
The hating on facebook meme is so fucking old and stupid

even moot is working for google now...

give it a rest sperg lords

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that's a good goyim


I come from the future.

America will have a class war in the year 2030.
That is all.

What are the Best Friends doing there?

no one cares. give it a rest. whatever they will do, it will be as useless and easily forgotten as the twitter wow thing.

just fucking relax and play some vidya

kill yourself kike

facebook is the devil. and blizzard is retarded for injecting this cancer into their games.

>even moot is working for google now...
Don't remind me

Blizzard does not care about you they only care for their bank account

basically this will work as free advertisement of any blizzard game

Yeah, what the fuck?

Do any of you read the blizzard forums from time to time? i've been reading the overwatch one and they seem to alot of threads like pic related for some reason.

>trolling blizzard into fucking up their own game

I like this idea

these two super best friends are going to play normies for fools even more than they're already doing

oy vey ...

Friendly reminder that not having a facebook damages your employability and suggests that you have serious mental issues





But we already knew you had autism. Asspies really hate facebook for some reason.


I'm from a time when netiquette existed and putting ANY personal information on the internet was a horrible mistake. Ten years later, people expect you to feed corporations private information.

Facebook doesn't put information on search engines. Nobody gets that information except where it's provided.

Back in my day you never used your real name online. Now it's seen as completely normal and makes no sense

that nigger must get paid 25 cents every time he types the word diverse.

are you stupid? corporations release articles like this to get you to give them information.

It's available on the enterprise api and it's being mined that's guaranteed, even the amount of time you spend hovering on stuff. you have no idea how much info fb has on you that's available for corporations to feed on.

Good thing I'm a fucking NEET and am not going to change that for the forseeable future.

Do you use a phone?
Do you use the internet?
Do you have a bank account?
a car?
guess what
they already have you

as if we needed another reason to hate blizzard

the thing that bothers me the most is that they have some of the best animators and game designers in the industry and yet a bunch of greedy goblins keep ruining everything they do.

can you imagine working on diablo 3, pouring your heart into it just for some suit wearing faggot to come along and say "YO, REAL MONEY AUCTION HOUSE!"?

fuck that shit

>they outright admitted of shilling the game on social media

You're wasting your time OP

Sup Forums is retarded and they dismiss anything that is a scary truth as "autism" deflecting the topic because they themselves are autistic.

I for one, find it hilarious that most of you have FB and can be easily tracked in a few seconds where as some people it would take longer if they don't willingly give in.

One i hope Sup Forums requires a facebook login so i can see the retards that argue around here, when the servers got shut down a couple times I already saw some faces, kek and yet they think they are above anyone when "debating" here.


to be fair he said alot of their methods "derived people of their humanity" so he is still alright in my book.