After ruining Diablo 3 and WoW, Jay Wilson finally quits the industry.
Is Blizzard finally saved?
Jay Wilson quits the game industry
If only the rest of Blizzard's employees would quit.
PC gaming would be better off without all of them.
And he'll be missed by absolutely no one.
He ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''quit''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
he probably got fired but was allowed to say that he quit on his own choice.
next week nostalgia servers for wow
fuck that loser
fuck that loser
and then we fat fack doubled it
fuck that loser
Why would they fire him? You can't be serious.
This guy made ridiculous amounts of money for Blizzard
Regardless of what you think of D3 that game is still one of the best selling PC games of all time and it is not a total failure like some other game...
Fuck that loser, and fuck anyone who has WoW or Diablo3 on their resume.
fuck that loser
why is he quitting the games industry?
Don't want to Google his name because he probably has his Google Trends page bookmarked knowing faggot geeks like that.
D3 vanilla was given for free to a lot of people who pledged the 1 year sub for WoW, and the expansion only sold a lot because it actually fixed that fucking mess.
Did someone say DANCE THREAD
Fuck that loser.
A designer who designed Diablo 3, then he was put into the WoW team after MoP and before WoD. Go figure.
Literally who?
don't try to get in on shit you don't know
f*ck that l*ser
Fuck that loser.
>removed to project titan after D3 fiasco
>titan cancelled few months later
he is walking bad luck
fuck that loser.
fuck that loser
I would not fuck that loser, but fuck that loser.
Fuck that loser.
Fuck that loser
everything is burning!
what's next, EA financial ruin?
>shit up d3 and wow
>my job is done
>Remove him from the D3 team
>D3 instantly becomes the best iteration of itself
>Think of a genius plan of putting him on teams and them removing him so that game becomes the best iteration of itself
>Remove him from Blizzard so it can become the best iteration of itself
10/10, now WC4.
This is the guy who single handed ruined the Diablo series and then raped WoW with WoD
He did nothing wrong. He's just a meme scapegoat like Jennifer Hepler.
You do realize you don't need to do anything to sell a "Diablo 3." Just ship a bunch of boxes with the name Diablo 3 and it will sell itself. The commercial success wasn't because of him. You won't believe how many discussions I've overheard during the midnight launch where people had no idea what classes were going to be in the game. People just line up with their friends and make the blind purchase because NEW DIABLO IS COMING OUT GUYS.
Fuck that loser.
fuck that loser
That's not how you spell fired after ruining 2 game legacies
>but still definitely buy the game please, and everything will be just fine. K?
fuck that loser.
Too little too late. His influence has already poisoned at least two of their most powerful franchises and too many key players are already gone. Blizzard's illness is terminal, but I'd be a fool if I didn't take the opportunity now to say, in all sincerity, fuck that loser.
fuck that loser
blizzard overwatch forums are like reddit with up and downvotes
what a piece of shit company
can't quit what doesn't exist. He probably woke up realizing his desk was at a place officially named Activision
Que se joda ese perdedor
>Is Blizzard finally saved?
Metzen is still there so no
>don't get your hopes up too high, this game is shit
>p-p-please buy the game anyways
finally good news
and another big name leaves blizzard
what is it with people quitting blizzard recently?
ill miss him
the d3 RMAH was great, got myself a new computer and a bunch of other shit just by exploiting shit and selling to retards
more games need an RMAH
A community manager can't possibly say "game is shit, don't buy it".
Not sure if he was the bad guy
fuck that loser
i never player any Blizzard games except Overwatch, so literally who?
fuck that loser.
>announces sudden departure the week of
Yep. Fired.
I'd say Blizzards saved but they took all the garbage he peddled in d3 and addedit to their microtrans strategy. Even worse, he was a hiring manager for Blizzards already weak design team. The people he recruited will continue damning their games for decades.
Same reason a lot of people left valve recently, company old timers got old.
The company is going to shit.
They haven't made good games in years. They sold a reskin of tf2 on name alone. They won't be able to do that much longer.
>has WoW or Diablo3 on their resume.
What if they're listed for art or sound?
WoW's music and sound are still amazing, and the concept art is fucking awesome.
Activision will shut them down, and use the money to buy Ubisoft
they got old so they leave the company to go to another company?
because they got old?
What's the story behind this?
People leaving Blizzard usually get a higher position at a lesser studio. Like from designer to lead designer.
Launch D3 and WoD
Those are some credentials
>1 year sub
Thats $180.
People willingly paid 180 dollars for "free" Diablo 3.
Its marketing genius.
Literally 3 posts above, user.
Creator for Diablo 2 criticizes Diablo 3, so D3 devs to apeshit.
One of the creators of Dialbo Motherfucking 2 made some comments on Diablo 3 (nothing trollish you can look it up) and this guy who basically copied everything about Diablo 2 called him a loser.
What did David Brevik do?
Yeah sorry i didn't saw that post. Fuck that loser.
>and in the game industry
kek not even the mobile studios will hire you after fucking up Diablo and WoW.
It didn't fix anything. It applied a ton of bandage on top of a rotting desecrated corpse. It's bearable now, but you can't call "+6000% damage set bonus" as a fix to anything.
It's free if you were planning to play WoW in the first place.
but that sounds risky
why not stay with the titan that is blizzard rather than to risk working for a small developer that might not become very successful?
>ruining Diablo 3
He killed a bunch of kids in Norway.
fuck that loser
David Brevik, who was launching that Marvel diablo-like at the time, was interviewed, and during that was asked about Diablo 3 (which had also recently launched). He said he probably wouldn't have made some of the decisions that the Diablo 3 team made ... basically a really light off-hand "oh, well, my opinion differs" type of thing.
Jay Wilson reacted as if it was a giant shit on Diablo 3, and basically threw a fit
Just fuck that loser up.
can someone explain to me what he did ? never heard of that guy before
fuck that loser
Odds are most people werent going to keep playing for a year straight but they figured "oh ill get a game! Sure lock me in!"
If you planned to take a break somewhere in there and did the deal anyways at some point you just gave blizz free money.
Guaranteed 12 months of money for Blizz.
but in reality, a lot of people didn't play wow all those 12 months, or even just 6 months
I got the annual pass and I took an 8 month break shortly after
you don't know whether you're gonna want to keep playing the game tomorrow
1 year is a long time
and it was cataclysm, the worst expansion, before they released warlords of draenor
You do know if you have a raiding guild with people who you've been friends with for 6 years.
Diablo 3 was gonna sell well no matter what, it doesn't matter how bad it was gonna be
You could actually cancel your sub while losing access to d3.
Why should they? If you can fuck up ironclad AAA blockbusters nobody can trust you with a barely marketable mobage project.
I bet EVERYONE who plays WoW has one of those, huh?
check his twit, there are waves of fags sucking his dick
Fuck that loser
fuck that loser
Well, that was my situation. I'm sure others are capable of making a decision for themselves whether they want to pay for WoW or not.
fuck those losers
fuck that loser
this guy wanted to be a writer? i hope to god, for the sake of literature as a whole, that he wasn't responsible for diablo 3's story. even a kid could have written that better
Blizzard has some of the most dedicated sycophants in the industry.
I've raided with people for years and I quit WoW last year
I know people who have raided with people for years and they have quit WoW
and if you stay with the game just cause your friends are playing, no matter how shit the game is, I feel sorry for you
how about you go outside and do something there with your friends? or play a good game instead
>waves of fags
And he'll be missed by absolutely no one that is a decent human being.