Is it safe to say that Banjo Kazooie is now officially overrated?

Is it safe to say that Banjo Kazooie is now officially overrated?
It was a very good game. But in recent years, the game is being treated as this milestone timeless classic. Especially since the kickstart of Yooka Laylee, BK is getting pushed into legendary status.

And of course, with the status, comes the zealots that get overly defensive when you criticize the game.

How did it comes to this?

It's been overrated forever. It's a good game, just not the godlike game that some people make it out to be.

this has always been the case
every nintendo game ever is being praised as a godsend, you can't say SM64 is shit with shit controls and shit camera because you'll get downboated to hell and bannned by the nintendrone mods
the older the game the more this applies

go away, fgt

>shit controls
I've never seen an opinion this pleb. I should hope you get downboated for saying dumb shit like that

same can be said for a lot of games including:
>zelda OOT
>Zelda MM
>Mario 64
>etc etc etc

At least Mario 64 established the ground work for which all future platformers, and many other movement systems was based off of.
The most anyone can complain about Mario 64, is that the camera is a bother, and some minor tweaks to Marios movement would be nice. Mario 64 really is that milestone timeless classic.

Sure, I'm just trying to get a consensus here. I love Majora's mask. It's one of my favorite games of all time. But you know what? For a short time, it was overrated as fuck. And it was obnoxious. I just don't understand how Banjo Kazooie's popularity crept up like it has, completely uncontested.

its one of the best games in it's genre.

thats not overrated

This, tooie is overrated though. Kazooie is arguably the best of its genre.

You do realize where you are?

Banjo-Kazooie only ever had graphics and humor and charm going for it.
The actual gameplay is doing chores and shallow minigames to get collectibles.
It's really not that good.

The first user to make sense in this thread so far.

this is what can be said about a lot of N64 games. The games themselves were not that great but the original idea behind them were excellent.

Take OoT for example: Story and mechanics sucks but it showed you can take a 2-D adventure game and change it to 3D

Wasnt that the point of the genre?

Sure, but you could say the same thing to defend walking simulators or clicker games or any number of things.

DK64 is certainly a chore, Tooie is too, but Kazooie kept it at a manageable level.

>you can't say SM64 is shit with shit controls
Because this isn't true
>and shit camera
This is true but is easily forgiven seeing as it was the first game of it's kind.

>Is it safe to say that Banjo Kazooie is now officially overrated?
JonTron sucking that series' dick is the reason I couldn't bring myself to play it.

This is the most retarded sentiment I have ever read. Who gives a fuck about JonTron? Just fucking play the game, asshole.

No thanks, I'm good.

It saved video games from the downward spiral into movie territory that Sony was taking them.

If it wasn't for Banjo-Kazooie and Ocarina of Time, nobody would remember 1997 or 1998.

FFVIII, RE2, Metal Gear Solid, Half-life, Quake 2. All those games piggy-backed on Banjo-Kazooie and OoT for posterity.

They were the popcorn appetizers you played when you were not playing these grand open-world adventure games on the N64, with nonlinear gameplay and epic unforgettable scores and story, and years of polish; that blew those away.

Behold it in your heart, YOU KNOW I SPEAK THE TRUTH.

How insecure of you

But Kazooie only had like 3 minigames. It was Tooie that went completely overboard with them.

Kazooie is relatively more manageable. But it's still the concept of doing chores, in order to witness novel sights and sounds. The first game trades on this novelty of shiny objects, and little jingles, and dances, and other cartoon antics. But at it's core, what are you really playing? You're just going from point to point, in order to get fed the next drip of novel stimulation.

The game just drips you with these little audio/visual rewards, that aren't truly rewarding. That's where Tooie gets criticized. You're addicted to the novel rewards, and Tooie actually forces you to play the mediocre gameplay in order to get them.


Funnily enough, it's likely Jon Tron's BK dicksucking that created more BK dicksuckers.
It's disgusting how much of Sup Forums puts that man on a pedestal.

Got Banjo-Kazooie for my 7th birthday, dumbass

I tried to get into both Banjo games a few times before but I never could.

I don't even know why. It's not like I hated them they were decent games. I guess I can never really get into Rare's 3D platformers stuff.

Oddly I'm still interested in seeing what Yooka-Laylee has to offer.

Collectathons were always shit. They're platformers devoid of any challenge.

The game is about exploration.

And what kind of complain is "doing chores"?
You do chores in almost every game (you do your job, you save someone, you follow orders, you save the world, etc).

I've always thought it was a pretty good game. Played it again about 2 years ago. Holds up a lot better than the vast majority of N64 titles.

Super Mario 64 has possibly the best controls ever in a 3D platformer. The only competition is Super Mario Sunshine, really.

As for the camera, it's relatively smooth and competently scripted, always turning and zooming in and out to show you exactly what you need to see, as long as you're going in the direction the developers intend.
If you try to do anything else, that's when it becomes complete irredeemable shit and actively fights you by constantly trying to show you the "correct" path.
For the time, it was head and shoulders above most other cameras, and the game's camera sripting and relative to camera movement were hugely influential, perhaps more so than any other aspect of the game.

I feel worthwhile content is where the game fails to deliver the most. There aren't all that many levels, and objectives like 8 red coins, 100 coins, finding secret spots, shooting out of a cannon at a wall, rehashed Big Boo fights, rehashed boil the Big Bully fights, climb the clock again but do a different simple task at the very top, etc. etc. are pretty poor.
The only positive thing I can say here is that the levels are well designed and enjoyable enough just to run and jump around in, and Sunshine was much worse in terms of content, making 64 seem better by comparison.

My problem with the camera is that it takes control away from me.
I don't give a fuck how you intended it, give me full control of the camera and stop it from moving on its own or fuck off

Why are you telling me this? I pointed that exact thing out myself and said the camera was complete irredeemable shit when it happens.

In other games, you perform tasks because the actions themselves provide you with a sense of satisfaction. In BK, you perform tasks because you're going to get a reward.

I read the first sentence and decided to respond

Because it was not overrated to the degree all of those games were

>shit controls
fuck off you retard

>not feeling satisfied whenever B&K celebrate after getting a jiggy

Also you wrote the same thing twice, unless getting rewards is somehow not satisfying for you.

Seeing the dance and hearing the jingle when receiving a jiggy is rewarding. But everything leading up to the jiggy is work. That's the distinction. In other games, all the running and jumping is the fun part. In BK the running and jumping is the mediocre part, that often feels too tedious.

Each new generation of gamers is more clueless and casual than the last due to constantly lowering barriers of entry and widening audiences.

Today's "typical gamers", like you two, probably weren't even born when medium-defining games like these came out.

If anything, Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie both get more underrated with every year as more and more kids who are too stupid to understand what makes them great and timeless flood into the community.

I was 12 when BK came out.
Go play the age card somewhere else, gramps.