We literally owe all modern PC game related to him
How much do you love this gentle giant and why?
Mostly vidya reasons please
We literally owe all modern PC game related to him
How much do you love this gentle giant and why?
Mostly vidya reasons please
>PC gaming has become a lumbering festering behemoth that should've died so something better could take it's place
Thank you Gabe.
Time to fire up Team Fortress and play nice matches.
>owe him anything
please, valve saw an opportunity to build a monopoly and took it. Now everyone plays into their hand with brand loyalty and hate EA and Ubisoft for their endeavours to be more independent. Ubisoft is still Valves bitch and release on their system.
>what is free market capitalism
>i am a communist loser
Is Tripwire connected to Valve and Gaben? Seems to have a lot of good games closely related to steam
>pic related
Like it should be. Do you actually prefer uPlay over Steam?
for enabling jew (it's totally not gambling guise) crates?
for making online drm socially acceptable?
for completing a decade of leaving half life unfinished?
for hyping up a shitty console/pc thingy, a shitty controller and a horrible excuse for an OS, all of which utterly failed?
Gaben was based one day, he's not anymore.
You have to be better to replace PC
>Checkmate, cockfag
Valve pushed paid mods, we don't owe them anything.
Yaiaiiiiiiiiiiiiii vidya from steam is the best origin suck.
No one care about console
Not at all since GabeN is just a business man at this point and doesn't give a shit about video games.
Valve isn't working on any video games except DOTA2 which isn't even their own creation. All they do now is sell hats to people and try to find ways to jew people out of their money (see modding scandal last year, DOTA2 pay2win custom games, etc.)
>You either die a hero or you live long enough you become the villain
Gabe doesn't see himself as the villain though, he still thinks he's the hero.
Tripwire is absolute trash
Why won't you give me your phone number sempai?
That game isn't even released yet though.
Tripwire was pretty based at one point but KF2 showed a bad side of them.
RS2 might redeem them but its not even being made from the actual TW devs, its being made by a mod team mostly.
Actually Origin is pretty pro-consumer, they do a lot of things better than Steam. It's still EA but it's worth nothing that Origin by itself is a competent service.
I'd say
GOG>Steam=Origin>Everything else>Uplay>>>Windows Store
I know you guys are young and all but PC games were thriving alive and well loooong before Gabe came along.
Christ is windows store worse than Uplay? How bad did they even fuck up?
They have a close relationship since TWI releases all their stuff on Steam and their games use Steamworks, and they've done some cross-promotions with TF2 hats and such, but they are separately owned companies.
I love Gaben, we also both have the same favorite game
>the control is pretty much unrivaled
SM64 is a masterpiece of level design, but the controls are absolute dogshit.
in other words, you suck at it, so = bad
Because as bad as Ubisoft's DRm schemes are, when you buy an Ubisoft PC game you're still buying a PC game. It has an .exe, and valid DX hooks for programs to manipulate. Windows 10 games aren't PC games, they're apps. They're more comparable to mobile games or console games than traditional PC games. You're getting a crippled product worse than any other possible digital store.
>has jewish looking nose
>went to (((Harvard)))
Wait is Gaben Jewish?
I 120 starred it, a thing you probably didn't do. Considering all you can do to prove your point is post speedruns made by people who literally spent thousands of hours getting mechanically attuned to it, I'll guess all you do is watch other people play it.
The N64 analog controls are extremly imprecise, and in the case of SM64 in particular, there is little consistency in how Mario will move when tilting the stick behind him. This becomes aggravating when having to do precise movements on narrow ledges. Banjo-Kazooie has a similar problem, but in that game ledge are generally wider, and it has L and R for fine camera tuning. SM64 has no fine camera tuning and relies entirely on the clunky fixed camera angles with the C-buttons. Camera, no less, that will keep adjusting on its own whenever it feels likes it, screwing up your analog direction.
So no, I don't suck at it, and yes, it's bad.
RS1 and RO2 are some of the best fps games I have played in recent history so I trust RS2 to follow that path