Why is Winston good? He has a shit gun...

Why is Winston good? He has a shit gun, short duration on bubble shield with a long cooldown and an alt that does very low damage.

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Because he doesn't need to aim, I once killed a group of 4 people stacking in a room holding mouse 1.

Some Genjis will never learn.

because everyone chooses Genji, hanzo and widow and Winstons wrecks all their shit.

Also his ult is a life saver for the team if it's a KOTH round.

He's good for causing absolute havoc behind enemy lines and distracting the enemy, but that's about it. He's not a good damage dealer and his bubble shield is pathetically weak (I'm expecting a buff), but his ult is crazy for tanking damage and generally causing chaos.

his bubble is very strong if you know how to use it. bear in mind that it stops enemy projectiles going both in and out, so you can essentially trap ultimates in it, like d.va's ultimate.

It still lasts only 5 seconds and the cooldown is really long.

I only use it for moving the payload and a little bit of area denial here and there. Compared to Reinhardt's shield it's pretty worthless for anything else.

Because he can jump behind the frontline, assfuck your supports with his hot monkey dick, and when you finally have him on the ropes he can pop his ultimate and go bananas.

If you want to know why Winston is good, have someone else be Winston with you.

Alone Winston is pretty shit, but with a second one I was winning the majority of my games.

for the capability of neutralising some ultimates i'd say that's probably fair.
you can block torb's turret (and therefore a lot of ultimate power), reaper's ultimate, mccree's ultimate, and even lucio's ultimate. it's really good if you place it right.

High mobility and tanky af

hi there

How embarrassing

Winston has some of the best mobility in the game. He cant hover, but his leap can put him anywhere on the map very quickly.

This puts the enemy's entire back rank in danger if Winston plays it smart. But he has to be able to move and use his bubble effectively or he'll die just as fast as he leaps.

What he really is good at is smashing traps. His gun has a short range, but it's auto-aimed so small things like symmetras turrets and junkrats conc pop like balloons. And since it goes through Reinharts sheild, it forces him to make a tough decision.

Winston works well against enemy teams who focus on a frontline-backline formation, for instance on payload maps, when the enemy has a reinhardt, S76, Mercy up front, Widow and Junkrat in back, and maybe a Reaper trying to flank. Winston can just jump in on top of the back line, throw down his bubble to absorb S76's fire, and give Widow or Mercy a taste of the monkey business.

Personal favorite trick in a 1-on-1 fight is to trap someone just outside my bubble range before I drop it. Bubble goes down and I start zapping them. If they try to enter the bubble to shoot me, I just run past them again. I've killed Soldiers 1v1 without taking a scratch with that tactic.

How are you this much of a pleb?

This will protect us

Did someone say 'peanut butter'?

Is this correct?

>overwatch tier list
I don't even have to open it to tell you it's wrong.

When are you retards going to realize that?

You basically just use it whej you jump in, going in and out of it while you tick people (possibly multiple at a time) down with your lightning gun, and if they judt back off super far, cool, you pushed them away from somewhere or someone important.it also can block off big abilities, things like mccrees ulti, etc. It blocks 600 whole damage, which is a fair amount.

>Lots of health
>Wall of monkey flesh
>Can easily throw himself in front of Defense/Support/Sniper classes and fuck their shit up

He's a tank in the sense that he's a massive distraction that really forces himself into enemies ways so they have to deal with him.

He doesn't need to do great damage or even shield well, he just has to exist and be able to jump into the chaos.

most of it is wrong and retarded

Fucking no.
In more ways than I could even bother to type out.

Monkey trouble.

His attacks hit multiple targets, his jump has a low cooldown and he's beefy, the electricity is also a nuisance that you can't ignore or kite like with somebody like Reinhardt. The electricity also kind of abstructs vision too I think, haven't fought a Winston in a while so I don't remember.

He's basically that character who jumps in, gets their attention and stalls, then jumps out if he gets low or sees another target. Or he can be used to easily chase down weak enemies or make snipers fuck off. He's also good at distracting a Bastion or an entire enemy team while your team flanks or pushes a cart.

When he goes Trayvon out he can be useful on maps that have a lot of pits for players to fall when.

I feel like either enemies shouldn't be able to walk through the bubble or they shouldn't be able to shoot through it if they're inside.

The Zarya part is absolutely wrong.

Zarya is so strong it's almost silly and can save the ass of characters about to die so often it throws people in a rage.

countered by mc cree

Any game where the enemy has a widow and I am not something vital like lucio or mercy or rein, I'll switch to Winston and just fuck their shit up all day, keeping our peeps from being body shotted feels nice. Also great for focusing down healers.

I can't even muster the energy to point out everything wrong with that list.

I personally don't care about you tier fags

however, you should make a fun tier and move roadhog into it. Then i'll be happy

The farther I read the more wrong it gets. It's painfully obvious which heroes the creator of this image sucks with and/or doesn't know how to play against.

Because you're clearly not smart enough.

Tracer owns Winston.

He's good at picking off snipers and contesting control points

He easily has his use, just no one plays him correctly, he isn't about damage, but more about being in control

>shouldn't be able to shoot through it if they're inside

That's how it works

His gun is shit against 1 but can hit an entire group of people. His bubble shield lasts as long as it needs to to save a whole teams life. He's mobile and his ult has the power to not only heal and overcharge his health but also push the objective like no other.

Kill yourself

he's good because his gun might do shit damage but against tracers, genji's, widowmakers, solider 76's, zenyattas and mercy's it will chew through their HP bar slowly while you can jump around like a fucking mad man.

Winston isn't for head to head fights, he's like the tank version of tracer.

He just jumps around and applies constant damage to the group while everyone else does work.

People who think winston is bad are probably just solo queuing pubbers.

>/vg/ tier list

He's great for containing enemy fire with his bubble shield. You can null a turrets fire or an explosion from D.VA or Junk Rat by capsulating them with it.

Winston is the best disruptor by far
Jump in, put down your shield to prevent the enemy from doing damage to your allies, then run and jump around the enemies zapping them with your hits-everyone no-aim-required gun, and when your decent hp pool is depleted get fucking mad and juggle them around
I was surprised to find out how mobile Winston is, he's great fun

lucio is better


I find him a lot worse now that every team has two McCrees.
His bubble is great against mcree shitters as you just predict the combo and shield up and watch them struggle but jumping into a team with a McCree is risky but two is suicidal.

>he proved me wrong oh no

D.Va's shield projector is fun for blocking ults like McCree, Pharah, and Roadhog's. I was behind a McCree and pointed it through him while he ulted and it negated all his bullets.

Can't escape him, shield provides 360 degrees of protection, annoying as fuck.

He's super good at disrupting the enemies formation

Also Reaper's ult can pretty much be canceled out by putting the shield on him, and it can help protect a team trapped in Zarya's ult. It's also fantastic for charging Bastions and torb turrets since it soaks up every shot and allows your teammates to annihilate them. And it makes charging Junkrats, Widows, and hanzos significantly safer.

But there are things far more wrong in that image.

I need a gif of that uti into nuke

Cant wait until this faggot turns into GAYMTHEORY.


I hate the rep Genji gets because of weebs and people who are shit at him.

He is he best class to go in behind enemy lines, kill key targets, and get out. It's not his fault weeb use him like if they were playing metal gear rising.

Wrecking defenses is easy with Genji

Turrets? Throw shurikens by going in and out of cover. 100 damage right there with no fall off

Bastion? get behind him and kill him. Reflect and kill him. He is one of those "I know when not to fire" Bastions? Cancel reflect animation and jump around him while throwing shurikens. Insta death.

Mercy? Get in, kill her in 2 secs, get out. People aren't even noticing her.

Squishy heroes bundled up? Dragon blade while jumping around.

Genji is amazing. People are just shit.

The jump gives access to the enemy backline and snipers as well. Furthermore its great for capping points and fucking with the team delivering the payload.

Also I'm pretty sure the tesla cannon can hit targets that are behind objects and is unblocked by genji's deflect.

I thought it was common knowledge that a good Genji is an absolute powerhouse. He's definitely a top-tier character who often gets picked by retards.

This. It's satisfying to pounce on an ulting D.Va and trap her ult in it.

Don't forget he also fucks incompetent Reinhardts.

No he isn't.

Anything an amazing Genji can do, a good Tracer can do better, quicker, and safer, with the exception of peeking turrets and fucking up Bastion. He's pretty redundant.

watch the video fuckboi

Tracer has no vertical mobility. And peeking turrets and fucking up Bastions are really important. Specially right now when pub teams think the best defense is two torbs, two bastions, a Reinhardt and a Mercy.

Tracer is good at disrupting and being an annoyance, but Genji is better at fucking with the defense. The only advantage Tracer has is her fast charging ult which can instantly destroy bundled up characters.

Genji is better in maps that only have a tiny entrance to the enemy base. For example Hanamura, he can climb to the opening above the gate. In Ilios (the map where the point is inside a tiny house) you can use him to take snipers (read: Widowmakers) by surprise.

But yeah usually a Tracer might be best. Doesn't help he's the hardest hero to use properly.

Winston is best husbando.

But Roadhog is cutest.

>Hook guarantees a kill 99% of the time

Not really. Only against certain heroes.

I'm more or less forced to be winston in half my games because widowmakers and genjis and tracers are everywhere and my team is always incapable of killing them.

Killing a sniper or mercy is as easy as jumping in, droppinf shield, and holding m1

>I killed people holding mouse 1

well sunshine normally when you use your shooty tooty button people do die. If you had of said you killed people holding spacebar then would have been a cool story but your story telling skills are clearly lacking

quit patronizing me faggot

You mean R2?


Problem officer? It takes more skill to aim with a control stick than it does with a mouse.

It does take more skills to use an inferior method to complete the same thing as everyone else.

Yeah, and it would also take more skill to play with one hand. That doesn't make it a good idea.

>problem officer

consoles not only have our tech 5 years late but they get our memes 5 years late as well. I honestly never knew that

He's a nightmare if there's two of him

That's like saying playing blindfolded takes more skill.

He is a God in the King of the Hill Maps, Winston is shit on everything else besides being a good meat shield.

He's situational. He's great at harassing and annoying snipers or for capture points. He can hit all the people he sees in front of him without really needing to aim and has great mobility. He can also knock people off ledges with his ult.

You don't want to use him all the time, just certain maps and situations.