Is the modern Naughty Dog fanbase the worst fanbase in the history of gaming?
Is the modern Naughty Dog fanbase the worst fanbase in the history of gaming?
>implying it isn't Sup Forums and other butthurt and/or falseflagging fanboys disliking it
no, people who still use 10 point review systems are garbage though
In history? No. Nintendo fans have had that crown for a long time.
Requesting that image of neofaggers talking about how much better modern naughty dog is.
So in other words yes the naughty dog fanbase is the shitiest right now, just look at this thread and the fags trying to justify the actions of these ass fuckers
You'd be surprised how many of them are genuine.
no but therye still shit
It's a perfectly suitable system. It's just misused too often.
I'd say that Squeenix Apologists are just as bad.
No Dark Souls fans are
>doesn't like fun games
i bet you dont even play video games
In what universe, Uncharted is boring as shit.
They are disliking the video because they didnt give it a 10/10? What the fuck is wrong with the uncharted fans.
Cr1tikal did a video on uncharted 4 where he basically said he didnt like it and he got bashed because of it.
Fucking disgusting.
BB fans are even worse. They are the same retards as dark souls fans but they are also combined with sony fanboys. Wouldn't be surprised if a BB fan replied to my post saying that I am xbox fag or pc fat because they seem to believe that anyone who doesn't have only praise for the game doesn't actually own the game.
What would you call a fun game?
Back to Kotaku.
Max Payne 2
No they're bashing because she was originally going to give an 8.8 for stupid ass reasons and she's already given a 9 to tomb raider and ign gave 9's and higher scores to cod and halo 5.
Those dislikes were warranted.
They're the same shit faggot. How about you stop being triggered over someone else's hot opinion.
How can you comment on Bloodborne? You're most likely a mustard race who hasn't even played the game. Arguing from ignorance is pathetic.
Uncharted fans are mentally ill, they genuinely think that anything less than 10/10 means you're shitting on it.
It's basically a cult where if you don't comply with their ideology that Uncharted is the perfect game series sent down by deities above then you're a heretic.
>Cr1tikal did a video on uncharted 4 where he basically said he didnt like it and he got bashed because of it.
He got bashed because he jumped in on the 4th game without playing any of the others and dropped it after the first 3 chapters because he had ADD.
Doesn't matter anyway. He's literally the Sup Forums version of pewdiepie.
So are nintendo fans.
If you don't like baby games, apparently you're Satan and don't like video games.
>she was originally going to give an 8.8
This is giving me flashbacks.
So fucking what? This is the 4th entry of the series and it should showcase what the pinnacle of the games are so far.
It does. But he dropped it after 3 chapters and never found out and called it shit.
I might as well drop Persona 3 in the middle of the 3 hour intro and call it a shit game as well, eh?
>but nintendo
every time without fail
>comparing an RPG to an action game
He didnt say it was shit, he said it was boring.
The first part of the game is boring as fuck too, even for fans of the series. Watching nathan do his taxes and scuba diving isnt fun.
You shouldnt be forced to play the previous games to enjoy a new game. You cant say the game is 10/10 if you played the previous ones but a 7/10 if you didnt. That's dumb as fuck.
There was no part of the game that was boring. You kids just have ADD.
i used to play MP2 and I'd load the same quicksaves over and over because the levels were ridiculously fun. It's one of my favorite games. But as a huge Max Payne fan I can tell you right now that the combat in U4 is just as fun, but in a different way. If you like MP2 but think U4's combat is boring then it's probably because you (or whoever you watched) are not playing the game right. If you're struggling at all on hard difficulty then you are doing it wrong; you are supposed to be extremely mobile and opportunistic
But he did beat the game, you shitposter.
>You shouldnt be forced to play the previous games to enjoy a new game
People who think this way should die
You don't find it odd that a video game needs to rely on a story, let alone the story of several other games, just to be good? If Uncharted 4 was so good, it could stand on its own even without the plot.
Look at Mario. I don't need to play every game to get the "lore" straight. I can jump into Sunshine without ever having played 64. I can play Mario and Luigi without ever having touched Paper Mario, or Mario RPG.
Games that rely on large plots and narratives were a mistake.
I wish there was some sort of mutual agreement in cosmic space that no review is allowed to issue an 8.8 score after the Twilight Princess-gate.
as Uncharted fan, yes
U4 is 8 at best, more like 7 since there is so little gameplay
she sounds like a retard
why did they even have her do the review?
Did not know about this. Just sign it, thx user
You do realize you can't have a constant barrage of action right? Otherwise, all the action becomes meaningless with no substance. All the "slow" and "boring" parts of Uncharted 4 are the exploration. If you don't like hanging out with realistic npc's looking for treasures, then WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DECIDE TO PLAY UNCHARTED??
memery aside, it would be better movie than game
You don't have to play the others. It's still pretty much self-contained with a lot of build up and motivation.
It's just a lot of the home parts with Elena and all the interaction with her in Libertalia may seem boring because you don't know who the fuck she is other than your wife. But I remember her since 07 with Uncharted 1 and loved her.
it would be trashed by actual critics
thats the stuff I can't fathom about all these "cinematic experiences", they fail so horribly when you put them up to the standarts of a movie while failing at the gamey-department too
Naughty Dog is one of the worst developers, so, yes.
Nice try, falseflagger.
7 is still good score you retard
I dont expect constant action, I would've picked up a different shooter in that case, but I also dont expect to walk from cutscene a into cutscene b. Just make it a long cutscene instead. I'd personally rather sit through a longer cutscene than having pointless interaction sections that's just me going from a to b with no other interactions.
First half of the game is pretty boring, like first 4 chapters or something. Before he goes on the treasure hunt. Also all the kid sections were shit.
For an optimal experience you should have played the other games. Problem is that they marketed this game so much that people that had never played 1-3 picked it up, so they should at least make it somewhat right of the bat for the newer players.
All in all I really liked the game, but the pacing wasnt perfect, definitely more fun than 3 still
>7 is still good score
In what universe? 7 is below mediocre.
That's why all the serious game adaptations fail (i.e. Warcraft, Prince of Persia).
The ones that do succeed either don't take themselves that seriously (Angry Birds) or create their own plot (Need for Speed)
>proving my point
thx m8
>thats the stuff I can't fathom about all these "cinematic experiences", they fail so horribly when you put them up to the standarts of a movie while failing at the gamey-department too
Where does this meme fucking come from? Where did it start? Reviewers praise Avengers, Mad Max Fury Road, Nolanshit, and fucking pic-related as top-tier movies. Why the fuck wouldn't Uncharted be?
Why are video games ratings so fucking skewed and why do people care so much about what I game they're already into gets? Surely they don't let it influence their own feelings on the game.
this mad
Because it's supposed to be a game not a movie you subnormal AIDS mong
If Uncharted was movie it'd fail too btw, especially when compared to what you mentioned
Not even
I'd bet money that this was put up by a PC fat in an effort to le epic falseflag.
I thought the exploration parts were fun for one or two playthroughs, at the very least. I cant understand how anyone who enjoys TPS's can get bored of U4 before they even finish it once
Is forbidden planet worth watching?
Why is Uncharted worse as a movie than Forbidden Planet?
Thats a pretty generic sci-fi b-movie.
Probably because the game is worthy of the praise. I didn't even get into it until after Dark Souls III, and it blew me away.
>he doesn't like to grappling hook around and do parkour in multiplayer
I pity the fool. It's like all those salt monsters who missed out on TLOU's multiplayer, which I'm still playing to this day.
yes even
Yet Sup Forums loves witcther 3. Gee i wonder why that game gets a free pass?
It's a story based series, user. The whole game is basically relevant because of what already happened in 1-3.
I only watched a friend play about half the game and I was hooked. Had to menu out of Bloodborne because I was letting it sit there to watch Uncharted.
Forbidden Planet has above average writing, themes, and special effects than movies of that era. I was pretty influential. Dunno what else you're comparing it to.
Uncharted is a Tomb Raider/Indiana Jones rip-off for console babbies who literally don't know any better.
How many damn times do we have to go over this!?
The petition was made because the review was barely a review, didn't talk about gameplay, characters, and didn't even have a score.
The reason the review is such a big deal is because NO other big hyped game no matter how shit has this large of a divisive dropoff. Check The Witness, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Titanfall, DA: inquisition, bioshock infinite, Undertale, NONE of them have anywhere near a 4 review.
>Forbidden Planet has above average writing, themes, and special effects than movies of that era
All of those words can be interchangeable with anything. They mean nothing unless you adequately describe and point out sections to build an argument.
>First half of the game is pretty boring, like first 4 chapters or something
that's more like the first sixth of the game than the fist half
sonygger here. this is just normalfag outcry for a normalfag game. nothing to see there
just fucking port EDF 4.1 to PC
>The reason the review is such a big deal
NO video game review is a big deal you loser go outside lol
>argue with me
yeah nah
Doesn't get a free pass from me.
Sorry, should've said first part, not half. It's like the first 30-60 mins that you play and it's not the most exciting shit.
It does get a lot better, the middle and end parts were great.
Yet we still have hundreds of faggots flooding any game on a "rival platform" with 0 star reviews in an effort to lower the metascore. That's seen as justified by the Nintendo and PC demographics of Sup Forums, who engage in this daily.
Shit, Metascore bombing was the reason Obsidian got fucked out of their bonus money for New Vegas. Metacritic is really an awful thing that only serves as a tool for fanbois to attack each other.
Any narrative-heavy game gets a free pass for being on PC. This is the fanbase that fucking loves Undertale, but will bash Uncharted simply because "how dare every IP not be PC-centric".
No other playerbase makes petitions for ports, just think about that anytime you feel sympathy for them. Every other demographic is fine with what they have except the one that claims to have the most. I even play games on PC, it's a great platform, but the "muh masterrace" kook aid started getting served as a normal refreshment at some point.
An actual cancer on videogames. Fucking kill yourselves.
Who would you spend 1 year on an island with
Undertale fans
Sonic fans
Sony fans
Souls fans
We're talking critic scores here. Nobody cares about user scores for the reasons you have already illustrated
In the long term, that game probably deserved a LOWER score.
>Any narrative-heavy game gets a free pass for being on PC.
Ah ah ah. Hold your horses, hombre. That might be true for some people, but not for me. I dunk a game multiple points for being story heavy, even if it's a PC exclusive. Undertale, The Witcher, they don't get special treatment.
Do you even know what my GOTY for 2015 was? or shoot, my collective favorite games for the past 5 years?
>3 minutes of boring cover shootan surrounded by hours of boring ez-mode platforming and cutscenes.
Nobody should care about critic scores. Like the games that you like without needing to justify it to yourself through some shit journos arbitrary number
>Uncharted is a Tomb Raider/Indiana Jones rip-off for console babbies who literally don't know any better.
Its funny you say that considering crystal dynamics pretty much started copying ND with the reboot. Let alone the fact the reboot isn't even tomb raider anymore same goes for neo-lara croft.
Fuck I'm still mad.
That's fine that you don't like them, but it's a little stupid. Just don't play story-heavy games. I don't like Skating games, but I have nothing against them. It's just another genre of shit to do in front of a screen. Like old text adventures and shit. Not everything needs to be purely about the speed/accuracy of your physical inputs.
Maybe I want to make decisions in an RPG. Even if it has shit combat, if it has the role playing side of things covered, I'll still consider it a good RPG. It's why I kept playing New Vegas on PS3 despite the living Hell that is New Vegas on PS3.
Uncharted is just a TPS with a ton of jumping, swinging, interactive movie sections, and cutscenes. It's like when you want to watch something, play something, do some half-assed puzzles, and play multiplayer that nobody else seems to pull off (it was the highlight of TLOU and it's good in U4, yet nobody on this board talks about it because they haven't played either game).
Fuck this pisses me off. The review praised it while fairly pointing out its flaws. We've been moving towards this worrying trend where people actually get upset if you aren't going all or nothing with support (it's either 10/10 or garbage).
>boring cover shootan
keep telling yourself that. Cover shooting has never been so exciting, fast-paced and mobility-oriented as it is in U4
No but they are close Souls fans are the worst fucking thing on this board.
>Just don't play story-heavy games
I avoid it if I can, but that doesn't stop me from criticizing it.
>Not everything needs to be purely about the speed/accuracy of your physical inputs.
I know this well. It's the point of many strategy games that aren't starcraft, which got up its own ass about APM and mouse clicks.
>Maybe I want to make decisions in an RPG. Even if it has shit combat, if it has the role playing side of things covered, I'll still consider it a good RPG
See, this I don't get. If an RPG has boring gameplay, then why even play it? Just watch it on youtube or something. Is boring gameplay worth the cinematic narrative? I noticed that you used the term "combat" specifically, which makes you think that I want all games to be Dark Souls or Dragon's Dogma. That's not true. Turn based RPGs can be good. But the primal point is that the gameplay should be the prominent feature. If you don't care about the gameplay, then why are you playing a game?
This. I don't know how many times WEBM threads were ruined by mass flooding of footage of boring combat.
I dont know why everyone hates on the climbing sections. I think they're comfy, and much more interesting than most of the other ways of travelling you see in other games (walking, running, riding or driving)
don't people have anything better to do? we need another war.
Link to this video? I want to dislike it.
at least nintendo makes games.
>Cover shooting has never been so exciting
and they say neogaf doesnt shitpost here