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Any other review? Read somewhere Gamespot gave it a 7.
Stopped caring about this years ago the second the words "open world" were ushered.
>open world
>you must follow the red trail
Well memed EA :^)
>Unlike characters and story
Now that one really surprised me. Even IGN doesn't like obnoxious SJW characters? They must be really freaking terrible.
>story about fight versus big bad and wealthy corporate fucking WHITE MALE
>unlikable story
i thuought that ign likes that kind of story
Never forget the first one will always be great
>IGN was right about Alien Isolation
>IGN was right about Neo-Doom
>IGN was right about Stellaris
>IGN is now right about Mirror's Edge 2
>ultimately a disappointment
if ever there was proof the review scale being fucked to the point where journalists themselves think a game has to be a 9 or above not to be shit, it's this
>unironically buying into gaming journalism
IGN's scale starts at 7. A 6.8 is the FORBIDDEN NUMBERS.
They're just pulling a Ubisoft checklist "open world" style at this point. Not something Mirror's Edge ever needed.
Mirrors Edge was never good
Take that back!
Corporations do not give a fuck about the common man
Fuck the fuck off
If they did there would be people that are on billboards instead of fucking 9.99 for this item that you will use one time.
SJW was made by darpa.
Oh shit it's out? Thanks OP I was actually looking forward to getting this, how is it anyway?
Well they use the American grade scaling instead of a "true" 1-10 scale.
In American grading, 70% is an average. Below that is pretty bad. Anything below a B is actually considered bad
I forgot this game was even coming out. EA really needs to give up on Origin, and put their shit on Steam. They haven't come close to releasing anything in years that will make me use Origin.
honestly I never saw what people liked about mirror's edge
yeah it looked nice and yeah you get to go fast sometimes, but the story and characters were forgettable, the shooting segments were horrendous and the level design was nothing to write home about
Crawl back to your hole, conspiratard.
Story and shooting is for fags.
I've played the game for 40 hours and I don't even know the character's names
>watching some playthrough
>female version of ZIMBABWE appears
I like how Sup Forums is automated propaganda bots.
It is a new way to brainwash a youth in a similiar manner the 1940s did with that generation.
>uneven combat
I haven't been following this game at all. Why the fuck would they even put combat in the game?
Okay, EA, your stupid experiment failed. Make a real sequel now.
Fuck off, IGN rated Alien Isolation way too high.
Everything else you listed has been really on point though and i don't understand what's happening.
>Devs bring in Sleazy Sarkeesy to lecture about strong womyn fighting muh privileged patriarchy soggy knees
>Unlikable characters and story
>make a real sequel now
Excuse me, if this game fails commercially that obviously means that nobody wanted a Mirror's Edge game in the first place and that the smart thing to do is lock the IP up in IP jail never to be seen again.
>70% is average
Nigga what
80%+ is average and it's still shit, given that American high school is easy and you could easily get at least 85%+ if you give a minimal number of shits and you're in the classes that the teacher recommends.
The original Mirror's Edge, with dialogue turned off, was the best singleplayer FPS experience since Half-Life.
>Unlikable character
I liked Faith in the first game.
How much did they change her?
oh ok nevermind, guess they weren't talking about her specifically
>Even IGN doesn't like obnoxious SJW characters?
Why are you assuming that's what they are?
we entered Hinamizawa back in 2007 my man
things will only get worse from here
>IP jail
I'm now thinking all things that perform like shit go there untill they sell well
>By the time the higurashi start crying
Fucking memes.
How can EA fuck up so much, we just wanted some fun parkour shit
Fuck off GG
But Higurashi took place in 1983, I'm sure things were better by 2007.
>keikaku means plan
Can you write it in red?
They mention Higurashi and Cicadas separately so I presumed that Higurashi were some insect only in Japan
am I wrong?
>I'm sure things were better by 2007
it took a while for the footsteps to reach the west
>he doesn't know about the the Berenstain dimensional shift
I just wanted a new music by Solar Fields. I got what I want. I dunno what you people were expecting.
anita's involved with the making of the game
I'm dyslexic and I often read e as a and a as e so this whole thing is retarded for me. I know that serious answer is pointless.
It comes out tomorrow, but you shouldn't bother with it. Get the better game coming out that day instead.
She's actually not though.
Don't believe everything you read on Sup Forums.
how much is it gonna cost
$60 for the PS4 version, $50 for the PS3 version.
60 for a remaster? nah
how much for vita?
Nobody owns a vita.
40 i believe
the only one that sticks out is the wrestler guy, and I only think of him as Jesse 'The Body' Ventura
I read it on IGN
You liar.
so, Sup Forums
will it have better parkour than the potato-powered zombie game?
>Unlikable characters & story
Absolute madmen
Too pretty. I would rather play a mediocre first person platformer. LMAO
Running fast. I played it without using weapons. Just looked at my surroundings and got fast. It's insanely fun if played like that.
>the level design was nothing to write home about
It was if you wanted to go fast. There's a ton of shortcuts only vets can pull off.
the fun was in shaving seconds off your level runs and looking at the fucking pretty scenery
This game was dead on arrival.
how many of you fags actually read reviews
I have a better question:
How about starting a thread without degenerate nigger memes you absolute degenerate piece of shit?
are the memes true?
did they really put cuck shit into it as well?
Fuckers just had to keep the shitty combat. Even though EVERYONE told them that the combat is fucking shit and Mirror's Edge doesn't need combat in the first place.
>unlikeable characters and story
I fucking called it, it's Other M all over again
I'm pretty sure that EA would neck themselves if they accidentally released a game without any form of combat
it goes against all their focus-testing-driven development
Shit, I just realized the first game came out 8 years ago. It's old enough to finger by now.
And to the surprise of absolutely nobody with half a working brain, the open world approach brought nothing but shit to the game
this so much.
Also, I'm happy that even IGN shits on the NSJW swedes.
>It's old enough to finger by now
She's now a tryhard strong woman archetype
I'm not even memeing, she is annoying as fuck.
I'm in the same boat, my man
just through Origin
is the 3rd person view still lulz worthy?
Feminists cant touch anything without projecting their emotional baggage onto it.
Guys should I buy it??
>degenerate piece of shit
Never buy a AAA game on launch
they pretty much ruined her
she is just annoying and arrogant at this point
I doubt it. Casual light has some pretty good parkour mechanics
Nor can Sup Forums, apparently.
Shit, never buy a game for more than 20 bucks.
>somehow, Sup Forums still has hope on the new crap DICE shits each year
when will you learn?
A shame, really. They should've focused on the gotta go fast part instead of punching dudes and doing fetch quests every couple hundred feet.
I didn't like first Mirror's Egde at all, aside from the main theme song, but the game had a very strong typical swedish libtard vibe. If even IGN doesn't like it all that much, then the sequel must really suck.
Dice should stop making singleplayer games, they can't design them properly and their writing is total garbage - see every Battlefield since Bad Company and Mirror's Edge.
why do people keep saying Sup Forums had hope
it's been well known for a very long time this game was gonna be crap
>unlikable characters and story
I wonder why.
>normal moves like rolling is locked behind an xp wall
Open world was a mistake.
It's beautiful.
I still have hope