Mfw Star Fox Zero failed

>mfw Star Fox Zero failed

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Star Fox Zero Sales

I just don't understand why it's so hard for them to just make Star Fox 64 2. Every time they do a bunch of stupid shit and every time the feedback in the same.

I get that the big cheese visionaries or whatever might not want to make a rehash of a nearly 20 year old game but it can't be that hard to set aside a small team to work on a downloadable £15 title that is basically just a Star Fox 64 level pack with current visuals.

Star Fox Zero Ideas

>a game that belongs to an outdated as fuck genre doesn't impress anymore
Next time you'll act surprised when a MUD game flops

Nintendo is probably never gonna release Melee HD. Why would they bother with a game that sold even less?

I thought it was a pretty decent game.

I just don't get why they're so content to rehash every other franchise they have but insist on constantly fucking Star Fox up when it's the one franchise they have that actually needs a rehash more than anything else.

It is.

It's just lacking in 2-3 more levels and an honest-to-god multiplayer mode. If it had those it would've fared better.

The controls were the LEAST of the game's problems. Retards blew it way the fuck out of proportion and it became a meme and the "lel bad controls" meme killed the game. Sad.

Because Miyamoto can't understand what people are looking for when they want a sequel. That's what happens when you have been in the industry as long as he has and you're surrounded by people who are afraid of correcting you.

It didn't really fail

It still is a properly made Star Fox game by fundements

Aka it knows what a star fox game is

There were a lot of improvements to the formula especially all range mode

All it needs now is a sequel with a non-repeat story and more control options, because shitposting, the gyro is still a good aiming system and works when your not a bitch

Maybe fix it a bit so people can stop having panic attacks about it or give multiple options

My point is, it is far from dead, just shaky step into perfection

It was a combination of that, but it was working in their favor because those defending Zero were getting severely butthurt from it that it got to the point that if you had other issues, they'd accuse you of lying and claim you only hate it for the controls. I saw a post from a guy that was so passive it was hilarious

His post had Fox really pissed off and having him bitch at the users saying "THE CONTROLS WORK PEOPLE!!!". Another guy I think made a post mocking it

Except Zero is exactly what a sequel should be

Ignore the gyro controls it is literally the best follow up to 64 to date

>Except Zero is exactly what a sequel should be
It's not even fitting of being called a sequel. It's a remake through and through, and not even a very good one.

>A proper follow up

Except no one liked it, not even journalists liked it and admit retelling the same stupid plot arc is retarded.

There are some legit complaints in that pic, like the lack of an expert mode, branching paths, and no final Andross form, but most of it is faggotnerd filler with a Mandark voice complaining about the littlest shit.

The game was garbage but it did set the stepping stones for a good game so I wouldn't say it failed

A sequel with more creativity, more control options, multiplayer for fucks sake and an overal longer game will make it perfect

Star Fox Zero's short campaign wouldn't be a problem if the game was set up with mutliple playthroughs for the secret levels that the game does have quite a bit of

Except the level select system kills the entire point of it

If your going to have a level select system, don't fucking bother, just make the game longer cause it kills the point of replaying the whole game, there is no synergy with having both of these, it just makes an already short game even shorter

It actually does work

>Deluded fags think your allies are deep and important in some way
>Zero blows that right the fuck out as they're all useless, to be fair they werent as helpful in 64 either except for Slippy
>The interviews really did claim that the portals were very important in the game
>Is complete bullshit, all they do is unlock a hidden boss or bonus stage, doesnt effect anything as many speculated, Fox knowing about it right at the start somehow is legitimately retarded because it makes the plot more of a mess

I've seen this before, and really thinking on it, it makes sense to why those would be mentioned.

>I just don't understand why it's so hard for them to just make Star Fox 64 2

Because it won't sell in today's market. Period. I loved 64 as much as the next guy, but making strictly a rail shooter game these days appeals to practically NOBODY except for a few niche nostalgia-stricken fans. Every other big Nintendo franchise (from Mario to Zelda to Pokemon) has dipped into other game genres either to improve the main releases or else to make decent spinoffs. We wouldn't have gotten Mario rpgs or a first-person Metroid if Nintendo didn't deviate from its formulas every so often.

Modern Star Fox could still have on-rails sections, but by now we should have fucking customizeable vehicles, some semblance of freeroaming (especially to places outside of the Lylat system), a continuing story with threats besides Andross "I'll get you next time!" the Floating Head, and a strong multiplayer community. I want to fucking see what's inside the Great Fox that was apparently bought with an 80-year loan.

You guys are comparing 2 different design approaches

That's extreme bias

64 was built on successful objectives to give you the routes and secret levels

Zero was built around coming back with new objectives that lead to new missions

Other than that I agree

But your still nitpicking little things just to force a bigger negative to cloud the positives

The game did some good shit like the action presentation and All Range mode being the best it's ever been

Again, a sequel with more creativity, control options and little fixed will make it perfect

>The game did some good shit like the action presentation and All Range mode being the best it's ever been

If by best presentation you mean press somersault to win, because that's exactly what the fuck happens throughout every fight in the entire game.

I kind of still want it, but for ~20 dollars. Is it even worth that? The price should drop with all the stories of unsold copies/copies flooding gamestop

>Krystalfags will blame the game not doing well on the fact that Krystal wasn't in it.

What do you mean? They're laughing at that.

>Purists are asshurt their game failed that they still keep coming up with excuses to defending it
>They'll ignore Splatoon or any other recent game performance for simply being popular, even though Zero is supposed to be the reimagining of a "popular" game (64)

I like Krystal

>Except the level select system kills the entire point of it

Because the game was built that way, as Miyamoto himself even wanted it to be. Even points it out.

Zero was a pick up and play shit game the minute he was involved, but I bet even if he wasnt, Nintendo EAD would've still made it shit in some way while Platinum just sits there wondering what the fuck are they doing.

To me this is almost a repeat of the Sakamoto situation with Team Ninja when making Other M. Team Ninja could've made a good game, but Sakamoto was insistent with his stupid ideas that it baffled even the newest recruits of the dev team

Haha Star fox Zero? More like more like more like more like more like more like star fafdjklfjcdjlbvlgfddl;

>Game comes out, didnt look like it was a major seller as there wasnt that many picking it up in my state, there wasnt even a midnight launch except for one location
>In less than a week, there's already a preowned copy and many locations

I didnt even sell my copy of Splatoon until after the final update, you know you fucked up if your game's already getting traded in that quickly.

>worst-selling Star Fox
>on worst-selling Nintendo game

I seriously doubt this will impact the series.

Should've made a new F-Zero with online multiplayer instead. Nintendo is so fucking stupid.

>Implying there were any objectives in either game
>64 at least had a justified reason for getting a new route, whereas Zero doesnt
>Implying the secret levels are good
>Implying Zero ives you new objectives when you play the same level again other than make the plot even more fanficy when you somehow encounter a Star Wolf member or a portal

>Some tried saying it's failure was because of it's timing of release, around the WiiUs end
>Yet Splatoon did phenomenally well a year before this, Hyrule Warriors even along with almost every other game that released that year

That almost did happen, but guess what dev team rejected it? Wasnt one of Nintendos teams, but I believe the Burnout dev team.

The fact that we have NOT gotten 4v4 Online Multiplayer with one team as SF and the other as SW just shows how disconnected Nintendo is

it sold worse than Wonderful 101 which unfortunately sold less than the AC amiibo shitshow or that awful Mario Tennis

>Krystal fags continue to hate on a perfectly good game
>Krystal fags still pretend that Krystal is relevant

Well no shit it failed.
Besides 64, Starfox was always a mediocre franchise.

Also nintendo's decision to have Platinum develop it was fucking retarded. Platinum isn't accustomed to making on rail shooters so why? Why not Retro Studios? Unless they're dead since I haven't heard shit from them Since Metroid Prime 3

fuck, user. I had totally forgotten that. FUUUUCK.
Burnout and F-Zero are pretty much the only racing series I care about, and Burnout 3 is the only game that ever gave me something close to the sense of speed of the F-Zero games.

They did its called Smash4

They've made one good and one amazing dk game after prime 3 retard.

except there wont be a sequel because Miyamoto thinks the problems with the game are
-Nobody cares about Star Fox anymore
-Too hard

So now that Star Fox is officially dead, can we get a bare bones F-Zero game so it finally rests in peace and the fans can fuck off and Nintendo can focus on where their true talent lies in Mario and Zelda?

Krystal DLC

Oh yeah I forgot tropical freeze.

Then there was no excuse for Nintendo to choose Platinum over Retro.

The final boss fight was Sonic Generations-levels of bad.

>those kids who never owned a GC thinking Assault was not a good game.

If Assault kept the map screen ya'lld be praising it as the best game in the series.

Is there a better Star Fox girl than Krystal?

I would consider Assault to be the second best in the starfox series. The game just felt dull. I didn't care too much for the walking segments, and the aparoids were a stupid idea for a boss.



I agree with you mostly because it wasn't all that popular with the younger audiences in the first place. It is as niche as Fire Emblem was before the whole Awakening popularity boom.


This only makes Nintendo's last year E3 presentation sadder.

All that hype and build-up only to be a mediocre experience.

I'm glad at least Iwata didn't have to witness Zero being a colossal flop.

Have you played it recently? Do you remember how shitty the Landmaster controlled? Or how boring and numerous the on foot missions were?

Star Fox Zero is by far better than Assault. One of the bosses in the game is basically one of Assault's bosses but actually fun and exciting.

Instead of Platinum, SF0 should have been developed by CAVE, as an arcade bullet hell

>Zero was built around coming back with new objectives that lead to new missions
You mean locking onto an enemy to fly through a portal or a boring search for medals?

it has 1 shit foot map
one is the aparoid base and take fucking forever to run around
the city was alright

Guys, it's time to stop. Nintendo is worst, just stop guys.. stop. There's no reason to give nintendo money, they don't have rare anymore, there won't be another goldeneye. You can stop giving them money.

Sauria was also fucking shit


Zero has no multiplayer and Assualt has GOAT multiplayer.

Zero has no new story and Assault does have a new story.

Assault wins.

Blame Shiggy

Why couldn't he die with Iwata?

Well if nobody else is gonna do it

So you liked the ground in Fichina?

It's time to stop.

find me even one game on the wii u that isn't the worst selling of it's respective franchise. The console was just DOA

i think you mean Metroid

except that retro is most likely knee deep in developing an NX game


What would you do with a pocket Krystal?

I would play with her and give her a pocket fox to snuggle with, obviously.





>less than 500K sales
>mfw Starfox is truly dead

i almost played the full tutorial but decided i didn't care enough to put up with the controller view setup.

post Krystal



There's never enough Star Fox

>inb4 otters

Otters are gay

Didn't a few anons warn this a year ago?

not the cuntboy looking ones

It wasn't exactly hard to predict

>I brame srippy

No he doesn't, Shiggy likes worst character

he doesnt like Krystal

Skippy is worst Star Fox

>Makes Command's bad writing look decent

they did that with zero and that's why its shit


If you're gonna try using that one thing, you realize that really applies to Katt

Because if nintendo tries new things, nostalgiafags will cry NOT MUH 64, but if they do stick to their roots, everyone else will cry MUH REHASH. Star Fox fans are just like Zelda fans: entitled, whiny, and divisive. They don't even know what they want anymore, and it's all because of the fanbase overrating their N64 counterparts

What do you mean?

>Fay will never ever be brought back

This world is only made for suffering

Some retarded thing he said when Nintendogs +Cats was new. It really has nothing to do with that, but some retards do, not realizing that really effects Katt

>Shiggy was put in charge of a task force to show people that the WiiU gamepad was worthwhile and SFZ and Guard were all he came up with

I don't know if that's more depressing than SFZ failing

Some people were denying it though, like "no it's totally going to do well and be GOTY" or the general "fuck off it doesnt need to change", but guess what the fuck happened?


and no Project Murdered/Melee Special Olympics/Fanfiction Melee isn't a successor either especially when devs ran off due to pressure, the frame limit, match-up not flourishing, autocombo shit, and the "next version" being worser than the Gold version of P.Meme.
if i wanted to play a better melee, i'd just play optional mods like 20XX or SD Remix
and your shit Sm4shlee mods will never see the day happen due to lazy ego modders in the community

huge SF64 fan, here. (first SF game i've played was Assault, loved them both)

What Zero did right:
- quality of rails segments
- Star Wolf battles
- character designs

What Zero did wrong:
- controls, gamepad, etc.
- gyrowing
- walker overuse
- walker controls
- all range mode
- boss battles (being in all range mode)
- all range mode lock on (no laser reticle? really?)
- horribly inaccurate tv screen reticle
- barrel rolls on control stick only
- the way they made their path and unlock system
- only one andross battle
- some levels feel really half-assed
- reimagined plot consistency being more off than Command (despite the horrible fanficiton SFC has)

if you want a better Star Fox 64 experience just go get 643D. it has an expanded multiplayer w/ bots, new maps, and control options that let's you play with gyro or simply basic.

i honestly don't get why Miyamoto didn't just save it for the NX instead?