Playable skellingtons

>playable skellingtons
>multiplayer PvP mode

Are you guys hyped for GOTY?

If it allows more than 2 players in coop, I'm sold

its up to 4 this time

>playable skellingtons
>multiplayer PvP mode
>this is what matters most in a crpg game
the kiddynity fanbase everyone

>>multiplayer PvP mode

Dropped like it's a hot bag of shit.


underaged console casual piece of shit

I should really fucking finish the first.

DivOS main feature is an excellent combat system, PvP would be amazing

>multiplayer PvP mode
>In turn base game

Holy shit really? fucking GOTY if this is true OP. Let's just hope it doesn't come with Shituvo.

play some real pvp game then

>indie game

Dragon Commander is best divinity.

retarded anime poster

I'm just scared they'll focus way too much on this whole multiplayer bullshit and leave out the single player aspect.

>I'm just scared they'll focus way too much on this whole multiplayer bullshit and leave out the single player aspect.
they will since they want that sweet casual dick
who cares about story, writing and atmosphere in a rpg game right? multiplayer time!

Bad day at school, eh?

rpg's should not focus on multiplayer and pvp
they should do a homm clone and just stop pretending that they care

80 hours in the first and still the end is nowhere in sight. It moved down my backlog but now it's time to pick it up after I finish Blood and Wine.

PoE is better xD

I speak the truth.