildings, and if you're for the away team, you would naturally have a disadvantage in numbers, so you would have to conserve your forces by avoiding those high-threat areas.

You could incorporate alcohol as a power up somehow, and you could have units that could pose as opposing hooligans and get intel as to where the enemies are hiding.

Fuck mate, this sounds like it could be a fun RTS. All you have to do is incorporate the completely erratic behavior of real hooligans and it could be something really cool.

>no more messi on the front

pretty sad desu, now to wait for the next messi

I hate to post about a game series being to samey BUT THIS IS LITERALLY THE SAME GAME EVERY YEAR.
>60$ +

'ok' continue to play the 'new' zelda or new super mario bros kiddo, those are literally the same games, not even expansion packs, just reseeding of the maps.

It's not exactly the same though since the players might play for another team, new teams in cups and such.

but yeah I do get your point

also im not defending this shit, just saying.

>don't pretend it has depth
but if you're good enough, it's possible to make your way through entire teams with just 1 man, and completely outplay opponents. It doesn't have an insane skill ceiling like a fighting game are any real "e-sport", but the better player will win every match, because it does have a decent amount of depth.
it was who said it plays itself so I responded to him, showing that the game has a high enough skill ceiling that the better player will win every match.
>the fact that it CAN require skill does not necessarily mean it's good
you DO require more skill than your opponent in order to beat him. If you want to argue that being a competitive game doesn't make it good, then that's an argument against pretty much every competitive multiplayer game ever made, rather than just Fifa.
>dude you must be 13 and subscribed to KSI because you disagree with me
I'm pretty sure you're just baiting at this point.

Yes, precisely, it would be the more extreme version of FIFA.

In terms of alcohol, it would increase attack but give unreliable and then uncontrollable as the alcohol takes control effectively making them alcoholic berzerkers.

You could fight teams at home (so if Manchester United as an example, fight against Leeds, Blackburn, etc) to take their territory or to gain experience. Fights could be organised with other firms and teams to give experience for certain units.

Random events would happen (increase in travel prices, upcoming world cup, undercover police, football player gets sent off causing pitch invasion) that could change how you play and certain factions would gain traits (Rangers and Celtic really hate each other, England has the 'English disease' making travelling harder and increase in police surveillance).

I personally think only Rockstar could pull this off and could be their first strategy game.

>get fucked into the ass left and right
top kek kiddo


Frostbite can be prett down to earth and scales down pretty well, see Battlefront.
Besides that, Ignite already pushed the specs prett high as it is so i doubt Frostbite will change much but into the better direction thanks to beign a actual well running engine

Do you even think before posting?
>links a video that is supposed to show how hard the game is as an argument against the fact that it's easy
>some dude scoring goals online against randoms

>I'm pretty sure you're just baiting at this point.
Like 95% of fifa's fanbase is 13 year olds... I wonder why...

You play fifa on a coach with a friend, this is shit on pc

fifa on PC honestly does run on anything. Fifa 15 ran maxed on my 650Ti at 120+fps. I know that frostbyte runs very well for what it is, but it will still shut out a fairly high number of 140 ping BRs with laptops
someone claimed that the game plays itself, so I posted a video showing that it clearly rewards the more skilled player. I wasn't showing that the game is "hard", you can play it just fine if you're awful, but you will get stomped by the oldfags online who have been playing every year since around 1996, because the game has a fairly high skill ceiling.
A significant majority of players do nothing but Ultimate Team, which unless you wanna do 2 people on 1 team and put yourself at a significant advantage, is played solo, meaning that it should be played on PC

>About halfway through the game, the hooligans realise that they must put aside their difference and team up to kick the Muslamics out of Europe

Sign me up desu senpai

This sounds pretty good, and to expand upon the espionage element, everyone has the Internet as a source of limitless information, except that the hooligans for some teams, i.e. African ones, wouldn't know how to use it, therefore they would have to be taught.

This ties in with your idea about hooligan traits. This leaves them with less intel at their disposal, but also keeps them off the radar for longer, as the news would have to report on them in order for their shenanigans to be discovered. Teaching them how to use the Internet would reverse this.

In general, inclusion of the Internet would lead to an information war of sorts, where you have resources to help you plan tactics, with others having the same resources, along with the caveat of having to keep leakage of info to the opposition, i.e. through social media, on the down low in order to optimize chances for success.

>I posted a video showing that it clearly rewards the more skilled player.

How so? As I said 3 times already, it's a dude scoring goals online.

>I wasn't showing that the game is "hard", you can play it just fine if you're awful, but you will get stomped by the oldfags online

You mean like literally every PvP game in existence?

>it's a dude scoring goals online
It's a dude outplaying his opponent, completely tearing apart entire defences with 1 man.
>you mean like every pvp game in existence
no, I mean like every GOOD pvp game in existence. No matter how good you are at a first person shooter, you will often die to someone who spawns in the right place to get behind you, despite being worse. In fifa, you can only win if you are the better player

Yes, more good ideas, fighting and taking territory gets you resources and respect but also gains attention from police and civilians. Members can be arrested and can get banned from travelling so you have to be low-key at some times.

If the violence gets really bad, then bans on whole fans and teams can happen, increased security, even shutting down whole football tournaments.

For African teams, the would give them low internet access and very little respect at the start but recruitment would be high (high poverty leads to high crime) and great speed and agility. They would also be great in warmer countries giving them an advantage there.

The social media could also be used for easy recruitment and shaming tactics to bait teams into fighting and making their situation worse with more police attention.

Are we seriously still arguing about the whole "competitive" bullshit? "Hard" or "competetive" however you wanna call it does not mean "good fun game". I'm sure you're not going to deny the following facts
>fanbase is essentially kids and huge normalfags
>fifa youtubers are tumors and they have a huge impact on said fanbase
>game is published by the jews at EA selling their cancerous opening packs

Come on dude just admit that the game as a whole is cancer. Better competitive games are elsewhere and you just happen to like this steaming pile of shite.

16 was fucking garbage, hope they fix it

It could work well in a Mountain Blade mod

>"it doesn't matter how deep or competitive the game is, you won't be able to deny the following"
>"fanbase is bad, fifa youtubers are bad, game is published by EA"
while those three things are all true, they have no influence over the quality of the game itself.

>i have never played fifa

better talks here, the nintoddlers should go on play mario 8234998394 or whatever the fuck they play on their ipads these days


FIFA and other sports games are basically the only reason I own a next gen console, so I can play it when I have mates round

Is this real?

Football may have changed, but hazard is still fucking shit

Who Sup Forums here and what team do you support

>Linking a mediocre montage

Try this, blew my fucking mind when I used to play FIFA

>play it first on xbox one

me and Chelsea
Seems like EA signed some kind of deal with Hazard, and they used him in this trailer to get their moneys worth
I remember this one being good, even if just for decent editing

Blunderland but I don't play fifa

The only sports game I follow is PES for the 4CC.

Since it's really easy to create a social media account, another element each team could have is the ability to create fake accounts for the purposes of false flagging not only enemy hooligans, but also the organizations themselves. For example, say you want to take down or cripple a certain team, say a German one, who is currently playing a game very important to their league standings against another AI team, say the French. You could false flag as the hooligans for the French team, and harass the German team members non stop. After a while, the harassment would reach a point where the German team leaves in a panic if they are the away team, taking their hooligans with them, or if they are the home team, retaliate against the French and enable you to finish them off. You could pretty much stop the opposition's important games with social media or a bomb threat, and change the behavior of the hooligans as a result.

Another idea, you could implement bandwagoning by getting free hooligans from a neutral pool of people, who leave if your team loses a lot, so stopping games has another tactical benefit.

Also, don't forget the banter!

Rangers, they are back in the Scottish Prem now so will actually be in the game again, exciting times

Why does the ball feel like a balloon in FIFA? PES has begun to suffer from that too. It's like there's no weight in the ball. The year is 2016 and they still can't make it behave like an actual ball (game).

There's more difference between each level of New Super Mario Bros than there is between each entry of FIFA.

>Using a bunch of nobodies to advertise the game

>sports games

They were big players. Keyword were.

Mon the motherwell! were going to fuck you again on the 16th of next month in the Scottish cup bud just you wait lol.

Ca-Can i play it offline? I don't have friends.

>Implying we won't get the old version for PC

They always do this.

You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

Go away EA, nobody cares


This, it's impossible to not be underage and not be a complete normie and still like fifa.

If you're underage there's a very big chance you'll like it. Same thing if you're a dirty normie. Fanbase is always both

You can hook a gamepad on a PC ... you fucking retard. It's also cheaper to buy the game for PC

>5th place are gonna fuck us