Mafia 3

>Mafia 3
>Battlefield 1
>Watch Dogs 2
>Faith's boyfriend in Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Is having a black main character the new meme?

Faith's boyfriend is black??

>pacific rim 2
>they removed the viking thor guy
>the star wars black guy is the new MC

im not even joking

>Being black
That's an entire race, don't be so offensive Sup Forums

Who is pulling the strings, Sup Forums? Why is this happening at once so quickly? It all seems so calculated and orchestrated.

Fin was better than rei

you literally cant read , can you?

Gotta love Sup Forums insecurity


He actually turned out to be a decent character. Rei was the worst thing about Star Wars.


>muh Sup Forums boogyman
>das racists because you don't agree with me
>I have no problem shoehorning diversity in a game where it doesn't belong
>mods make this site more like redumblr
>muh anti SJWs

friendly reminder to get into a car accident and lose the use of your legs, coalburning faggots.

>Sup Forums get's triggered like a menstruating SJW


It really is starting to become forced, mafia is looking to be a racially charged self righteous wankfest, and battlefield is about world war fucking one and it has a black guy?

Mirrors edge is whatever, she probably would date a black dude, hell I thought she was gay


>damage control
wheres the charts, man? they told me there would be charts in this thread!

Olá Sup Forums, abraços de Lisboa. Tá quase 35º hoje. Sabem o que eu fiz hoje? Nada bati punheta como todos os dias. Mas joguei um bocado 1945 o jogo de arcada tambem. Já agora tambem ponho a pergunta: o sporting vai ganhar o campeonato?

you'll be fine

Niggers are the biggest cry babies in the world. They only make up like 13% of the US demographic and yet they demand they appear in every movie, game, and show AND have leading rolls.

Can't say I blame them though. They get whatever they want and pretty much rule western culture now. I'm sure it is just a coincidence that ever since rap and hip-hop culture became mainstream the west went to shit.

Can't even play my damn vidya anymore with running into the PC culture that runs everything else. A nigger in Battlefield is bullshit.
>"B-but it is historically accurate"
They are literally making the fucking nigger the pre-order statue. He is on every poster for the game. They barely made up any of the fighting force, I'm sure the Germans will be the stereotypical bad guys, too. Slaughtering women and children in the campaign, etc etc.


Take your cuck and BBC fetish back to Sup Forums

Harlem Hellfighters.....Google it you retard.

Vai panelar em outro lugar, paneleiro.
Oi :3

No idea what you are talking about



Don't you know?
Gotta CULTURALLY ENRICH our videogames!
I hate this PC black character pushing in media, doubly so with all the interracial pushing. Fucking abysmal.

Wow, I don't even know where to begin with your post! Op was implicitly racist, but this is a whole other level. Is there even anywhere diversity DOESN'T belong?

>Faith's boyfriend in Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Asians getting cucked too now. Where will the cucking end?

good, he's a better actor

>ITT: "Things I don't agree with are Sup Forums"

>american soldiers
>mostly poorfags that have no perspective in life and join the military
>blacks are generaly poor with no perspective in life

Meanwhile only white people bitch about games featuring. On white leads... Amazing isn't it. There has been like a whole 8 games the past decade featuring a black lead.


Ain't different that "things I don't agree are SJW"

Oi queres-te encontrar comigo? podemos tocar um no outro e fazer outras coisas

Not arguing against them being in it shitlord, I'm arguing that
>Blacks barely make up any of the population, even back then
>Still overly represented in the media
The fucking guy is on the poster, man. A lot of the nigger soldiers fought for France, anyway.

He COULD have been a decent character, or at the least a better character, if they had just let his character develop fully. He was looking to be the reluctant hero, but Rei fucked it all up by stealing all the spotlight EVERYTIME.

Whites are the biggest cry babies in the world. They only make up like 20% of the world demographic and yet they demand they appear in every movie, game, and show AND have leading rolls.

Can't say I blame them though. They get whatever they want and pretty much rule global culture now. I'm sure it is just a coincidence that ever since colonialism became mainstream the world went to shit.

>Wow, he posted something I disagree with!
He's right you retard, they need to stop pushing "muh diversity" in places where it doesn't belong at all.
There would certainly not be a black man in a regimen with white men in WW1. The PC is only black LITERALLY because of PC and Diversity pushing. Don't kid yourself.

White people who bitch about white leads are literally self-hating faggots. They are the equivalent of an ivory tower celebrity adopting like 15 African kids, they think by doing that it shows they are tolerant and will make people think they aren't racist. In a culture that now says simply pointing out immigration problems in white countries is racist, I'm not surprised.

It's called Tokenism

It's fucking sad. At least if you are going to put a character in the game of a different background, you have better have a good reason like the game actually takes place in the region where people of that background are prevalent.

For example, if you set the game in Medieval Europe, you would HAVE to use Whites because of the Geography

If you set it in the Ancient middle East, it would be native Arabian, and so on.

yes its the new meme for cuckolded trendy hipster 'developers'

it's funny that video games have to be realistic when it fits your world view.

>ITT: "Racism is vidya"

Because Finn was a red herring. He isn't the focus. He's just a Stormtrooper. He isn't force sensitive. He was never meant to be the protagonist. He's a main character, but not THE main character.

The dlc for the game is about the Harlem Hellfighters, an all black unit during WWI.

>look I did the meme where I changed the word!
>am I cool, mom?

>Not the main game
>Yet he's still on all the posters

how do you know his whole unit isn't black

He said coalburning, implying that somehow black men penetrating white women is a negative how can you even deny that is racist??

I know this is b8 but I can't help myself:
>They only make up like 20% of the world demographic
That's right, and we're quickly dropping even lower than that because of forced immigration. If we don't like inviting hordes of Muslims/Mexicans into our countries to outbreed us we're racist. Meanwhile whites are getting killed on sight in South Africa just because they are white.
>yet they demand they appear in every movie, game, and show AND have leading rolls
First of all, we produce every movie and game. Second, no we don't demand shit. If a white person demands they start letting white people have roles they'd get called racist. In Germany they'd probably get sent to a gulag or something.
>They get whatever they want and pretty much rule global culture now
Niggers do. Rap has been at the top for a while, and with declining morals and women become more and more degenerate it won't change any time soon.
>I'm sure it is just a coincidence that ever since colonialism became mainstream the world went to shit.
Colonialism isn't around anymore, if niggers are so mad about it why don't they go back to Africa? by staying they are admitting life is better here. Niggers in Africa have been in the stone age forever, they were in it before the white man showed up, and they will be in it after.

This. Well said, enlightened brother. We need more intellectuals like ourselves in this liberal cuck-infested world.

Have an internet.

Triggered, much? Fuck off back to your faggot safe space on Tumblr and let the big boys play, cuck.

Sup Forums will never, ever fuck off, will they?

What the fuck was moot thinking allowing these dumb shits back?

So someone on the cover bothers you? The game doesn't feature a black lead. Yet you see all the butthurt it caused.


Shut the fuck up, cuck. This isn't your safe space.

>Meanwhile whites are getting killed on sight in South Africa just because they are white.
Black people are still pretty much treated as a slave class in SA what the fuck are you on about? do you think black people in the west aren't killed just for being black?

stay mad whitey

c-charts n graphs mutha fukka
w-what, my chart has no peer reviewed source and comes from an out of date study? W-well modern scientists are just dirty cucked liberals!

neither yours :^)

Because it's blatantly there to just push political correctness and diversity when he isn't the lead.
You're going to defend that? They're selling a statue of a black guy who isn't even in the game until you buy the DLC (a DLC about a full black unit, which is hilarious "muh diversity" pushing in and of itself) with the collectors edition.
You don't see a problem with this?

I'm sure this is b8. At least I hope it is. I really need it to be.

Why do you think a woman being in a relationship with a black male means she's being "cucked"? Do you even know what cuckholding is?

>ITT: Things I don't agree with are SJW tumblr cuck agendas

> W-well modern scientists are just dirty cucked liberals!

mocking the claim doesn't make it any less true. i bet you fell for the global warming meme.

great counter argument, might as well have hit me with an "ARE YOU KIDDING ME"

Black people in America kill white people just for being white.
Look at BlackLivesMatter. They're blatantly racist and anti-white, and their "peaceful protestors" have started mobs by shouting "KILL ALL THESE FUCKIN WHITE COPS" before.
Stop being a sheep and just spouting what you hear on TV.

Yeah, that meme doesn't work on white people. Memes only work when they're true, since they cut like a knife. Niggers are at least smart enough to know that WE kicks their shit in.

how can white boys even compete?

>Nobody is allowed to be black because it's pushing an agenda
>But I don't have a problem with black people in games, as long as they're not shoved down my throat!

Useful idiots have entered all industries, it's too late.

name one person killed by the black lives matter movement.

What a perfect time for a crash to happen

>I know, instead of debating I'll just go "umad? :^)))))))"
1/10 made me type this out.


>Out of 1958, only one is a nigger.

Ok fine.
>Black people are treated as slaves in SA
By who, other black people? There is no more white government in SA, Mugabe overthrew it all. The Chinese are now running things, they are bleeding shitskins dry over there of resources. Mugabe recently made a public plea for white farmers to come back to Africa, since then he has had to request aid to avoid starvation.
>black people are killed just for being black
More whites are killed by cops than blacks and more whites are killed by blacks than vice versa on a massively disproportionate scale.

>everyone who doesn't support trump is brainwashed!!

Get out.

I don't think the red pill is supposed to be taken in such high doses. Maybe you should consult your doctor.

You need to go back.

where did it say he was the only black?

And that guy is probably white as fuck

I'm not a complete white supremacists. I'm willing to give niggers a chance if they throw away their primitive African culture for righteous European culture

More like:

>everyone who act's like a self-hating mentally ill person is brainwashed!

Of course user, only glorious alt right white males are intelligent, they have chartsngraphs to prove it! They're the only free thinkers, they have no agendas, just facts!

>mad cuz a nignog is smarter than him despite his superior white genes



Besides, there's literally nothing wrong with anything in that image.

>only 1598 of more than 1.92 million students earned an ACT Composite score of 36.

So, uh, one black kid out of 1598 got a score of 36?

What race were the other 1597?

Red-pillers are the smartest people on the planet right now.

Gays do caralho, foda-se. Esta merda de site está contaminado com a vossa raça

just an example... idk if any other blacks got it.

you dont have to get so insecure. some blacks are just smarter than you.

By even running the story it's pretty clear that he is. It wouldn't be a story if he were Asian, White or Jewish...

reminds me of that one time when three black actors won oscars, and one of them was halle berry kek
seemed really forced


>Sweet dreams are made of this
>Who am I to disagree
>Traveled the world and the seven seas
>Everyone is looking for something

hilarious. the embarrassing name alone is enough to prove otherwise

it's from a high school they would brag about any of their students getting a perfect sat/act

>tfw fedoras abandoned attacking religion in favor of attacking liberalism

We have come full circle

Yeah except you faggots need to keep your horse shit on Sup Forums where it belongs. Nobody gives a shit about your euphoric enlightenment.

This is like the exact opposite of what's happening.

It's amazing how much people will defend blacks on Sup Forums, when every other race gets shit on. We had an archived thread the other about racist indian memes/jokes, not once did anyone in that thread tell people to go back to Sup Forums or cry racism. Americans really love their black bulls.

>hahaha embarrassongz ur so dumb lol

You need to go back.