Why do people hate sony?
>one of the biggest no direct X users
>sound competition in the console space
>the least disruptive of the big 3 when it comes to 3rd party deals
Why do people hate sony?
>one of the biggest no direct X users
>sound competition in the console space
>the least disruptive of the big 3 when it comes to 3rd party deals
Because are smug
Sand generic
>No Ape Escape 4
There, now delete this thread
I don't hate Sony, I hate its arrogant fanbase.
>Inb4 Ape escape 4 at E3
It's so called "arrogant fanbase" is represented by shitposters acting as Sony fans and shitting up any thread they can. Which seemingly these shitposters concentrate mostly on acting as Sonyggers.
hate tends to come from jelousy
Normal people love Sony. Only Nintendrone infested Sup Forums hates them and the odd MS shill.
One one hand you have a bunch of assholes that lie to your face, that charge you for every last thing but tell you that it's a good thing they do, then brag about nothing at every event they do. On the other hand you have their fanbase which are the biggest load of salty as fuck crybaby shitposters on vidya based internet and as long as Sony exists, so will they.
Sony gave me the PS1 and 2 so I can't hate them, but I dislike them strongly post PS2.
Sony marketing is back in full swing, just in time for E3
Can't wait to see the magnitude of damage control this year
It's all falseflaggers. It's so easy to piss people off using Sony games it's not even funny. You fuckers just need to quit being niggers.
Can't wait when the only sticky we get on Sup Forums is the Nintendo Zelda showing while Sony's E3 goes largely ignored on Sup Forums while Nintendrones whine that Sony shills too much.
They only have one good exclusive to their console, otherwise they are just a Netflix / blue ray machine.
Clearly you've never been to the PS4 gaming part of Youtube. I don't know how many people on Sup Forums are actually this obnoxious about Sony or "merely pretending," but the Sonygger stereotype is very, very real.
Planned obsolescence in the PS2 and PSP is the most immoral business practice I have ever heard of.
Think about it.
Every human being has an obligation to make the world a better place, and yet Sony design their consoles with deliberate timed defects so that they break down. Essentially, taking the money from their customers with one hand while stabbing them in the back with the other.
This is the console to end all Sup Forums shitposting.
I don't hate Sony per-sé I hate what it breeds
An obnoxious fanbase
Some extremly obnoxious Studies fucking ND acts like if they where hot shit everytime they open their fucking mouth
I have a PS4 but I don't like to be lumped with anything Sony realted,
PS3 was 599 use dollars and I was a broke college kid with entitlements.
But the Nintendrone sterotype isn't? This whole board has become a Nintendrone dumping ground, going as far to only sticky Nintendo shit while actively ignoring Sony news.
Console warriors aren't reasonable.
Also, have friendly contracts and even provide tools for thirds parties to port to PC.
Charging money for playing video games online.
People will somehow defend this.
>B-but Nintendo!
And how are they any different from Microsoft and Nintendo?
Sony has done more good for third-parties in the past decade than any other platform holder. Save maybe Valve for offering third-parties a decent way to sell games digitally on PC.
Aren't the specs garbage though? I think the Chinese version of the Steam machine running Windows looks fun though.
I don't hate sony though, I really like my ps3.
It's nice to go back and play all of the RPGs and stuff I missed last gen.
I find it funny how you single out Sonyggers on a board notorious for intense Nintendo cocksucking.
This is the exact moment Sup Forums died.
newfag here, but is that for real. Like did that actually happen?
I can't believe that.
>I don't hate Sony, I hate its arrogance.
Fixed, because it applies to the company more so than just the fanbase.
Remember, this is a company that lost people's credit card information and lied about what happened, stripped advertised features out of their systems that eventually led to lawsuits, started charging for online play after years of trashing Xbox for doing the exact same thing, and practically invented the "no gaems" meme because of an extremely slow release schedule and a focus on "cinematic experiences". And yet despite all this, they perpetually have the audacity to act superior to its competitors. At least Nintendo and other companies have been known to apologize for their mistakes, even if they never actually learn from them.
It's the smugness that absolutely kills it for me in the end. I still enjoy what they've put out during the PS1 and PS2 era, but their success in those generations definitely went to their heads and I have yet to see them even slightly grounded in reality since the PS3.
why were these austists thanking Nintendo. what was the occasion?
what the fuck is that
Treehouse was advertising games during E3. This prompted hundreds of Sup Forumsirgin autists to make thank you pictures to Nintendo employees for doing their jobs. It's so embarrassing and out of character for a board that is supposed to be indifferent to this shit. And yet the Nintendrones decided that Sup Forums was a better fit as a full on Nintendo cocksucking board.
>Nintendo apologize for their mistakes
Funny I've yet seen Nintendo apologize for shit this gen. Despite so many failures and premature console deaths.
>Acting as Sony fans
You guys wish. There are websites that the people (with named accounts) actively went around demanding reviews be removed that weren't 10/10s for Uncharted 4. These people are daily posters. No, the internet fanbase of Sony is 100% represented accurately.
It really did happen. People tried to get one started before the Nintendo conference a year later as well, and thankfully people shot it down.
>PCucks literally call themselves PC master race
Top kek
I swear if I can get away with murdering you PCucks I will fucking do it.
>mfw seeing Treehouse have Sup Forums turn against their personal shilling board
Sup Forums actually did one thing right for once completely throwing Treehouse under the bus after censoring the fuck out of every single fucking Jap game coming.
it's sort of crazy that Sup Forums actually put it together and got it posted, but it's fucking nuts that Nintendo personnel actually posed with outside their headquarters.
One employee of whom was later smeared and drummed out of the business likely by the same fucking spergs.
Monopolistic media dominating globalist shitbags
Lousy product to boot
Never had a problem with Sony. Although this whole PS4 neo shit is making me somewhat pissed.
They are all just butthurt former nintendo xbox fanboys. That's all there is to the sony hate.
>>>the least disruptive of the big 3 when it comes to 3rd party deals
I'm guessing most of Sup Forums consists of NEETs whose parents bought them an N64 instead of a PlayStation and they became Nintenyearolds ever since.
All console gaming is cancer.
Sony marketers are everywhere, pretending to be consumers and bashing on the competition. They use the same tactics as Samsung does for marketing.
>Nintendo out of nowhere
Why ? If someone says something bad about Sony, then is a nintenyearsold ?
I love Sony.
>One salty guy spent all that time making an anti-localisation poster.
I was alsways a huge sony-fag but the whole "PS+ mandatory for online" bullshit pisses me of.
It was a nice service before that, too - now the games that are released on it are utter trash.
Sup Forums can't be considered reliable and impartial after blatantly sucking Nintendo's dick for promoting games. It's like going to NeoFag and pretending it's not a Sony shill site.
It's pretty simple. PCFags pay 2000+ plus to get shitty ports of games. Sony fans pay 400 and get penultimate next gen high end gaming experiences of a lifetime. Just take a look at all the Sony first oarty games to see that.
Man it's crazy to see people mocking that image now. I remember when it happened there was a huge amount of support for it.
because everyone is a PCuck at these part and hardly anyone want to bad mouth themselves
Xbox fanboys are pretty much nonexistence in Sup Forums, all there left is the nintenyearold. Considering the pathetic state of nintendo consoles, these nintenyearold are pretty much the PCucks.
>Capitalized off Microshits own incompetence and pushed for PSN Plus
Thank god I avoided consoles this generation Sony's entire E3 for PS4 consisted of "We aren't microsoft buy our shit" and the people bought into it despite both consoles being nearly identical.
Sonyggers, PCFats, Nintoddlers and Microshits are ruining this board.
most of those people your talking about likely moved on from Nintendo to PC or playstation from my experience.
literally all the negative shit you listed is the Japanese Sony, their corporate culture is literally shit.
US Sony and Playstation US are sane. Good thing they moved most of the PS4 development to the US and hopefully continue doing this.
It seems you have completely forgotten about all the shit microsoft intended to do before they start backpedaling super hard. People were super pissed about xbone, PS4 not having any of that bullshit was great news
Do you look around the internet looking for things to be mad about for no reason? All the consoles have stupid shitty people as fanboys, but there are Sony fans who just want to keep it to themselves without bothering anyone or being bothered. Look at the threads for the niche weeb games.
And people forget EA and Square were pushing it, and I guarantee Sony was on board and swicthed, since both needed a day one patch to work. At least M$ have tried to make up for the bullshit with neat little features and back compat. Sony have just gotten worse.
>And people forget EA and Square were pushing it,
What? So, microsoft are the little nerd bullied by EA and SE into doing it?
>and I guarantee Sony was on board and swicthed
So they get no credit for not going through with it at all.
>Sony have just gotten worse.
How so? Online fee? Xbox fanbois are the one who normalized it and most playstation owner don't have a problem with it. I would hate to pay for online but majority rules.
Get a fucking life you miserable cunt. Grow the fuck up and actually read about how fucked up some of these large corporations get and sony is no where as terrible. Don't even bother trying to rationalize your petty hatred. If you decide to hate a company for their practice but you don't hate companies with worse practice, this is clearly personal.
>that pic
Nintendo didn't shut the servers down, Gamespy owned all the servers and they went under.
I'll tell you why people hate Sony:
-Aside from being liars who backpeddle and abuse dev's for the sake of gunpoint exclusives
-Record winners of the hardware hot-potato syndrome; Sony love to copy the latest technology, hijack the publicity, buy it out to stop other people using it or make it suck in order to kill the competition -then promptly abandon it.
Examples of this include webcam games, 3D TV's, blocking Blu-Ray on Xbox 360, other peripherals and gadgets, handhelds and now VR.
-They don't look after their customers vital data securely, having been caught on multiple occasions transmitting bank details unencrypted in a way that has been intercepted.
-They took away peoples control of the linux base on the PS3 when they saw people use homebrews to slip out of their money-grabbing advertisement based OS.
-they buy out reviews and journalists, paying them to spread grossly exaggerated hype and misinformation
-each exclusive and hardware iteration claims to make PC's redundant, then fails to deliver
-each hardware iteration has taken away more of your control and more of your money
-Sony directly responsible for the nonsense about "cinematic" 30FPS being a deliberate design choice
-backpeddling from the initial hype upon the PS4's launch regarding DDR4 RAM, 60FPS etc etc and now suddenly encouraging their audience to believe that doesnt matter
-caught multiple times exaggerating the shit out of their exclusives
-Their smug and childish post-xbone tragedy advertising "we aren't microsoft, we aren't spying"
god im tired theres so many things
>This pasta
>this image again
Do you have a life outside of 4gag?
They've really, really gone downhill and taken their audience with them- whipping them into hysterical marketeers along the way.
Nintendo is totally blameless for leaving their entire online infrastructure to a third party, yep. Keeping that shit managed in-house? What do you think Nintendo is, a multinational company with a buttload of money in the bank?