Confess your vidya sins

Confess your vidya sins.

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never played more than 30 minutes of any zelda game

tried to play the first, it was super gay
tried to play ALTTP, it was super gay
tried to play OoT, it was super gay and the controls sucked ass
tried to play OoT on 3DS because supposedly OoT was sooooo good
never tried another one. dropped all of them within 30 minutes.

I never played any Zelda game


I took gamergate seriously

My phone is now my new main gaming device.
And after a few weeks of dealing with it, I finally accept it and feel no shame.

i cant play turn based rpgs
and ff7 have fucking aged badly
i really liked mgs 2 and mass effect 3
street fighter 3rd strike is the best fightan evermade

I grew out of videogames. I play /tg/ now.

what games have you played and what you usually play ?

I almost always play FFXIV while having a glass butt plug inserted because I know I will almost always end up masturbating to my or other people's characters.

>I really liked MGS2
but no one thinks it was bad

I bought Deus Ex on sale and returned it because I didn't like it.

>Be grill
>Be hormone raging teenager
>Friend travels to a family reunion every year
>Tag along one year for funsies
>Stay out on a huge property with friends uncle
>They have this dog that just humps everything
>Night 3
>Can't sleep. Haven't masturbated for 3 days because sharing room with friend
>Jump out the window at 3am
>Open door to the kennel
>Run out to the woods, dog chases
>Rip off PJ pants, drop to all fours, submit to the dog like the bitch he needs
>Sneak back in, humiliated, finally sleep
>Fast forward
>Get a sweet ass deal on renting a house.
>Living on my own
>Friend moving, just got a German Shepherd puppy bred to be a show dog but they cant take the dog with them
>Step forward to house the dog
>Raise him to be the perfect gentleman
>Love me some rum and coke
>Drunk one day. Feeling frisky
>Dog sitting there, lipsticking
>... Okay just this once
>After a little coaxing due to my insistant training him not to jump on people I manage to get him to mount up
>Jesus fucking Christ I swear this dog is ten inches long
>Never again never again never again
>More rum and coke a week later
>Dog just sitting there
>Now this happens 3 or 4 times a week
>Say never again each time
>Friends always say I need a boyfriend
>Always joke I don't need one because the dog
>Even though I'm not joking
>tfw a slave to dog cock
>tfw I fucking love it every time

I enjoyed Brink

We all know this is bullshit, user.

You're not a grill. You're a fag who likes getting fucked by a dog.

You feel no joy either.

i have seen alot of people shitting on it. i really felt bad when the only mgs game i completed was mgs 2 and the only me game i played was me3 and the only assassins creed game i played and really liked was 3 and they are all considered worst in their series

Cross Chronicle
Samurai Rising
Granblue Fantasy
Love Live
Mahou Otome
Phantom of the Kill

And I just pre-reg'd for a few a lil while ago.
I mainly play 消滅都市 and Granblue though. Those are my main games. 消滅都市 in particular has a really interesting story, cast and really good music.

I suck at Mario games and I hate how Mario controls.
I like FFTA and A2 more than FFT.
I savescum in XCOM EU/EW (but only after failing classic ironman a dozen times).

does phone has like story games or games with traditional gaming progression i thought all mobile games were score making and cash grabbing coc clones
also do u use some kind of a controller like moga

Samurai Rising, Granblue and especially 消滅都市 have storylines. Dialogue, lore building, all that stuff. There are also tons of side event. It's not all score making and you only cash grab is you want, its never needed. Or I should say, in the good ones it isn't needed.

In the ones I listed there aren't any controllers but you don't need them.

The the last game I played was GTA4 back when it came out.

i know controller is not needed in any of them i just was asking do u use ome for maximum fun.
anyway thanks for enlightenment

>I hate how Mario controls.
say what you will about rehashes and uninventiveness but the series is the pinnacle of control in 2D platformers

I barely finish games anymore, and I don't give a shit about side quests or getting extra stuff.

I pirated X/X-2
I used boosters and still barely got halfway through the game when I realized nostalgia was overrated

I never played MGS

I think dark souls 3 is the best souls games, second best being bloodborne. Also dark souls 1 isn't that good, better than 2 but that isn't saying much.

I can't beat games without cheats, I just can't git gud, no matter how hard or how many guides I follow.

Padre, I think Dreamcast and Xbox were great consoles and had good library but never got them since I was a stingy miser and will never experience them first time. Got PS2.

I beat Dark Souls, but I had to use the glitch to have unlimited souls and humanity to do so.

I have never seeded a torrent, ever.

I've used cheats and console commands in most singleplayer games wherever I could for most of my life.

I'm absolute shit at fighting, shmup and rhythm games but I still buy the occasional shmup regardless and I kind of want to get a stick for fighting and shmups.

I've never played anything Metal Gear related except for Snake Eater which I couldn't get into

>I currently have 2 100+ hour Fallout 4 saves on PS4
>Skyrim almost ended my last relationship because I played it for 4 days and skipped 2 dates with my now ex girlfriend
>even though I know Bethesda makes pure dribble I can't stop playing their games because I hope to reignite what I felt playing Morrowind


I'm in love with a vidya character. Only thing that really springs to mind. Got almost 2000 hours on TF2, I guess.

Dark Souls is shit
The old Call of Doodies are just as shit as the new ones

I pretend to like Street Fighter.

Hey, that's not your green text story.

It's mine

I never played any metroid game.

Never had any nintendo/playstation console so I never played games like Zelda, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solids, Metroid Primes, Donkey Kongs and all that stuff.

I got banned for posting in a Dead by Daylight thread three days ago and I appealed it. When that failed, I waited out the ban. Everyone who posted a beta link (beta access if only given to one person if he gives it to three other people) in the first thread was banned, even though we've had those threads every day since.

It's hard to get a new IP from Cox without calling them on the telephone.

Beyond: Two Souls is my favorite game.

I enjoy playing quickiebomb demo.

- I used to cheat in GunZ The Duel, Maple Story, plus i've played with cheat codes in a lot of games in the past, particularly GBA games like Golden Sun, Riviera, Summon Knight and Pokemon.
I cheated recently in Witcher 3 with a new playthrough, I gave myself tons of gwent cards, and made a spy deck.
- I've went AWOL from my guild in GW2 because I got stressed with the guild quota.
- I was a pirate once. I downloaded hoards of games.

Never played a mega man game
I've only played metroid fusion and the ds game
I have over 1200 hours in das2 and I liked it. I'm also a pvpfag

I played tw3 on normal.
I haven't played through New Vegas without using ~tgm or tmm 1 in 9 months.
I have over 100 hours in CS:GO, I've never been higher than silver 3.

I play Bethesda games on Very Easy

Zelda is overrated as a series, when you sit down and actually look at the games they really don't deserve the respect and admiration they get

I dislike the Uncharted series, and I'm also really bad at it. As in, I'm playing through 3 right now and I die all the time. It probably makes me like it even less because I'm not good at the game

Red Dead Redemption is a bad game, and Rockstar has never made an entertaining game

Tales of Symphonia 2 isn't that bad, it's actually somehow better than Xillia 1 and Zestiria

Games don't age. Period. The game is the exact same as the day it came out. If you think a game is shit now, it's not because it "aged poorly", it's because it was always shit. A great example is Golden Eye, a legitimately bad game that was always bad

The original Spyro Trilogy and Ape Escape are better 3D platformers than Mario 64

Mario 3 is better than World and Mario Galaxy 1 is better than 64

I need some help actually, not games related but whatever. I recently saw a rabbit while on a walk, and it was really cute. For some reason that made me irrationally hate it and I fantasised about torturing it's cute little body and beating the shit out of it for like 10 minutes. It's not even a sexual thing, I just wanted to hurt it. Should I see someone? I don't want to be judged but I don't want this to get worse because I thought about it again recently

I barely play video games anymore because I'm too poor to upgrade my toaster so I just parrot the unpopular opinion on Sup Forums to get a rise out of people.

you need help

I download tons of games and only play each one for an hour or two

Yep, wanting to torture cute shit for literally no reason sure sounds like sociopath tendencies, you probably should seek professional help.

Then again, most everyone here should for one reason or another.

>Should I see someone?

You wouldn't even if everyone said yes so why bother asking?

I really enjoyed MGSV

Have no problems with MonHun staying a handheld exclusive series and think it all around works better on handhelds since I can just pick it up every now and then and play one quest when I don't feel like playing with friends for hours on end.

Call of Duty got better when it went full future (Infinite Warfare fucking blew it already though).

Think GTAV is an all around better game than IV and is up there with San Andreas and Vice City.

Don't enjoy turn based RPG's with only a few exceptions and even then I only play through them once.

I've straight up not touched some games due to how visually unappealing they look to me personally. No matter how good they might actually be.

I think that difficulty, losing, and dying in games is not fun. It does nothing but frustrate me and piss me off. I always play all games on the lowest difficulty setting.

I miss the days when every game had lots of cheats.

I spend more time reading about, discussing, and watching videos of games than I do playing them.

So I should? I have more thing I want to get off my chest. What kind of person do I go see? Will I go to jail or something for admitting these things or a mental hospital?

>second one
Not a sin its objectively true man

are you me

No, they can't send you to jail for shit you have only thought about doing, retard. In fact, not consulting until you actually DO do the shit is probably the worst thing you could do.

Beside, torturing a wild rabbit isn't even illegal to begin with, at worst PETA would be mad at you but those fuckers are mad at anyone.

Are you literally me? Except maybe the last point. What turn based RPGs do you like?

Yeah but I don't want to do that, I don't want to get to the point where I would hurt an animal for literally no reason.

Magic the Gathering: Duels is pretty much the only vidya game i play these days. I've spent more than $100 on digital cards.

All the more reasons to go talk about it to someone, if you're fantasizing about doing twisted shit you don't even want to do.

I really can't like MOBAs, shit too stressful and time consuming. Also, i never play the newest generation of games and prefer to grab older ones 'cause cheaper.

I haven't had a working pc for a few months. My roomie has a ps4 with the souls series, bloodeborne, gta5 and shit, but all I really want to do is play Civ and World of Warcraft.

Father have sinned

When a russian rips me out of the driver seat during a heist so they can feel special or is a rude over talkative micro managing heist leader (I'm a legitimate high level)
I commit suicide near the end of the heist just to enjoy their rage fits

>I've straight up not touched some games due to how visually unappealing they look to me personally. No matter how good they might actually be
This kind of thing just makes me sad

I cry when people bully me in video games or are better than me

then I throw an autistic fit, punch some walls and give my mom the middle finger for not killing me

i am also a manlet and my mom is smaller than me

Post dis on r/Chan XD Lul so funny

This ain't a sin, my child. MOBA is the Devil's genre and you're being price-continence. Continue with grace, God bless.

I will never forgive dota for killing off Warcraft 3 custom games and the shit community they grew with it

That's what I'm asking, what kind of person do I get in contact with? Like what's the term for people who help with this kind of thing, cos I'm just really angry pretty much all the time

I've completed 4 games in my steam library of 300+



For most of my youth i used cheats to play through every single game that had them

That's the people I share the board with. I forgive you, but I don't want to see you ever again.


Upon a certain game's release my friends and I put mad amounts of time to organize get togethers so we could experience it together and have crazy times for years.
During the week of release my girlfriend discovers she's pregnant.

Confession : I convinced her to abort it so I would have free time to hang with my guys.


You already bought the game and lazy remakes, especially the kind that Squeenix tends to shovel out, do no warrant full price of admission.

Say like a Hail Mary or something.

I Shilled the xbox one on Sup Forums for alot of months before release, saying how it will outperform the PS4 in sales and games, hell even after the fiascos.

2 years later, i now have a PS4 with games. Sold off the Xbox one weeks ago.

I sometimes derail in game chats by hurling the president's name in conversation,doesent even need to be related

It works way too well

I'm no expert, might want to browse websites specialized in mental help to find something that fits your case, I really wouldn't know what to tell you, but the fact that you're aware of your tendencies and want to seek help make me think you don't need anything drastic, maybe just book a session with a therapist, explain him what's troubling you and see what he has to say.

Might as well start here

IMO you shouldn't feel guilty for merely having disturbing thoughts, but you should be able to rationalize why it would be terrible to act on them and why you never should.

I'm guessing you would benefit from seeing a psychologist. There's really no harm in going (besides money) and you shouldn't feel ashamed, you'd go to a doctor about your physical health so why not a shrink for your mental health, which is more important for your happiness anyway. EVERYONE would benefit from being able to talk about their innermost fears/reservations with someone.

I never have, nor will I ever, play a Legend of Zelda game. Shit doesn't interest me at all.

God says go punch yourself in the dick.

I feel like this post deserves a comment but I'm afraid I have none.

Not a sin, you're a true prophet and a man anyone should strive to be.

I have never finished .hack//infection, despite owning the entire series physically

It's not just these thoughts but a lot of things going on recently, it's definitely getting worse and worse
Thanks for tech advice

I still have my handhelds and consoles, but I'm usually busy with work and other stuff to be on consoles is all.

nigga it was a callous choice but the right choice

I Bought a $120 Collector's edition of a game and i didnt touch it for years, its collecting dust. i did put up the figurines tho but never touched the game

I never played Doom.

wut gaem