Does anyone actually want this? Watchdogs 1 was such an unfinished, boring piece of shit

Does anyone actually want this? Watchdogs 1 was such an unfinished, boring piece of shit.

But black people are in it. Same as Mafia. Same as Battlefield.

If they were to fix the games problems and make hacking actually interesting then it could be neat. I don't think that ubisoft will actually pull that off, but it has potential

Nobody wants it, but Ubisoft made Watch Dogs to launch a franchise and they'll be DAMNED if they let audience approval stop them.

I swear to God you better not have to play as a nigger. That's a goddamn deal breaker.

>being this much of a SJW

literally the same thing as some fat hambeast being triggered for having to play a white male

I'm gonna preorder it. I loved the first game even though it wasn't phenomenal, the story sucked, the graphics were downgraded, and it was a bugfest but the combat was incredibly enjoyable. It took the Blacklist approach to play styles, but with hacking.
In Watch Dogs' case, gameplay > graphics > story

They need to show a trailer which isn't bullshotted to shit that shows problems fixed from the first game for anyone to even care about this.

Didn't it sold like 10 million copies on consoles?

FFXIII sold a bazillion copies.
Nobody wanted the sequel.

>I literally love the taste of shit in my mouth


consoles cucks can't get refunds but they're hopefully smart enough not to make the same mistake twice

Pic related wasn't full of shit.
I guess we'll be getting a co-op shooter Watch Dogs, welp that sucks.

Watch Dogs was a really neat take on the GTA concept. Environment control as well as online tailing were really fucking cool.

It had issues - glitches/lack of polish, repetitive side missions and not living up to the E3 trailer visually, but I had a lot of fun with it regardless. Very interested in a sequel.

yet it outsold the first
you act like people have a brain and will do anything but fall into the hype again

Despite it's flaws like a lot of Ubisoft games it's actually pretty fun. The premise has a lot of potential.

The first game was so...lackluster. I mean it was a cool idea but the final product wasn't anything special. The story was pretty boring too.

It's the only game I can think of to have that much hype and sales but literally no one cared about it afterward. Like, I've never met a Watch Dogs fan.

Maybe the sequel will be better but ai doubt it. Ubisoft usually gets worse with sequels.

Don't worry, they will have some awesome gameplay in the trailer that won't be in the game but that doesn't stop all the retards from pre-ordering for the "free" day one DLC for pre-ordering

It's going to sell millions

>literally no one cared about it afterward
I care about it.

This game is going to sell millions for no fucking reason.

Good for you, user.

Stop eating shit, shiteater

All of the gameplay elements that were shown in the original trailer were in the final game though. The only downgrades were visual - the lighting and effects namely.

>Ubisoft usually gets worse with sequels.

Not always true. Just look at the original Assassin's Creed.

>they're hopefully smart enough not to make the same mistake twice

This wasn't the first time people made a mistake with a AAA game like this and it definitely won't be the last. Ubisoft is going to have a nice trailer set up with a bunch of graphics effects that anything but the highest end pcs wont have a fucking chance at running, downgrade the fuck out of it later and 5 million+ retards are going to buy it and the day it comes out fill the internet with

>wtf this doesn't look like the previews

I can't believe Ubisoft managed to make a game about being a hacker with complete control over a city so boring.

do you agree, Sup Forums ?

I think Aiden was an decent protaganist. It was interesting to hear what he was thinking throughout the story. I imagine Ubi would slip in some sort of reference to him the next game, since it's pretty confirmed he's not the protag in 2.

It doesn't matter if the game is shit,
If you make an AAA game all you need is to dump a gorillion dollars in marketing advertising, take no risk whatsoever and make the game for the least common denominator and sell it on every platform and everywhere and it is guaranteed to make enough return to fund a sequel.
It's the same plight of modern boring and formulaic holywood movies.

that wasn't a statement that was a rewording of you shitty taste in games

Ubisoft spends insane amounts of money making games. They won't even bother unless they can turn it into a franchise

>Ubisoft spends insane amounts of money marketing games

Oh, I don't have shitty taste in games, you might have me confused with someone else, or probably just confused about your own taste in games and feel the need to berate other software in order to feel good about your decisions.
Must be terrible to be so closed-minded.

>good person

Everything he does through hacking, including stealing people's money and going through people's personal info.

first assassins creed was mediocre, second one was a major improvement and one of the best games imo, so yeah, fingers crossed - maybe wd 2 won't turn out to be complete shit

the first one was oddly enjoyable despite all its shortcomings. disposable, though.

but if the protag is anything to go by, this one will be pandering: the Tumblr game.

>those fucking glasses

why do people hate it so much? there are really shitty games out there and this one was pretty good.
Oh I forgot about your teenager budget, your mom not allowing you to play more than 2 hours a week and your autism in general.


I'M 100% NIGGA

>Outsold the first
Not quite. 13 has the edge by a tiny gap of a few million copies.

>lists all the negatives of a universally hated shitty game
>claims to love said shitty game
>claims to not have shitty taste

okay user

First for "Press X once to win cutscene end game"

the 12 year olds who grew up on this shit

>makes a game that nobody asked for instead of another Blood Dragon
Ubisoft please

I´m kinda tired of open world games now
especially ubisoft open world games
or just ubisoft games in general

I still remember one friend of mine telling me he shed a tear when he saw the Watch Dogs trailer with his LoL stream friends.
I don't know why but that sentence stuck with me and I remember it every time I think about him.

>does anyone actually want this?
I'd say so


>consoles cucks can't get refunds
You mean PCucks can't get refunds

If the fucking Crew was good enough to get an expansion than I guess anything goes at Ubisoft HQ

I thought black "people" only used phones to record rapes

Don't be ridiculous.

SJWs get mad because Straight White Men are everywhere, running the universe through the Patriarchy.

We are mad because we wanted to play a human.

The worst part about this is that normies will eat up the reveal next week and praise its amazing grafics, just like they did with WD1. And we all know how that turned out.

I do. Watch dogs had a good concept and the game itself was shit. a sequel could honestly focus on making a good game out of a good idea, something triple A just is inable to do the last few years

I hate snowflakes unironically using the term normie as if they themselves aren't one.

I'm less of a normie than you are.


no, I'm less of a normie!

>normies will eat up the reveal next week and praise its amazing grafics, just like they did with WD1
>implying you weren't one of them

>Implying I've even played WD1
Nice try, normie.

Am i the only one that think the twitter post comments is very cringe?

Never said I wasn't one. I'm not a dumb fucking cognitivite dissonance infested snowflake. I watch E3 and hate on ubisoft, as normalfag as it gets in an already normalfag anti-hobby.

How fucking pathetic do you have to be to lash out over a dark skinned protagonist in a video game? lol

Absolutely will not get this. They tricked me with the first one and it was mediocre at best. Very unoptimized and downgraded as shit on PC.

And GTA 5 sold 65 million copies but its not getting a sequel anytime soon
Ubisoft will shit out games and ruin this franchise even before gta 6


Sup Forums webms not withstanding.
