Badge Revealed, live demo confirmed

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That's just the copypasta they use for every E3 story doesn't confirm any demo.

People who are hyping that shit seem to have completely forgot what "persona" even is and how disappointing hyping such game will be in the end.

>people still say swag

_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___.

Is this going to be the year?

maybe, i just checked and it looked like they already edited out the live demo line in the article. So either its just pasta or they accidentally let it slip.

it's being used in it's proper definition. As in free promotional shit. Not shorthand for swagger.

Why is a US release of the PS3 version doubtful? I'm not gonna drop a gorillion dollars on a fucking PS4 for one game.

It isn't.

If you care for JRPG'S you would by now.

why does persona get to be on the E3 badge every year

Because the PS3 isn't as alive as it is in Japan.
Also el Jews

Who the fuck is going to localize a PS3 game for 2017?
The PS4 will probably get a price drop soon to make way for the PS4K anyways.

>one game
you say that every time a new game comes
those 1s add upp

Yes user my granddaughter works for atlus

I just want to play P5
feels fucking bad
my ps3 has plenty of life in it :^)
literally don't care about other games on the PS4

No I meant that it isn't in doubt to come to PS3, Atlus USA PR tweeted they plan to bring it stateside

G-ganbatte user, there is nothing confirmed yet heres some music to cheer you up

The PS3 release is stated on the English Persona 5 site. Everyone who tells you otherwise is a PS4 port fiend, where all they care about is having all the ports due to them being inept.

It's still coming.

It's not likely at all. The console is for people who like a locked down system that functions worse than a PC.

god bless

Atlus will.

I bought a PS4 already, I don't see why others should make that mistake. I'm getting it on the PS4 anyways for remote play mostly. Otherwise, would have just got the PS3 version.

They should have made the hat so it was only the upper part of their head.

Morgana confirmed male.

I'll be getting it for PS3 as well. I have custom firmware so I'll probably be playing that delicious undub.

I will get the PS3 version too, but i don't know how to do this undub thing

>I only play persona

Nice job confirming your a faggot.

Just letting you know PS3 is whack and better off still playing on PS2.

How progressive.

The PS4 has fucking nothing dude.
The game is made for the PS3 in the first place, and an upscale will hardly help its visual style.

bro how am I gonna play Persona 5 on a PS2???

I need the game now, i just only want to be a sick ass phantom thief

It won't be progressive until I can gay fuck it.

Come on PCbros

Wake Up.

We lost Persona 5, that very thought still fucking burns me as I write this. But Understand this, We Got Exclusive indie video Games coming only to The PC

And Guess what?

We sweep through that, We Will not only make up what we possibly lost in Persona 5, we will have cut into sonys lead.

This is war, My brothers and Sisters, and wars are not won by one battle, one moment. We will lose battles, we will lose games.... but we will win the war.

This Campaign is focused on one thing, and one thing only, Fixing Vidya. Fixing the Corrupt journalist, Fixing Sup Forums, making the REAL games, Forcing peasants to the PC. And we have to work hard for it.

GIANT BOMB and the DNC have written us of as a Insurgency. Damn Right we are an Insurgency, We are an Insurgency fighting for the future of our children, our families, our very way of life. Corporates like Goldman Sachs, and Nintendo want to keep us down. And we are down, right now.

What matters is this.....Will we stay down, let the world Die around us, because we lost by a little bit in Persona 5. We were no matter what going to lose persona 5, I wish it wasn't that way but the DNC and Reggie's foothold on the west is strong.

We Have to Stand, to give this goddamn world a fighting chance, Nintendo won't change Anything, Sony will make it even Worse. We have to win this or Our very way of Life is Gone, and I am not being Dramatic. Miyamoto wouldn't dare change a thing to keep his Pals in Wall Street Happy, and Sonyggers will Accelerate us into another War. We Let that happen we won't have another Chance, there isn't another 4 years, there isn't a "Next Time" There is only Now

How come Atlus always has the badge artwork?

Looking forward to pirating this one.

Great pasta,now stop the shitposting


>Morgana hat
I'm jelly

>women can't smoke cigars


Censor this, it's 2016.


I want a soejima signed persona 5 poster

Atlus localized Persona 4 in 2008 and Raidou 2 in 2009. Atlus isn't big enough that they don't see the smaller profit the PS3 version will inevitably get as a reason not to localize it at all.

Seniority, I guess. They're always willing to shell out the cash, and most publishers are big enough that they don't need to advertise to the people at the show itself. There aren't that many mid-tier companies who need more word-of-mouth yet can still afford the promotion.

Have you ever seen a woman smoke a cigar?

>Anne neck
yeah i can't unsee either


>I wish it wasn't that way but the DNC and Reggie's foothold on the west is strong.
What the hell is DNC?


Futaba's is worse. Maybe Soejima is trying to hint to us that those two are worst girls by making them look weird.

Your mom smoked my cigar just the other day.

>a couple hundred is too much

get your shit together, user.

and yes, it is worth it. for one game.

>Who the fuck is going to localize a PS3 game for 2017?


Ton of results on Google. smoking acigar&biw=1920&bih=955&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiGl5T0lpTNAhXBxYMKHdV9COQQ_AUIBygC
Have fun

Nice shops.

>Live demo at E3
Holy fuck I'm gonna fucking storm in there if I have to

>that pic with a cigar the size of her entire mouth


I guess atlus need to be brought up to date on gender stereotypes. boy do they look silly.

the same people who localized a PS2 game in 2008

In the P5 schedule, it doesn't look like there are any plans for a P5 focused presentation at all. Although, I'm digging the attention P5 is getting by AtlusUSA.

I'd say I'm hopeful for the Sony conference to be the place of a P5 announcement, but those damn gooks have lead us on for too long.

this really doesn't seem like the sort of game to get any sort of satisfaction out of a demo.

I checked the article authors twitter, he just said it was an accident and he doesnt know if theres a demo

No, JRPGs just get flashy trailers at events like these. Never lengthy gameplay demonstrations because there will be riots in the crowd if they have to watch turn based battles and character management.

Yu can't escape

IGN misspoke.

Why would anyone pay an additional $350–400 for one game, if they're genuinely not interested in what else the system has to offer? If you already have a system that can play a comparable enough version and are satisfied with that, it's just throwing money away.

The date for the Japanese E3 site lines up with the date of the Sony conference when you take time zones into account.

It's totally possible for a game to be worth $400 to someone if they love it enough

I hope so. Literally nothing else looks half as good.

I'll buy the PS4 version and play the ps3 version for the undub.

And the same people who reprinted PS2 games when Soul Hackers on 3DS came out


what con is this?

PS3 and PS4

E3, you moron.

Morgana looks so much cooler than Teddie holy shit

oh duh! haha, my bad

>We proud to announce that P5 will feature dub-only!!


The PS3 logo is in the bag and they have stated that it has already been confirmed to be localized on the PS3 since the beginning and that hasn't changed since and neither will be.


I don't mind Futaba's neck that much
also Anne is best girl desu

I was just on Amazon and it says SMTIV Apocalypse comes out in America September 20th, 5 days after the Japanese P5 release date. Wouldn't be a bad idea for Atlus to launch both games within 5 days of each other in the West?

Yo is that a Splatoon girl on the left?


No one has said that it will be released at the same time in the west.

I'm just saying that a worldwide release seems unlikely with this information, which is kind of the main hope for E3

P5 isn't getting a simultaneous release and that Amazon date is a placeholder.

Apocalypse's date is just a placeholder date so it could be released earlier or later. I imagine it will get a solid date next week along with P5.

>Cartoony character smoking cigarette.

PR shitstorm inbound.

still better than Rise triggering Anita last year

I didn't hear about this

>This news
>More news in the dengeki in 2 oe 3 days
>E3 is literally around the corner
This month is shaping pretty good for the persona fans

can i just go to E3? my family own businesses only twenty minutes away from the convention center and i have a lot of free time