Will current videogames be played a 1000 years from now?

Will current videogames be played a 1000 years from now?
Do you imagine someone in 3016 booting up or emulating or quantum simulating ancient computer machine and having fun with Fallout 2 or Metal Gear Solid?

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Maybe tetris. Simple but you need to think.

There will be no time for video games when we all toil in the spice mines until we are removed for nutrient harvesting.

I doubt a lot of them will be played a hundred years from now, let alone a thousand. We'll have far fancier vidya by then.

>existing 1000 years from now
top kek

They'll be played once in a blue moon by people who simply want to experience what it was like back then or hipsters, potentially for some form of game development classes to see how to do certain things right or wrong but i feel like in a thousand years there may already be better examples. They will of course all have to be either emulated or on fan made reiterations of old consoles. Very simple, classic games like pong, tetris, pacman etc. will of course always be playable in some modern/future machine.

who knows
unlike 1000 years ago we have ridiculous records of everyday life
mediums such as television and video games didn't exist 1000 years ago so we have no idea the potential of their longevity

There will be people who will only play Atari games from the 80's, and they'll be really annoying about it to their friends in 3124.

It seems unfair to equate games like Fallout 2 and Metal Gear Solid to something like chess, as those are story focused games with limited staying power to begin with.

In this way, I feel like this medium has outgrown the name "video game" because most games that come out now really aren't about mechanics and rules like chess is. Chess is 100% how you play it, and absolutely nothing else, which is most likely why it has persisted for as long as it has.

Conversely, modern video games are generally about telling a story, and how you play it is often just a means by which to get to more story. They're mechanically simpler, because the point isn't the mechanics and rules. The mechanics and rules are there to facilitate telling a story. Once the story is told, there is little reason to continue experimenting with the mechanics.

As long as the Max Payne story is told through his games as opposed to Mark Wahlburg, I don't care what happens.

>books don't have staying power because they tell stories

>best modern video game story
>as good as the worst book story


Assuming humanity lives a thousand years, then I'm sure there will at least be a small group of people that like playing old as fuck video games, if nothing else out of curiosity and research.

most MMOs don't even make it a year. and MMOs have tons of stuff to keep you playing forever.

nobody will remember todays games in 50years. maybe one or two classics.

>one or two classics
Which ones?

Dota 2
These are the games our generation will be remembered by

Somebody screen cap this, he's onto something

In 1000 years we will all be dead. Or we'll be heading to space


>not optimizing your SM64 runs


Actually, more than no, the human race will be extinct a thousand years from now, probably less.

Only classics, same for books...

only scholars will play the ancient games.

sure thing kiddo

Tetris and Tetris Attack

Chess was invented as propaganda to subconsciously legitimize the rule of Persian kings (and Indian ones, for that matter) and spread to Europe largely on the backs of nobility elitism.

So a game from this day and age that would most likely survive would be a relic of the dominant system of thought.

I think Recettear would survive due to globalist capitalism.

No, because video games are commodities, and because the skill ceiling can be reached in a couple decades for even the most interesting video games.

why would you play such a shit game

Completely wrong, like most of earths history, this part also has roots in ancient schools of thought.


Hahahahahahahahaha u should be a comedian. Why would someone play that dogshit overhyped piece of shit game with most awful gameplay and story which 5 years old wrote while smashing rocks at his keyboard. U weeaboos are so dumb.


Modern games will be too difficult for the casuals of the future.

Do people still play Atari 2600 games?

Of course. I grabbed the entire romset (4.5mb lol) loaded it up on my hacked 3ds and played some motherfucking asteroids yesterday
>Tfw River Raid

You faggot, you were supposed to say no and make my point, that people won't play modern games in the future, for me.
Seriously though, I can't imagine that being fun unless you have extra thick nostalgia goggles.

In the future, elevators and waiting rooms will have have holographic panels that let you play Tetris, Pacman and Pong.

Trust me, my dad works in 3016.

MGS is better than Twilight or The Hunger Games.

Nobody will be on earth in 1000 years, user...

Recettear is so repetitive though.

Ocarina of Time (it's so full of detail, it will be studied in schools like a form of literature) and Super Mario 64 (will be waxed philosophically in universities as the Odyssey of our day) will still be played, but nothing else.

Mark my words.

Hello newfag

AI singularity by 2050, we'll all be matrix'd so that new "reality" will be our playground.


I'm 18 and only got an Atari 2 years ago

Why do people care about him again? What has he even done?

Today's vidya would probably appears in some ways that medieval popular art exists in today.
That is only historical or art majors give a tiny fuck, and ignore by most people.

have you ever played asteroids? i just beat gradius 2 the other day. was fun as fuck.