I give up
metaphorically impossible
I give up
metaphorically impossible
Other urls found in this thread:
You want help?
I did too.
It's not fun.
Seriously what's with all the BB threads lately?
A viral campaign for BB2?
If you would be willing to, sure.
Level doesn't matter if you set a password for the summon, right?
I'm on him right now too but I saw some videos and his first form is ridiculously easy to parry even for someone like me who parried about 2 times throughout the entire game until that part. Second part is annoying though
That's right.
password: iamafag
I'll be next to the bonfire.
give password and I'll get on right now to help you
There are no bonfires in BB you stupid motherfucker.
Perhaps the disappointment with DS3 led a lot of people to play BB again. It happened to me.
password is vvidya
I'm over at the lighthouse lantern
ok ready
no need to rush man take your time orphan is an asshole and can cancel combos into new strings
The stench of failure should not depress you.
>getting beat the fuck up with a placenta
Shit is brutal
Because its a fun game
why isn't her oprhan of kosm?
fuuuuck that was too close
bell up is still up if you wanna help me try again,, if not I'll just keep practicing I guess
Yeah bro no problem
You just need to go into the fight with enough insight
i wanna go play some pvp right now but I'm not in mensis yet
true suffering
anyone wanna do some duels in hizzngr?
My bad bro ,Orphan is one of those boss's that gives me trouble too.Died like a bitch
Yeah, well at least we tried and were able to bring him down to about 25% hp the first time around but holy shit, one wrong move and he punishes hard.
Can we stop pretending souls games are even remotely hard because they aren't.
Tell me about it , you still want to try?
Yeah I'll give it another go.
same place same password
You guys still trying Orphan? I'll join you.
Did Bloodborne at any point market itself as being super hard for the elite hardcore gamer?
people are just bad at games user. But they are challenging and demand a certain amount of focus and capacity to learn in order to succeed.
OK onre sec
Do it the more the better
bumping with some new webms
Is there 2 of you with the same password?
>Did Bloodborne at any point market itself as being super hard for the elite hardcore gamer?
Yes when every single thread is spammed with "metaphorically impossible" and you have shit like Prepare to die editions.
>But they are challenging and demand a certain amount of focus and capacity to learn in order to succeed.
They really aren't if you have ever actually played any videogame.
Damn! I'm sorry I died so early.
I'll keep ringing the bell if you're up for it.
>Yes when every single thread is spammed with "metaphorically impossible" and you have shit like Prepare to die editions
That's not what marketing is and it never had "prepare to die" editions you cockmongler.
>when every single thread is spammed with "metaphorically impossible" and you have shit like Prepare to die editions
i'm sorry, that's Bloodborne calling itself difficult? no, idiot, those are people playing the game having a hard time, the game itself never claimed to be impossible or hard. Dks' Prepare to Die edition is a completely different game, we're talking about Bloodborne here.
>They really aren't if you have ever actually played any videogame.
well look at you aren't you just top shit dog on campus. you're so hardcore it's making my dick hard. i wish I was as good at games as you.
GOD DAMN!!! so fucking close
you gotta be fucking kidding me
All right, I'm not giving up that easy.
I'm going at it again, same password
Orphan boys, hold up, I wanna get in on this.
Pass is vvidya?
>well look at you aren't you just top shit dog on campus. you're so hardcore it's making my dick hard. i wish I was as good at games as you.
I never claimed to be you're just shit at videogames.
yeah, only room for one more so might wanna hurry
Lamp or fog?
If you need help in the future, hop over to /bbg/ on /vg/
Make sure you're set to worldwide.
We're gonna do this, OP. We're gonna fucking do this today!
>I never claimed to be you're just shit at videogames.
No, I'm pretty sure you did claim to be when you came into this thread claiming that souls games aren't hard at all. That's pretty much the definition of bragging. And I sincerely doubt that video is of you. besides,
>implying I haven't beat OoK without taking damage before
I have no clue why i didn't save a clip of that fight, adrenaline was just pumping too hard. point is, you're a fag, souls games are challenging, go brag to someone who cares.
well fuck, I don't even know what happened that time.
I'm gonna take five, get some blood vials and bullets.
If you guys are still up for trying I'll be back in a little bit otherwise seriously thanks for the help, that last one was all my fault.
u can do it OP
Yeah, no problem. Lemme try to get my NG+2 character up to this area, he's better equipped for this.
It happens man. Orphan can be a bitch in phase 2. And yeah, I'll be ringing my bell for a while. I've missed playing this game.
It's the funnest soulsborne fight imo
I will do anything. BB dicks all over DaS3, it made me appreciate BB more though
Good to see that fucking memer.
BTW, OP. Make sure you equip the blood gem that you find at the bottom of that lift in front of Orphan.
>souls games are challenging
They aren't :^)
No problem let us know when you're ready
What kind of blood gem is it?
I'm more or less pure arcane and am using all bolt gems at the moment.
Orphan isn't Kin. It doesn't help.
Well fuck.
OP, send the guys you've co-oped with a message on PSN when you're back, we'll still do it. Just wait for both of us.
Oh, and give me like an hour to get through NG+2 Failures and Maria
Orphan actually has good resistance to bolt
>Finally get to phase 2 reliably
>okay I just need to take it slow and learn the paterns now
>Le EPIN thunderstorms of many artificial difficulty RNGs
How the FUCK do you beat this attack.
Fuck this is really making me want to do another playthrough but ive done every build you could want to do so im not really sure how to go about it.
You want help? Just to hurry it up.
git gud faggot
Oh shit, does he?
Should I switch to fire?
what builds u got m9
Stay away from the body in the middle you dingus.
Either get right next to the fog, or go out to the water as soon as phase 2 starts, and you'll see how easy it is to dodge the lightning.
Fight out in the water the thunder always starts at Kos's corpse so you can easily see where you need to be to avoid it. There is no drop offs or anything to worry about
Sure. I'll ring at the lamp of the Hall. Pass is kosm. I still need to run through the damn hall.
Or is it kos?
sure, take your time.
I'm just going to farm a bit more for some supplies since I'm kinda broke on blood echoes right now.
Doesn't saying "metephorically" make it a simile?
Damn too bad I have an hour before I could play I want to get in on some jolly co-op
str, dex, str focus quality, dex focus quality, BT str, BT dex, ARC, lvl 40 ARC alium twink
Having played BB and the Old Hunters in one go for my first playthrough, I had Papa G as first boss. Both him and Orphan were the two bosses that had me at my most tense. I'm talking heart-pounding, palm-sweating, edge-of-my-seat kind of feeling. Just thought they were great bookends to the game.
Fisch for Backstabs, especially when you're two guys, phase two should be much easier, stay close so his bloodthrows can't catch you, and watch out for the electrics.
Let's not even mention what just happened.
I apologize, my reaction times on these guys are super fucked. I try to stay out of Research Hall as much as possible desu
Could Str/Arc for Wheel and Moonblade?
It's because Sony knows how to market shit. They didn't help publish DaS, or DaS II, but they did with DeS, and BB.
That was so retarded of me.
I'm just gonna mention that if you have the rune that heals when you do a visceral. The effects are tripled on Orphan
Oh shit I completely forgot you could actually pair arc with str and have it come out decently, thanks user.
np mane
>Fisch for Backstabs
That's what I've been trying to do while using the Augur of Ebrietas, which so far has been working suprisingly well on the first phase.
Its just that fucking second phase where he leaps all over the place and I accidentally roll into one of his projectiles.
You're really cool user. I'm captivated by your irreverent snark and devil-may-care attitude. You're very good at video games.
You guys fighting failures?
>that fucking NPC hunter
We will be soon.
I'll be in front of the Living Failures fog.
I knew he was going to kill me. I still did it.
I regret nothing.
Someone still looking for help with Orphan?
My korean bloodgem beast claw build needs some exercise.
Jesus Christ this guy. On my strength build I did it in about 5 tries but on my ARC it took me well over 20
Just go to the general when ready bro
Keep your cool at all times, this helps alot too. No emotions, be buddha, just react.
I'm focusing on a particular enemy that's gained my scorn: The hunter with a gatling gun at the end of the river of blood in the Hunter's Nightmare. I first met him in the mid-60's, and he still spanks me at level 90. I want this fucker dead for personal reasons now.