
So, I bought this 2 days ago, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. It's incredibly silly and sexy. The thing is, I share my Steam account with my gf, and she has watched me play this, and of course, she thinks it's a bit much. I tried to explain that the game's just like that. It's supposed to be, but she heavily disagrees. Funnily enough, she has no problem maxing out the "package" of her Saints Row character..

Anyway, I was wondering if there's a mod or something that stops the clothes from ripping. I should be allowed to play it again then, since it would be a simple beat 'em up. Thanks in advance.

hahaha cuck

Stop being a puss.

find a better gf

Why are you such a cuck

Nah, she's great for me

doesn't sound like it if she's flipping shit over a game

It literally has a setting to not have the clothes rip. But tell your gr to fuck herself and not be a hypocrite. My wife is totally supportive of anything I like, and if she wasn't she wouldn't be my wife, or she knows I would be out fucking other chicks.

She just thinks it's a bit much. It's understandable

What setting?

Break up with your girl friend.

>I should be allowed to play it again then
I don't even have a reaction image for that. I don't know if I want to laugh, or throw up more. If someone can fill in for me here's an elf.

Not really. She doesn't have to play it if she doesn't like it.

Tell her that you don't mind her playing her hunk niggerdick simulator if she doesn't mind you playing titty ninjas.

She's definitely not playing it, but she likes to watch me play.

A bit much of what? Retard

She loves SR, so do I. We both play that. Never an issue.

why do you want to play this game?
it's a mediocre beatmup except cloth ripping.
just play DMC or MGR

Kill yourself.

Wheres the setting? I can't find it

>Not posting her feet

>I should be allowed to play it again then


My gf just laughs and shakes her head when I play my sexy animu games. Same reaction I have when she's watching a new Marvel movie only because of Chris Hemsworth and Robert Downey Jr.

Show her Mirai, and she'll understand the appeal of the game.

You know, sexy stuff.
The environments look nice and I like airdashing after enemies.

Tell her to grow the fuck up. It's a god damn video game and if she feels threatened by it she probably isn't mature enough to be your gf in the first place.

>I should be allowed to play it again then
What a fucking pussy. I'm laughing hard.

Oh boy. Senran Kagura on PC was a mistake just look at this shit thread.

>why would you want to play this game? It's a mediocre RPG except graphics. Just play Persona or Dark Soul

>I should be allowed to


Find your fucking testicles and tell her she shouldn't be jealous of cartoons.

>I share my Steam account with my gf
This is a horrible idea. I mean, to share it with anyone that's not a blood relative or married to you. What if she gets tired of your sexist titty ninjas and decides to put a bunch of VAC bans on your account, or change the password so you can never access your games again

>Being this pussywhipped over a vidya
Oh I'm laffin

My gf is a total normie and also just makes fun of me for playing sexy animu games. She laughs and says that the girls in the game are going to steal me from her and also laughed when I called Neptunia Underage Panty Quest V.

What sexy stuff? There's no sexy stuff. Playing GTA/Witcher for an hour would be enough to see far "too much" stuff

I'm a girl and I play and love Senran Kagura, tell her to stop being such a stuck up cunt and get the stick removed from her asshole.

2 questions:

1. Are you 12?
2. By gf, do you actually mean your mom?


You sound like the biggest pussy. Tell her if she doesn't like it she doesn't have to watch it. Then, if she still complains, find her purse, remove and reattach your balls, and tell her to find something else to do in the meantime.

Jesus Christ dude, you make me ashamed to be a man.

At least you would if this wasn't such incredible bait.

Not even meming here; relationships are about compromise, but only when it comes to important shit. Tell her if she's this bothered by a game that plays this shit as a massive joke then she should examine the underlying reason why such a thing would bother her in the first place.

Then go play Violated Heroine.

then stop playing, you stupid faggot

C'mon. Don't hate on her. It's just how she is. She can't help it. Is there no way to disable the clothes from ripping?

Please, I really want to play it again.

what color did you choose for Sophitia?

:^) your epic b8 stops here, mememaster.


buy vita and play it in bathroom or somewhere, you fag

She can help it though, being mad about fictional 2D unrealistic anime girls in a silly hack and slash is absolutely idiotic.

I know this is most likely bait but I do find it funny that there are actually people out there that will let others tell them what kind of things they are and aren't allowed to enjoy.

>normalfags weebs

Fucking comedy gold but obviously this is fake.

Sup Forums is literally built upon that very foundation.

if she's that insecure about it, have her cosplay it in the bedroom.

Stupid bait thread

People say that Sup Forums is the easiest board to bait but I kinda doubt that.

She did Jessica Rabbit cosplay once. It was great.

Pics or it didn't happen

D-Do you have a dick? Also post feet pls

Okay, I'm just joking lol. Didn't happen. I have the game though. Gonna play it now. All the character arcs. Play it hours on end, because I love it.

Was just fooling around.

>I share my Steam account with my gf
You're retarded.

This story is fake. No one would share their fucking Steam account with their GF and then play some shit like this.

KYS please.

grow a pair

>being so whipped that you can't play certain video games

What is wrong with you, user?

With me is the opposide
My one loves senran and force me to play it everytime she sees me online on steam
SK is ok, but I've got better things to play and I fucking cant
When I shop she keep shouting "BUY THE SEXY APRON, THAT ONE" and basically demand me to do every single thing is the game, even the lewd stuff
Its the 3 day straight im playing SK Im already tired, goddamint

Wth... Are those two different games in that gif?

>I should be allowed to play it again then
Just fucking get a better girlfriend. Better yet fucking stop liking 3d

Talk it out with your gf, not us. Just tell her not to watch you play this game and do her own stuff instead. None of you is going to accept what the other likes/does/thinks entirely. Just play it and let her figure out what to do. Stopping to play a game entirely 'cuz gf asks you to is plain retarded. It doesn't harm anyone except maybe aside from her being intimidated.

>tfw your GF bought all the DLC for Shinovi Versus

>tfw your wife is in Shinovi Versus