a fucking brain in a jar made me harder than any fanservice ever
also new vegas thread
a fucking brain in a jar made me harder than any fanservice ever
also new vegas thread
just install some loli mods
Stolen designs the thread.
>you will never help a sexually repressed brain in a jar achieve orgasm just by breathing and scratching your nuts
What went wrong?
>Its a kai episode
>go to her house
>situation normal
>head up the stairs
>sexy sleepwear/naughty nightwear everywhere
>hallway has been converted to a runway
>teddy bears line the runway like an audience
>multiple broken mirrors
It made her hotter to me.
I don't want to do OWB because I don't want my Courier to become a cyborg
No surprise she had serious body image issues, looking the way she did
Probably would've taken it from anyone
Make a different courier then
or not play the worst of the dlcs
She looks like a pretty average nerdy Asian girl with an androgynous haircut to me.
This dlc was SHIT
Literally ruined the character I went in with
What absolute nigger jew level garbage made by 11 year olds
I really disliked the brain characters
goddammit the moment you reach Vegas outskirts you're literally swarmed with quests.
does anyone else love helping all the small communities in the Mojave? makes the game so much comfier
>mfw saving Goodsprings
>mfw bringing law to Primm
>mfw helping Novac and Boone
>mfw sorting things in Freeside and helping the Followers
A lot of people miss the point of OWB but usually they don't miss it quite like this.
The entire time I was playing this DLC I was thinking all of the assets and voice lines could have been extra content expanding the other side of the river. Instead of a more in-depth legion we got penis toes.
why did you post this pic of 6 dudes
>goddammit the moment you reach Vegas outskirts you're literally swarmed with quests
I love it, reminds me of originals.
This DLC was so boring.
Thos character creeped me out probably because seeing scared me for life as a child
>mfw Van Graff quest chain
Hear me out because I know everyone gets all 'pull the SJW' alarm but what if Dala was transsexual or at least had gender dysphoria, and the group photo coupled with her living quarters is the clue
Just like Gannon being gay it's not in your face; rather all subtext and you wouldn't know just from looking because Dala is a brain in a jar now
sounds feasible. likely even
Hold the fucking phone, Dala was a girl? Oh shit
The female voice didn't give it away?
how the fuck do I get this faggot to travel with me my character is a scientist coming to the mojave looking for the followers for research stuff and we could be researchers together. is the 75 speech check the only way to talk him into it?
Sounded pretty androgynous to me, I thought Dala was just a huge deprived pervert
let him suck your dick
You have to stick your MF Breeder in his Hidden Vault
It was objectively better than fallout 3 and far better than skyrim
>be gay
>75 speech
>3 INT
>Liked/Idolized with Followers
I play as a grill though
That's a great line, though.
audio or it doesn't exist
That was Obsidian's writing, not Bethesda's.
>objectively better than fallout 3
reddit get OUT
you're out of luck friendo
i wish you could make her have a heart attack like her dumb dad and then maybe have sex with her afterwards while she has the heart attack only to fuck her back to life
>Wow, not only did we have to pay for them to finish the game the way it should have been, nothing we do in Arizona carries over to the Mojave
>What a fucking rip off
Earth-2 Sup Forums right this very moment
She's just a sexually repressed nerd but exaggerated. Nothing Dala says or does is about her gender presentation so much as it is about her sexuality, i.e. being ashamed of masturbation but being all about it once you tell her its okay.
This thread is about new Vegas. Nobody cares what went wrong, go make another thread about it
Did you play the game?
wait don't tell me he only travels with guys. ffs he doesn't even lust for you or anything
>offer Cass some meds
>she chimps out that meds are evul
I sware on me mum that woman would fit in Caesar's tent
No, I only play good games such as Fallout 4.
I hate this line and it's Cass's worst but I like most of the stuff she has to say.
yes but i sacrificed Cass for the combat armor
I think those are all the different trigger conditions to recruit him.
If you're a huge dumbass he feels sorry for you and comes along out of pity.
>Wearing Combat Armor
Shit's terrible
>sacrificing a person for a mid-tier, shit-tier-looking armor
Isn't that what camgirls do?
If you're a retard he follows you out of pity
holy shit this is brilliant I love it
She talks about the NCR and how they're overexpanding and metaphorically compares it to having a really long dick because she's a drunken slut. It's a great line.
You can use Cherchez la Femme and probably Lady Killer on her.
>Dala is a qt trap brain in a jar
>not having combat armor early-game
>not picking superior companions
My favorite playthrough was a lone gunslinger
I spent fucking days just wandering around with a big iron on my hip
I don't think I even ever actually went into vegas yet there
what is the latest point at wchich I can drop out of NCR and House questlines? also does the game indicate this point in any way?
Why would it not carry over. It doesnt have to be exactly the same. Just put shit in the world.
That DLC was cringe humor as fuck. Anyone who likes it is a fag
>Why would it not carry over.
gamebryo limitations. same reason why Lonesome Road ED-E doesn't carry over to the Mojave
You can literally go to that one attacked caravan and get some free combat armour with cool black color.
still better than coldsteel-tier Lonesome Road
Ulysses was the worst girl and I put a 12 ga slug between his eyes
Richie Marcus detected.
>playing the game optimally
>not roleplaying
You always have the choice to backstab everyone using Yes Man up until the Point of No Return I think
>planning to do a 2edgy serial killer roleplay run
>will pick rudest dialogue choices every time, and will use violence at any given opportunity
>will only ally with evil factions (legion, Khans etc)
>want to take down all NCR strongholds
>will also storm Vegas and take the strip by force
What kind of build should I go for?
Bethesda made it.
Dont forget 12 monkey
Bravo Todd
>not talking him into realising his mistakes and to calm down and be a good lad
It's like you don't even Let Go bro
>khan, legion
>That DLC was cringe humor as fuck
Oh look it's another "Sup Forums doesn't think the wacky meme writing was a veil as part of the narrative and instead thinks it was done for the lulz" episode.
I sometimes wonder whether Sup Forums actually fucking played the DLC.
I for one enjoyed having content that was diverse from the rest of the game since their was such a large amount of that as it is. The writing was extremely inspired by Futurama which turned alot of people off, but I enjoyed it at the time and the map was entertaining to travel when playing on the higher difficulties
I wanted to do NCR right up until I'm just about to enter their ass and then switch over to House, do the same with him and ditch his ass for yes man. I assume I can do it to him at any moment, right?
Unarmed smoothboy, suits for small time, power armor for real shit, be a force Caesar would be proud of
Reminder that the humor was a shallow cover up for the tragedy and inhumanity of the experiments and focusing on it over the more important narrative when judging the quality of writing is the ultimate sign of retardation.
>Khans dindu nuffin they good boys they need mo caps fo dem programs
Fuck outta here, Khans have been scum since Fallout 1
khans are the fucking scum of the earth and legion are violent vicious moralfags
This. The wackiness is also meant to juxtapose how horrific Big MT actually is, to stop it from being exactly the same as Dead Money and Lonesome Road
>A place secluded from the wasteland that's SUPER DANGEROUS because SOME GUYS/THINGS HAPPENED and you gotta survive without EQUIPMENT/COMPANIONS/YOUR BRAIN
>bravo todd
>new vegas
Fallout 2>Fallout NV>Fallout>OWB>Point Lookout>Dead Money>Fallout 4>Fallout 3>Lonesome road>HH>Broken Steel>Mothership Zeta>Operation Anchorage
Fallout 1 would be the top of the list if it wasn't for 1 reason - Lack of changes in dialogue after a certain points in the game - You can still ask for the water chip and send water to the vault after you've found the chip.
It extends to other smaller npcs too, if you don't talk to them in the right order your character can know stuff they've never been told
It will pop up a dialog box to say you are about to commit to one faction
>Not getting all companions
>Not wearing whatever fits the character
>Not minmaxing
I bet you have 1 CHA too
On top of the fact that there's a literal concentration camp full of PoWs that killed themselves rather than being taken away by the scientists, as well as the horrific treatment of workers, Mobius out right tells you that the Think Tank were horrible people and that time and his own modifications have exaggerated their personalities from what they used to be.
Also fits the super science setting, but all the underage millenials don't know shit sci-fi B-movie , Johnny Quest and only some know about Venture Bros.
there's vomit in my mouth
Those were Chinese American citizens
>not fucking depressing
it's like we played two different games or something
It sounds better when she says it.
>playing FO1 for the first time right now
>it's fucking awesome
I've heard a ton of conflicting things about Fallout 2 though. What makes it ranked so high for you?
I know its not Todd, I just can't type "Bethesde" or something without googling up the fucking stupid name of this compagnie.
fucking hell I hate this name
>muh head canon