ITT: games you literally can't stop playing

ITT: games you literally can't stop playing

I bought this one on february and I'm still playing it daily. 300+ hours, not going to stop anytime soon.

Other urls found in this thread:

hope you've already beaten literally all the others in its series if you're that into it

Beating it once then again on hard shouldn't take 300 hours.


no matter how many hours i've played, i still always come back... it's game addiction personified...

Still have to play II.

>not doing all endings
>not continuing to play for the fun of it
Do you totally stop playing your games after you finish them, never playing them again?

>pick this up and really love it
>get to a miniboss in Tokyo that uses a party-wide OHK Dark spell
>haven't picked up the game in two weeks

Is this bullshit normal for the latter half of the game?

>he's addicted to bad games

Oh god, I'm so sorry user.

>he's addicted to shitposting

Oh god, I'm so sorry user.

You're supposed to have some demons that are resistant or nullify dark attack. You don't have to deal with light/dark attacks very often, but sometimes you have to. Also, be sure to have demons that can resurrect.
During my first gameplay I abused a lot Makarakarn and Tetrakarn, in order to reflect hits back to the opponent. Works very well until the endgame, where bosses start to piss off if you reflect everything and start to spam megidolaon.

I'm playing the first one and I'm liking it, then I'll start the 2, my friend that recommended this game to me says that it is fun as hell.

You are gonna stop soon, APOCALYPSE comes out in a few months tops

Light and dark spells are things and they are insta-kill but usually the hit rate is pretty low to compensate. You don't run into it much but it's still nice to have demons with resistances to them.

Guys c'mon. You're taking up space that could be used by Overwatch threads

This thread is about games people play in general, not only smt iv.

>You are gonna stop soon, APOCALYPSE comes out in a few months tops
>I live in europe
>i didn't hack my 3ds because I don't want to brick it
Yes, it is painful.
Send help.

The OP is but the thread is about SMT IV almost exclusively.

So? I can't do shit about it.
Instead of complaining, post a game too.

>he's addicted to reply to baits

Oh god, I'm so sorry user.

>he's addicted to reply to reply to baits

tfw when u quit league and finally have the time to play real games. Bloodborne is actually really good now that I have the time for other games.

These games really know how to make me feel bad

I tend to go back every now and then.

>300+ hours
What are you currently doing in the game user, just grinding and fusing perfect demons?

Started emulating P3 a week ago and I've logged 40 hours since. Typically I drop most JRPGs midway but I feel like I'll finish this one.

It's been years. I'll never let go.

Beat this a couple hours ago for the first time. Got the law ending despite going full chaos since the Walter/Jonathan split. Bucket of bullshit, that was.

Lucifer was a pushover btw. Kenji or whatever his name was was harder. Every status ailment on the entire party is bullshit

Trying to find the few demons I still have to fuse, I think they are locked behind some quests that I never found before, trying to get the error demons, enjoying chaos route again.
I like a lot of things about the game, so I still enjoy playing it. The atmosphere and music are awesome too.


Probably you did a lot of Law choices before that.
Going with walter/jonathan gives you only 10 points on chaos or law, beating kenji and activating yamato gives you +15 law.
Also, Law is worst ending in my opinion, it was quite stupid. I prefer the Chaos one and Neutral.

None of the endings are any spectacular, the most emotional moments usually come shortly before it, such as killing Isabeau

I'm hooked on that Theatrhythm Curtain Call game again.

>chaos route
Why are you doing any path that isn't Law?

I've put so many hours into this that I think I may have brain problems

I'm about to roll a new character

If you're a big fan of IV, you might like this theme I just made

I'll probably never drop this game at this point. Over a 1000 hours on Vita and sinse I bought a controller it's being getting up and up on Steam.

I just love it.

I agree on this, but I must say that
watching over mikado with lucifer and awakening masakado are fucking awesome. Resurrecting the Goddess was nice too. Law ending is the same as bad ending for the protagonist, and actually bad ending is much more tragic with that strange battle against yamato.

Because Law is worst ending, even worse than Bad ending. Chaos and Neutral are the best ones.
actually I like the post-ending where they show mikado, but i really can't stand that faggot merkabah killing us because "muh unclean ones"

Same. I just beat Hush with Lazarus last night. I still haven't unlocked The Lost, either.

well to be fair you really wouldn't have fit in very well in Mikado after all that

good taste user