Why are indie games so shitty and pretentious Sup Forums?
Why are indie games so shitty and pretentious Sup Forums?
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because shitty and pretentious people make them
JESUS. Just look at that picture.
If Phil Fish isn't the Nu-Male King, then I don't know who is.
Pixel truly is a rarity among rarities.
They aren't as a whole, but the ones that are shilled like Gone Homo, Hurr Story and other SJW libcuck propaganda that gets shilled by Gawker and other shitty, leftist media companies are.
Grim Dawn
TQ is still better
Undertale, Rocket League, Risk of Rain and Terraria are great.
And Minecraft in its early years was fucking awesome.
If you like these games listed you can't complain about pretentiousnous.
>Fallout New Vegas
>Fallout 1/2
>Planescape Torment
>Any isometric game
>Dwarf Fortress
>Halo 5
>Any computer RPG from 1995-2002
amen to that
Bastion, Transistor, Rogue Legacy, Factorio, Gemini Rue, .. plenty of great games out there that aren't supported by large publishing companies. You might want to try the good one's.
there are other indie devs like him.
Check out some of the Devolver stuff (not all of them though).
Stopped reading right there.
They're one of the few publishers I actually consider good.
Like who?
I'd like to support more nice people like Pixel.
How does it feel to be a hiveminded idiot who can't enjoy a game without caring about its autistic community?
hi newshit
there are plenty of good indie developers, myself included.
most of us are more talented than shitty AAA developers
>he hasn't played pre-release minecraft before notch turned full jewshit.
Get the fuck outta here.
>myself included.
You're probably fucking shit.
Anthony Burch
what did you make?
i don't know
Factorio, and Human Resource Machine are pretty fun indie games
>implying that minecraft wasn't great
>leaving empty spaces between greentext
How was your day at /r/gaming?
>bringing up some irrelevant loser for no reason
Why are you cucks so obsessed with these small time losers?
>myself included.
he made Gender Bender DNA Twisted Extreme
kill yourself retard indies are overrated pretentious bullshit walking simulators
fat autist plz go
Wake up, man, you just shat yourself.
Because publicity. Why the fuck has nobody here seen Rockcock64?
>Why are indie games so shitty and pretentious Sup Forums?
Stop playing the ones made by the "progressive" crowd. Just because their friends are all game journalists giving their shit 11/10's doesn't mean you should be a gullible retarded and buy those games. I thought Axiom Verge, Shovel Knight, Binding of Isaac and Castle in the Darkness were all great games. To know if an indie game even has a chance at being good, just check to see if the devs are knee deep in drama. If they're having a diarrhea aneurysm on twitter, they're probably part of the social agenda crowd, and unstable people like that cannot into vidya. This is true 100% of the time.
>tfw had classes with with his wife
>tfw she's actually really nice
tfw she wished me happy birthday
Because they're privileged children from a 1st world country who expect everything to be given to them.
Toby Fox
it isn funny user
>v hates it so I have to love it because I'm a massive contrarian faggot.
my nigga
Most rules have exceptions.
That's strange, because Toby Fox doesn't get involved in any drama shit, yet he's pretty much the poster child for the social agenda crowd.
The deveveloper known as Astro Port. Their games could be best described as "an off brand soda as good as the original, but at 5% of the cost."Infact, Astro Port games have been my recurring GOTY nomination for years.
What sets them apart from other indie devs is how little they care about the cancerous tumor on video games known as "muh story and narrative". You get a basic text scroll that acts as the entire plot, and then you're released into the game. Compare that to "cinematic experiences" like Bayonetta, TLOU, Xenoblade, The Order 1886, Undertale, Uncharted, Metal Gear, and Zelda.
Wow, you've got some problems, buddy.
List some good western (because jap indies are never fags) indie games not made by faggots:
Giana Sisters
Shovel Knight
Valdis Story
Aquaria/Eternal Daughter
Divinity: OS
Juniper's Knot
Ori and the blind forest
>You get a basic text scroll that acts as the entire plot
Looking into Astro Port right now
Freedom Planet?
>filet of phish
I had the same mindset till I started playing Risk of Rain and Broforce with a friend. Had so much fun playing them, honestly made me happier than recent games have, especially Broforce, seeing all those parodies of action heroes and how hilarious it makes fun of action movies
Do you need a friend user?
it was still autistic as fuck, why don't you go play with legos
Indie developers know thier target market well, OP.
Because it pisses faggots like you off
It surprised me too.
t. Astro Port
okay, but the game is still ass.
>Dwarf Fortress is pretentious
Toady is too autistic and busy planning new features nobody wants, needs or expects to have time to be pretentious.
The fanbase on Sup Forums is pretentious though
Tell me more about Star Dock
>lone dev
>refused to fall for the early access meme and only released when he felt the game was ready to be released
>5 patches within little more than a week, including bugfixes as well as little bits of content for common complaints
>manually fixes people's broken saves
>free bonus content patches coming up
Why tho?
Because for every indie band/artist/developer/whatever who has talent but refuses to buy into the system for whatever reason, there's a metric shitload of indie bands/artists/developers/whatevers who are indie because they suck too hard to be picked up by a major label/sponsor/publisher/whatever.
Bastard Bonds.
Unless pixelated penises make you uncomfortable or something
cause nobody cares about the good people and AAAAA fanboys want people to hate the indie "enemy" so Ubisoft and Activision are the only "good guys" allowed.
Basically, their games follow a similar formula.
>you have a weapon/giant robot
>there are things shooting at you
>shoot them back
You don't have a plot shoved down your throat. No political agendas or tumblr terminologies or gender issues or whatever. The game doesn't ask you to cry or have feelings or sit and watch a cutscene for 20 minutes on end. Best of all, multiple difficulties and controller schemes, and about 90% of these games can be bought off of steam, on desura or GOG. So no DRM for those who hate steam.
I'm worried that I'm coming off as a shill right now, but I've seen the worst of this industry, so even small stuff like this comes off as a breath of fresh air.
I don't know but, I would like to slap the shit head who pissed off the jap dev so badly that he put in measure to prevent a good translation.
Yeah because the world of videogames was totally right wing conservatives pre-2014, before the SJWs ruined everything, right?
First post, best post.
What measure?
id rather have a story than play that bland piece of shit though
what are you, like 90 years old?
You do not belong here
>only the neccesary amount of women on the team, don't care about filling minority quotas
>they only care about fun in their games
>cater to superior PC audiences releasing exclusives, highly moddable games with lots of graphical configurations (see Serious Sam 3)
There's no sjw-conservative dichotomy, the actual dichotomy is sjws-normal people
No. Everything was normal until the left decided to shit where they eat.
Croteam rules
If you prefer games with story, then you'll be guaranteed a "bland piece of shit" every time you play a game.
If you try to insert english in the battle mode it freezes. Thus it led to this game not being taken on for a good long while. Hell even the first game had problems with not capturing spell cards with it not saving and bosses had right didn't have an item due to it not being translated correctly.
A game made by a large company is just a product for selling. There is a detachment from it. Plus they usually have a PR team.
A game made by a small team or one person is a "artistic" personal treasure (or turd).
Humans are egotistical by nature and the world today has conditioned them to be more so. So they believe that everything they do is good and worthy of people's time. They are unable to process criticism or realize its potential benefits. When people confront them and argue that their creation isn't a gift from God then they react strongly. Since they can't take criticism and don't know how to argue their point they can only shout petty insults.
So they come off as shitty and pretentious. Usually justifiably so.
First post best post as usual.
yeah because all games with stories are bland, as opposed to games that just do one thing and one thing only for the entire game
What about Cortex Command?
Stop trying to force this shitty meme, you only noticed that post because it was the first post
Notice my posts instead you faggots
where did it all go wrong?
No, you mean sjws-old people, because your definition of sjw includes pretty much everyone born in the last 25 years
When you think there's only ~30 people in the team and the core 6 founder guys are still there, and they're still able to make great games... God bless Croteam.
>only the neccesary amount of women on the team, don't care about filling minority quotas
>the neccesary amount
No you idiot.
A team should hire people based on their qualities, regardless if they are a man or a woman. There isn't any specified "necessary" amount of women required, only skilled people. If they happened to be all men, yet all competent, then who gives a shit.
What definition, i wasn't aware you were a psych
I'll never notice your post. Now, ignore the (You) I just gave you.
Tech has always been liberal. Your views would mean you would have been seen as a weird far-right nutter by 97% of people working in video games and tech.
Technology is about inventing new shit, sometimes even for the sake of it. It's the opposite to the 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' mentality of conservatives and the 'everything was better before people had rights' mentality of the alt-right.
It was still in fucking alpha. That's why it wasn't shit.
It's shit now because it's "finished" with no direction or shit to do. Instead they just slapped whatever "features" they could from popular games at the time.
I left my oven on