Post ten games that you own (i.e. paid money for) on a single platform that best represent your breadth of taste

Post ten games that you own (i.e. paid money for) on a single platform that best represent your breadth of taste.

This means, if you have good taste, they'll all be as dissimilar from each other as possible and come with your absolute highest recommendation.

Compilations don't count, or rather, they would count for each of the individual games, thus limiting your picks. You can select one game from a compilation if need be.

Here's my list:


Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence
The Witness
Trackmania Turbo
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Beyond: Two Souls
MGS V: Ground Zeroes
Soft Body
Call of Duty: Black Ops III

>muh superior taste

Not implied mine was superior to anyone's. Let's see your list.


lmao, pussy w/ shit taste


Bionic commando (nes)
Demons souls
Dragons crown
Banjo Kazooie
Animal Crossing
God of War
Mass Effect
Bioshock Infinite

>on a single platform

I didn't read the single platform part, I'm a fag, ignore me please.

Nah it's ok since OP is a fag.

My tastes are rather limited(RPGs, survival horror, open world games and stealth games) but not for a lack of trying to branch out. I just don't like the other stuff.

The single platform rule makes it more interesting because you can't cherry-pick random nostalgic favorites and have to consider a certain era.

PC gamers should have it easier, but I should stipulate it should only be games that run natively on a given OS, i.e. not DOS (unless you pick only DOS games, which would be interesting).

ATV quad power racing
Pokemon Colosseum
Namco Museum
Kirby's Air Ride
Paper Mario TTYD
Wind Waker
Shadow the Hedgehog
Pokemon Channel

manchild detected

bump 2x

What if the console or whatever is backwards compatible?

If it didn't get an official release on the system, it doesn't count.

Besides, the only consoles with legitimate BC are the PS3 and PS2.

Ratchet and Clank 3
Jak 2
Star Ocean 3
Final Fantasy XII
Kingdom Hearts
GTA Vice City
Metal Gear Solid 2
Ratchet and Clank 2
Jak 3
Ratchet and Clank

lmao, your taste is literally the Greatest Hits budget label

and you picked three games from the same series to represent your breadth of taste


>Legitimate bc

Can't even keep bc on ps3 for later models and afterwards all models only run ps1.

Right, forgot that.

So it's just the PS2, and the PS2 and PS1 have such massive libraries each that there should be no need to mix.

Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando
Mega Man Anniversary Collection
God Hand
Viewtiful Joe
Star Wars Battlefront II
Shadow of the Colossus
Devil May Cry 3
Ace Combat Zero
Kingdom Hearts II
Gradius V
Ten games isn't really enough.

Fight me, faggots.

Mega Man Collection breaks the compilation rule

All good games; very boring taste, especially since this is the PS2 we're talking about, with the most interesting library you could dig in for decades

I mean, your taste doesn't go beyond straight-up IGN Top 100 lists



Metal Gear Legacy Collection
Uncharted (1-3)
Mirror's Edge
Portal 2
Brutal Legend
Red Dead Redemption
Fallout 3


Tony Hawk Underground 2
Tony Hawk American Wasteland
NBA Street 2
NBA Street 3
Crazy Taxi
Animal Crossing
Pokemon Colusseum
Need For Speed Underground


Metal Gear Rising
Civ V
League of Legends (it's free, so I guess I own it?)
GTA San Andreas
Age of Empires 2
All of the BioShock games
Worms: Revolution
Borderlands 2

>on a single platform

who only has one game system?

Like I said, ten's not enough. I wanted to put in
Red Faction II
Katamari Damaci
Burnout 3
Okage Shadow King
Dark Cloud
Grim Grimoire
Wild Arms 5
Killer 7
Metal Arms
Plenty more. God I loved the PS2. I could make a list of 50 games and just scratch the surface.

Halo 2
Tomb Raider
Dark Souls 3
Final Fantasy XV
Witcher 3
Castle Crashers
Screen Cheat
Elite: Dangerous

compilation rule

also for fuck's sake don't advocate for playing Red Dead Redemption on the PS3. absolute trash

I'm poor :(

why 2x SM3DW?

I admire the audacity of making an Xbone list and I guess this would be as good as it gets for that system.

Nitpick: Castle Crashers doesn't count because it's software BC

We can tell. That's what's great about this exercise.

Used PS2 games can be had very cheap if you know where to look.

it's that good

It had a rerelease on the xbone. If you bought it digitally on 360 it was free for a time. Regardless, i could relace it with something like Screencheat

niqqa, you already HAVE screen cheat listed

desu, I don't think any selection of Wii U games would be flattering to one's breadth of taste

Fuq, i forgot i put it there. Metal gear V or Forza 5 then


Weeb af and the only two Western games you have are seriously questionable.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma is a sin.

Otherwise not bad but not good either. The PS3 sucked!

Ninja Gaiden Sigma was not terrible, it is a decnet version if thats all you have access to
sigma 2 is the avoid at all costs abomination

also, I play western games on PC


It's also not dedicated weeb; it's like IGN weeb. Then again the 360 grabbed all the great weebshit (Cave shooters in particular).

kek right on

the real reason I have two is because I wanted to buy the non selects version and I had bid on one on ebay but saw a better deal as buy it now and I ended up winning the bid and just kept both

gotcha. I've done the same thing with a couple of other games.

YU-NO = daughters

what's top left?


Dust, an Elysian Tail
Tree of Savior
Dwarf Fortress
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Civ 5

its called あなたはペドです


[X] ペド
[O] ロリコン

Dirt Rally
Disgaea 5
PES 2017
Transformers Devastation
Uncharted 4
Littlebigplanet 3
Guitar Hero Live
Trackmania Turbo

Definitive proof that Valve led the whole industry into a concentration camp.

my b

Kodomo Milk Parfait

Trackmania 2 (Canyon, Stadium, Valley)

I haven't really bought any other games that I actually play. A few were gifted.

Resident Evil 4
Gotcha Force
Viewtiful Joe
Super Monkey Ball
F-Zero GX
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
Soul Calibur II
Killer 7
Paper Mario TTYD



Dark Souls 3
Evoland 2
Knights of Pen & Paper 2
The Witcher 3
The Beginner's Guide
Hero Siege
Huniecam Studio
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Stardew Valley

>This means, if you have good taste, they'll all be as dissimilar from each other as possible
What does breadth have to do with quality?
Someone could really like very dissimilar games and all of them be terrible, and they would have shit taste.

>Huniecam Studio

Wii U

Nano Assault NEO
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Bayonetta 2
Star Fox Zero
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Ninja Gaiden 3 - Razor's Edge
Super Mario 3D World
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Mario Kart 8


Thanks, I had forgotten it.

I only had 10 N64 so not much to really choose from


>Someone could really like very dissimilar games and all of them be terrible

I've never seen this.

An assessment of quality, an original opinion, would require that you exposed yourself to and attempted to appreciate as much as possible, from as many places as possible.

You can't just copy a Top 100 list and claim to have any taste. Taste is a craving for the entirety of the artform, all kinds of experiences.

Where the hell did this come from?

>Not the Wii
>Not the Wii U
>Not literally any of Nintendo's handhelds post-Gameboy


>They have not called

absolutely does not mean shit lol

Sorry, I stopped recognizing Nintendo when I stopped being a teenager.

Top 10 posters pls go

Your list is Steamcore toasterware for poor people.

Gay sex with over 80 men?

Get the fuck outta here


Manchild, reporting in

the amount of IGNcore in this thread is making me seriously regret making it

I'll give you some exemption for Gauntlet Legends.

If someone posted 10 Midway N64 titles I would choke on their dick.


Red Dead Redemption
Gears of War 3
Deus Ex: HR
Fallout New Vegas
Bad Company 2
Max Payne 3
Mass Effect


>Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series


Baldur's Gate 2
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
The Curse of Monkey Island
Deadly Premonition
Alpha Protocol
Deus Ex
Civilization 2
Fallout 2
Gabriel Knight


Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
Xenoblade Chronicles
Fire Emblem: Conquest
Super Mario Bros 3
Donkey Kong (Arcade version)
Kirby's Dream Land
Punch Out
Super Punch Out
Super Mario World

Almost a good list but I feel you could do better than BioShock and Darksiders.

Dead Rising and Espgaluda II Black Label, maybe?

Also, literally half of your list is third-person shooters of some flavor. Maybe not such a good list.

>I'm too cool for games made in the past decade.

>that you own (i.e. paid money for)

u wot m8

Darksiders and Bioshock are great.

user, six of those are VC games, one is a DS game, and one is a port.
What the fuck are you doing?


It's not like it matters when it's all the same rehashed nostalgia-pandering Nintenshit anyway.

Serious Sam: The First Encounter
Risk of Rain
FTL: Faster Than Light
Binding of Isaac
Legend of Grimrock
Star Wars: Battlefront 2
Borderlands 2 (inb4 cuck)
Age of Empires 2
Civ 5

PC, of course.

But that's wrong.

Sorry I have a life

"I prefer Mario 2016 over Mario 2010 but not Mario 1993" does not say anything about one's overall taste and appreciation of the artform.

you can have a life without having to choke on Gaben's chode

I don't understand why the SMW bowser sprite was replaced with this. If Shiggy-Moto was so ashamed with how SMW bowser looked, why didn't they change THIS bastard?

Try branching out a little. Maybe play stuff that isn't Mario on the system. You have no one but yourself to blame for only playing Mario.