ITT: First vidya you fapped to

>ITT: First vidya you fapped to

Other urls found in this thread:

Soul Caliber 3



I played this game one year apart, and immediately noticed the women the second time.

The pin up posters in MGS2

DoA Xtreme 2 pole dance scenes on youtube.

Sonic Adventure 2...



Like actual video game or character from video game?

>video game
Soul Calibur 2. Went into Character Mode and shook Ivy around to ogle her tits while using the Voice Test mode to make her grunt and scream.

i think i did too
i regret everything

The first stripper in Dead to Rights.

Last vidya I fapped to was the hologramic stripper in Alien Vs Predator (Sega) (2011).

What game

SF2's Chun Li, I think?

First vidya lady I searched the Internet for Rule 34 of. Before it was even called Rule 34. I was 12.



Duke Nukem: Zero Hour on the N64

Princess Maker 2


First thing that wasn't porn/fanart at least.

who dis bls

Naked Snake in Snake Eater

Thanks doc

Probably operation ada in re4.
I loved watching her die for some reason, and now I have a ryona/guro fetish!

I'd ask if you're literally thirteen but if you were you'd have to be fucking 8 at the time

time goes so fucking fast

I've just never had an urge to jerk off to a video game before and she tickled my giantess fetish fancy.

Also I didn't start fapping till I was 17.

Hardest boss fight I ever had

>MASTURBATE _ _ _ _ _ _ > DO NOT


Same here. Damn bat tits.


>Also I didn't start fapping till I was 17.

What the fuck

>ugly old womanlet+ugly old womanlet = smoking hot built babe

It wasn't even because I wanted to, I just got sick of having wet dreams all the time and decided to do something about it finally.

Also I've seen anons say they've started even later in these threads, like in their twenties.

>smoking hot
How can you have taste this shit? She looks absolutely fucking disgusting.

p. sure I started at like age 8 or 9 tho

I started when I was 25.
I didn't have any urge to, but I wanted to try it.
Now I do it every day, but I still have no desire for sex. I don't actually even fap to thoughts of sex.
Something is wrong with my brain.

Hey, for me it was 15.

Didn't even plan on it, but that damn show Charmed...

Nigga I'll fight you

I don't know why the jew nose is a turn on

PeachxBowser r34

It was the 90s user.

I started in 4th or 5th grade. Hell I didn't even know how to masturbate, I just kind of sat there horny till some cum dripped out or something. I only learned how to masturbate from a Yu-Gi-Oh! doujin.

>Got to this part of the game when Mom was in the room

You criticised someone WAIFU on the ITNERNEST

Best be Rose McGowan. Only good Witch.


So many times. My special friend indeed.

this, Taki is best.

What the fuck. Do people in your countries lose their virginity in their twenties?

Good joke, user.

I'm 28 and I still haven't lost my virginity.

Sorry man. Alyssa Milano.

My (for real, no waifu meme) dream woman.

29 here

Some Soul Calibur doujin where Ivy fucks Seung Mina with a futa cock

>Lewd Custom Characters

Muh dick

I'm not a furry but god damn

i first fapped to Dranei and night elf/blood elf hentai images by searching for "Wow porn" when i was 12
i can't find the images anymore for a nostalgia fap
i've never fapped to a non pornographic game though. i'd say i fapped most to Peach


Isn't this DS?

Hell if I know.

I'm 30 and never even held hands.

A god damn sunflower. You know the one.

Lost mine @ 20 because I was playing World of Warcraft and browsing Sup Forums at the time (I think Sup Forums was recently created?) and ppl on both 4ch and WoW were like "Dude get a gf getting a gf is so awesome if you don't have a gf your life sux bro" and I was like "well if this many people get this hype it might be worth trying"
so I just hooked up with some random 15 year old in my city, was nothing special. Was fun tho, at one point she decided that I was spending too much time playing WoW and not enough time performing the sex so she basically forced me into the sex. It's ok tho I forced her into the sex later on.
Still would've rather been playing World of Warcraft.

You have more from this artist? Something about it is really appealing.

Boco why do you make this info public, you're just adding onto the pile

Why do you do this to yourself

Does it count if I was fapping to the anime version of a video game?

She's my waifu for laifu.

Sadly, thanks to Sup Forums I can't narrow it down that easily.

Conker or Mario Sunshine?

>Alyssa Milano
Isn't she the stern one that doesn't let her sisters have any fun?

>Dranei and night elf/blood elf hentai images
How much of it was futa back then?

no surprise here, you're a tripfag

My first waifu, and my favorite Sup Forums waifu

>i'm not a furry

you are, seek help

I think its a futa artist.

Persona 3

so are you gonna use a hat or a cowl when you hit wizardom?

I started when I was 12. Just kind of lay in bed fantasising about a teacher, turns out I was also lightly humping the mattress, and from the moment of first ejaculation I was addicted.

Before that, I had read up on masturbating but I thought that you needed an object to do it into. I tried fapping into a water bottle, but it was too small for my dick and I lost my erection.

you don't have to be a furry to understand the merits of a damn fine figure

not first fap but first vidya boner for sure

No, you're probably thinking of Shannon "My eyes are off center, good thing I have tits" Doherty.

I doubt it. If anything Boco probably lost his virginity to his elder sister at age 14, he sounds to me like the type of guy who'd get involved in that and deny it.

Also Plants vs. Zombies

The art gallery in 2 did me wonders before I knew about internet porn

cowl, probably.
i don't really like hats
they make my head itch

This picture

nice choice fleshbag

My first fap was over a teacher, too.

>spanking it on the couch while awkwardly fumbling with a gamecube controller before parents got home

Good times

first time I masturbated I had a dry orgasm
felt so strange I didn't try again for a long while

First time ejaculating was in 7th grade I think, freaked me the hell out

I think the movie "there's something about mary" gave me the idea

Misty a shit.

Best Gen 1 waifus are Erika, Sabrina, Lorelei, and (if you watched the anime) Duplica and Ash's mom.

None of the teachers at my school were attractive. At least not to me. Some of the students were top tier tho.

I'm the oldest of three and my sister and I never get along.

I remember finding out porn on google of cartoon characters, and the first thing I tried to find was Misty and Kari.

In hindsight, a lot of them were poorly drawn.

Same! But for Rock

Jesus Christ, the memories.

it's not bad user

yeah, fucking your sister tends to put a wedge in familial relationships

Honestly, it might not be the first, but this one of my earliest:

>I'm the oldest of three and my sister and I never get along.
You are the LAST person I would ever have guessed to be an elder sibling, Boco.



That's a little small. Have a bigger Taki


I'm also the shortest of us.

Well that's obvious, at least.