This was fun and for a great price (you literally name your own price).

Kill yourself underage retard.

fuck off

Is that a porn game?

Yeah, except without the porn.

Fuck off you imbecile

Are you being sarcastic?


>Literally no attractive guys
>Female protagonist

Then it can't be the GOTY.

This is the gayest shit I've ever seen.

what games came out this year? I don't know if I bought any.


What is up with those stupid beards, and why does this look like tumblr made this

Total War: Warhammer
The Witcher 3: blood and wine
Uncharted 4
Grim Dawn
Star Fox Zero

And many, many more.

Uh, meant to quote

Does this game let me punch ProJared?
Does this game let me tell Completionist to get better taste?
Does this game let me get laid by JonTron?

Then it isn't GOTY

Can someone give me the main points of this game? Like did anything notable or funny happen?

I was in a thread with someone posting as they played, it was fun but he didn't finish it.

>Star Fox Zero
You can't like that. It's shit.

I guess Pokken by default? It's the only one from that list I've even played.

I don't own a WiiU, but I've heard that the game is really good once you get pass the unusual control scheme.

As someone who owns the game, it's not even the control scheme that's the problem. It's how bland and lame it is. I'd have more fun sitting down for an hour and playing the original or any other rail shooter (btw, SF0 doesn't have a whole lot of on rail segments or on rail boss fights).

*playing the original 64

>You can't like cuz I said so
Are you the same guy doing the Kyrstal threads?

this is worthy

Did that user finish it on Otome Fridays? I fucking missed it.

Severed was pretty underrated

Probably because it's a digital game on Vita so hardly anyone would have played it...

Overwatch? more like Overcrack

By the way, how can something so bland even be considered GOTY? There have been way better games that've released this year.


I don't follow any of those LPers :/

but you play as a girl. Is it still gay if you are a guy playing a girl dating guys in a game?

The Witness, although I expect Dishonored 2 to replace it.