

you know nothing, jon snow

Might have been ok if it wasn't an exclusive.

PC when? Would probably run better on a gaming pc.

I'm getting pretty tired of seeing every goddamn collector's edition of a AAA game include PVC statues and shitty artbooks. Especially on new IPs.

No hype. But slight curiosity.

>those shitty costumes

Box art looks good though.

Didn't show any gameplay int he newest trailer so I'm just cautiously optimistic.

Why would I want a statue of literally who in a game where most of the enemies are fucking robodinosaurs?

Also this

buying game with woman protag. no ty. I can't self insert then/

You know a game will be shit when you know next to fucking nothing about it and they already have a collectors edition for sale.

This. In the game world there are hunters and gatherers. Why isn't the weaker woman a gatherer just outside the village?

>you know the game will be shit when they announced the game a year ago and haven't managed to spoil the main plot yet
u fucking wut?

Not to mention that trailer had zero fucking gameplay in it. Just 3 minutes of cutscenes and flyovers.

Depends if it's a hand-holding """cinematic experience""" with a mediocre story like 99% of AAA shit.

It has potential I guess.

Protagonist talks too much.

I love artbooks, but PVC statues that come with games look like total shit.
Maybe its just because I'm a buy fag and I can see the major quality differences, but still.

Or any of the mechanics or really release info on anything at all.
Yet still have the gull to put out a collectors edition.

All we know is some Red head chick fights robot dinosaurs with a bow. Nothing other than that.

>boring open world
>female protagonist
>collect this to craft this etc
>shit revenge story or something
>hand holding everywhere
>stealth grass
>30 fps
>liberate this outpost of robots to get more map

no thanks

this is like the omni 2016 game. It has everything every retarded triple-A guzzling """""""gamer"""""""" subsists off and we know like barely anything about.

GET HYPPPPPPEE when you pre-order Zero Dawn Horizon at Gamestop for PS4..... 4 the gamers.

Also, why the fuck in there a CE like this for an unestablished franchise. No one knows who she is, why would they want a figure of her. The game might blow dick, why would spend 150$ on this when you dont even know if the series/game would be good yet?

When will this 'stronk female characters with bows' meme end?

I don't understand the thought process here, why would anyone buy a statue of a character they know nothing about? It's different if it's a series with known characters, or something like that, but why on earth would anyone pre-order a statue for (I'm guessing $200+) of someone that they've never heard of or seen out side of a reveal trailer?

Wildling cunt

pcfat mad

Looks cool but I have my doubts about GG after they raped themselves with KZ3 and SF.

There was never any hype. Game will be forgotten within a week of release.

The gameplay reveal was lasts year. It's mecha Monster Hunter.

How is the game play looking so far? Is bow as good or better than dragon's dogma bow gameplay?
I would like another reason to buy a ps4.

Cause it's another thing to sit on my shelf to validate to the non-inquisitive public eye that I am a certified gamer. I don't even need to play the game if I own this thing

crawl back to Undertale, cuck.

>pcfat mad

No, just not into AAA Western garbage


i was unironcially asking though, who buys these things with no knowledge or attachment to the character?

i bet there's already reddit threads on their ps4 and zero dawn boards about how much they love her personality and how spunky she is based on that one fucking trailer so maybe nvm

They have had 2 slightly different gameplay demos of the same dino fight up on youtube for a long while now, go watch it.

I was being honest, though sort of inflammatory. I have friends who pre-ordered Dark Souls 2, The Order, etc and didn't even finish them and they sold the games and consoles but keep the statues.

I'm hella fcking stoked 2bh

This isn't the type of game that deserves paying extra for some "special" edition version.

I buy CE's occasionally, the girl statue is fine, but not really what I would want.
I'd have much preferred a statue of one of those fuking MechaTrex's or one of the Satelliteasaurus


I hope it doesn't have watchtowers and map filled with meaningless question marks.
I just want a fast-paced TPS with killing dino-robots.

I've got some stuff like that, though I finished the games.
I only sell games once I am totally sure I'm done playing em

>muh ugga bogga strong women hunter


looks fucking great and will buy it, but I'm genuinely getting mad about these special editions releasing
a fucking toy that will definitely not look like it does on that picture, cheaply made to add to that
a steel book
a 40 page art book
and some DLC? what the fuck man
and they expect me to throw $120 at it?
nah nigga throw something good in it for christ sake, an OST, some behind the scenes stuff

what the fuck I was hyped for this. But they haven't even shown off a lot of the gameplay and it's already got a boxcover and CE editions announced?

Now it sounds like the game is mediocre.

It's not even that.
You just kill giant robot dinosaurs and skin them for arrows.

This is the 5th Horizon thread I've seen in the past three hours on Sup Forums. Is it being shilled or something?

Cautiously hyped. Everything, including gameplay, looks good. But this is Geurilla Games right? They just have a spotty track record.

I love artbooks too.

And the last statue I got was the Revenant with DOOM. Pretty damn good too. Project Triforce makes good stuff. Their statues for Arkham Origins and Arkham Knight were good too.


Kill zone devs csnt make good games.

Sony is counting on hype from the media .

Are you stupid enough to fall for it ?

nah not really
just not into feminism

Was hyped at first but after watching the gameplay showcase it looks like it plays too much like bamham/shadow of mordor. I also can't stand Ashley Burch voice acting and it looks like she talks a lot in this.

>white woman

Wtf is this shit

Yeah. Fuck women.

A new trailer was released, as the OP shows.
You notices there have been 5 threads in 3 hours but not why there have been so many, are you a fag or something?

Woman protag. Skip..

I'm not a gigantic sonygger

Did guys sperg out over Lara Croft and other female protags back in the day, or can no one do a female protag in the age of SJWs without someone throwing a goddamn bitchfit anymore? It's really disconcerting.

Well, besides Bayo, but then the other extreme pitches a bitchfit.

Does she still run her mouth every 5 seconds?

They're taking the piss man. They're literally trying to get the reaction you're giving them.

>stonk woman feminist
>Kill zone devs


Its already been explained like a year ago that she only talked that much for that gameplay vid and would not be like that in the game.

Also how the fuck did you get batman vibes?
In the gameplay vids she melee kills like literally 1 thing and there is no flashing dodge icon, just a roll.

Back to neogaf sonyggers

Nah, not buying games that pander to people that dont play games.

>That hand



>Vertical PS4
>Not even in a vertical stand, just free balling

Neck yourself

Ign and gamespot already hyping it like it's good .

>Collectors edition announced already

Fuck this killing the industry garbage.

>game has a women in it
>its automatically a feminist game

Another CE ruined by some dumb ass toy


Maybe by you and fellow pc cucks. It's gonna be hard to remember it if you can't even play it I understand.

I'm not a nigger

Bamham/ shadow of mordor, more emphasis on the latter with her hiding in the bushes and sneak attacking a dinosaur. I still dislike Ashley as a. voice actor and even if she is toned down it's gonna be annoying. Her voice literally doesn't fit the character.

Correct, also games like these are meant to be immersive and that's not happening if you have to control a female character that doesn't shut the fuck up.

I wish I could believe this is always the case.

I actually really like playing as female protagonists as long as they actually act and look feminine like in silent hill 3 or the longest journey and arenĀ“t just "men with boobs"

the reason why I like the old Lara Croft is because she used to be sexy, confident and fun and not some feminist propaganda tool

Getting sick and tired of the sonyggers thinking they're allowed here .

Go back to neogaf or gamespot you fucking cancer!

So I'm guessing you faggots didn't like any games with female protags. So by that logic...

All Tomb Raiders
Shadow of the Colossus
Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2
The Walking Dead Season 2
Mirrors Edge 1
Bayonetta 1 & 2
All the Nep games and most weeb games
Any other classic game with a forced female protag

...are all fucking garbage games right?

Kill yoursevles Sup Forums memespouters

and? does this game come out anytime soon or do sonyggers still have to wait 3 more years until they finally have a game again? last year they baited you faggots into believing ps4 won e3 and to this game none of them released. wheres shenmue 3, the last guardian, horizon and gran tursimo? microshit at least delivered while piss4 still is the plebbest of gaming platforms.

This and bloodborne are the only games that make me wish i had a PS4.

It looks fun and somewhat interesting, would like to play it.

>Oh boy, yet another dark haired mcponytail female character who uses a bow

Go back to neogaf Sony shill

Might be fun. Looks promising but you never know anymore. World looks really interesting I'm just wondering how much exploration it's going to offer. I'm worried it's going to be like Shadows of Mordor where you can't walk five feet without running into 1000 enemies.

>Shadow of the Colossus


kill yourself stupid fuck

>paying them is literally the only way to get girls to play games

can they do anything without being basically a prostitute?

>Shadow of the Colossus

Unless you mean Agro, according to Ueda

It will also have rpg elements, crafting and certain amount of focus. I for one welcome that but it sounds like you might not.

Yes, they are all bad and try to sell by having a female character. Only decent one is portal.

Sorry some of us dont have a waifu complex.

> 80 replies
> 40 posters

Gee I wonder who's behind this thread

>revealing a bunch of statues and collectors edition meme garbage before revealing actual, real videos of actual, real people playing the game

What makes her a feminist propaganda tool now? Honestly asking. I've played both of the new games and haven't seen a single thing referring to feminism.

Why the fuck would anyone want statue of that ugly chick? Is like the fucked up and threw millions of dollar on having Soldier 7644 as statue instead of fapbait like tracer.

50 more of those and then we'll be on the same level as short brown haired male with gun!

>ginger is now considered dark hair
>caveman aesthetic with bow and spear = tombraider
top tier autism

6 hours cinematic garbage. Mark my words. Literally the order 1866 all over again

>taking obvious bait.

>Female Protag
If lying half dead on slab for the whole game counts as being protag, then yes, it had a female protag.

Other than that, I would've agreed with you, if you had actually put that thought into a coherent post, and didn't draw the Sup Forums boogeyman card. But whatever..

>Female protagonist

Did you just have a stroke you stupid fuck? Or are you referring to the bitch who was comatose for 110% of the game?

And its not even a toy, its fucking statueshit at that.

There is only one reason you all replied to his post: You're all massively butthurt after being exposed for sad fucks with no life.

Get. Fucking. Destroyed.

any western game with a female protagonist past 2010 has been trash since the devs after that no longer created female character that were fun, sexy or likable but simply feminist bullshit on how "strong", "badass" or "empowering" the character is and how much better women are compared to men.

if you are a dev and want to make more games with female characters that is fine by me but actually give the game a scenario where being a woman makes sense like for example trying to solve a mystery or solving puzzles

not but a female hunter tacking down robo dinos with a bow