Lets discuss the unlimited potential of a POLISHED final fantasy 8 remake.
Lets discuss the unlimited potential of a POLISHED final fantasy 8 remake
Yeah whatever.
First of all, they must remove the horrible drawing magic system.
Why remake what is already perfect?
I would be ok with a definitive edition that makes Quistis romanceable, however.
It's not but it has the potential to be the best final fantasy. And be comfy as fuck
Replace everyone with Laguna.
Laguna that punches dinosaurs.
Laguna with cowboy hat.
Laguna with a whip.
Laguna who shoots a dog at people.
Laguna using The End.
Laguna with black dress.
You leave that alone!
this guy is right the game needs more Laguna. I say add a whole extra Laguna sequence
They would probably meddle with many of the gameplay aspects and effectively kill half of the charm of the dumb game.
Why? It was a waste of time.
>Remove drawing to get good magic entirely
>Add a few more items that can be salvaged for magic
>Reduce junction magic's effectiveness on base stats by 90%, keep the stat-def/stat-att/ele-att/ele-def as it is
>Make levels more dependent on stats, and a little harder to grow levels
>Can't level down bosses
Bam, fixed
Also like this user said
More Laguna and co., that was the best part of 8
I think if a remake did happen, it would be important to rebalance the combat system pretty hard. Most bosses don't even stand a chance in the original game if you have any idea what you're doing. Magic should be much more powerful than it is, you shouldn't be able to spam limit breaks so hard and some characters should be better at some things than others but still leave enough room for customization. The Junction system should stay and be expanded upon because it is awesome. And it should be turn based, of course, because why wouldn't it be?
Story should stay mostly the same, but I would like if they fleshed out the side characters more, and maybe gave us more Laguna sections, because everyone seens to love him.
It is never going to happen though, and if it did happen the game would probably be changed beyond recognition, because it is a meme to hate it.
This. They can keep the general idea of junctioning magic, but they would need to severely overhaul the system to remove the tedium of drawing magic to 100, they need to change the stat bonuses to they increase by some % rather than giving fixed stats (or to completely change the leveling system), they need to alter the card mod and refining stuff so you can't get obscenely overpowered spells early on, they need to make the game actually challenging (it's currently beatable without junctioning at all, and junctioning is insanely overpowered), they probably need to change the limit break system, etc.
Story had some issue but they're not really a big deal. Ignore the silly stuff, if the game had a more cohesive plot you wouldn't get the crazy awesome shit like the garden fight.
Whenever Laguna is not on the screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Laguna?"
If a remake happened they could keep literally everything the same gameplay wise and I would be happy. However the story needs a massive overhaul. It has potential but the presentation is retarded.
Laguna should also gain access to a time machine.
Fuck that, I want it to stay hilariously broken.
and he can time travel
and has a talking dog
Scrap everything past the first disc and remake the whole plot.
You can easily figure the plot was rewriting during development. Go with whatever the original idea was.
Frankly, while FF7 MUST be a 1:1 copy of the psx game, you can go a little more crazier with FF8 and move into a different plot.
Remove Aura and limit break now has a bar that charges instead of unlimited lb when your hp is yellow.
Remove The End.
Hard limit on infinite Zell LB combo.
Fuck that. I want original games that are not remakes, sequels, prequels or FF VII clones.
I want them to be original and different again.
If they fixed it so that the story makes sense - "we're all orphans from the same orphanage and we all conveniently forgot?" - and sorted out whatever it was on the third disc that bored me out of playing the game anymore twice over... Then I'd be totally on board. The first half of the game is my favourite childhood game that's not on the MegaDrive.
Limit spamming was one of the few fun things about FF8 and is one of the only things people remember the game for aside from triple triad. Go fuck yourself, tryhard faggot.
>he wants to "fix" Duel so we can no longer have BunchaPunches the Musical every turn
I bet you wanna change Hot dogs back into regular bread too.
That's pretty much the point where the story shits the bed. It's very obvious that they intended something completely different, but ran out of time before development and just shoehorned in the whole "lol GFs eat memories don't you know?' load of bullshit. I'd also prefer if they developed Laguna's story a lot more, it's a bit of a logical leap to go from "hey let's start a revolution or something" to "by the way I literally rule the world"
Why would they remake the worst FF?
I want a gender-bent Squall, lesbianing it up with Quistis.
Make it sew.
>not fix
Fuck off, Bioware employee.
>want to replay FF8
>remember the first 12 hours
>remember having to choose between drawing magic for 60 hours or refining it by cheating the card game for 60 hours
>remember all the cringey squall/rinoa segments
>remember having to mug and abuse LV UP for 12 fucking hours to get any of the ultimate weapons
Deep Sea Research Facility is one of the coolest dungeons in the series, and it's gated behind such a shitty game.
No more remakes.
They're already butchering 7.
Add Selphie, Quistis and Ma Dincht routes alongside the standard Rinoa one
Enable the older versions of Laguna, Kiros and Ward to join up with the main party towards the end of the game
Tie Triple Triad into the main game more, even people who hate FF8 like Triple Triad - on that note, make it more obvious that refining cards > drawing magic forever in battles
Ditch enemy scaling to your level, or atleast make it a toggle on/off option or some shit
More stuff to do in Balamb Garden in general, maybe more SeeD missions too?
Fix the story I guess
Keep first disc and add some more seed missions to it. More Laguna story. Definitely keep the garden fight. Scrap orphanage and memory loss. Maybe keep time compression and do the Rinoa = Ultimecia thing.
I played FF8 when I was around ten or so. My only other FF game at the time was 7. I had no idea how the draw system worked, and expected magic to be like the materia in 7. I must have gotten halfway through disc 2 before realizing I was probably missing something with the magic system.
I really wish I had willpower to finish the game, purely because I never found out what the deal with Laguna was. Plus, the music and character designs are great.
That would be II, mate. And then they still went and did it and actually became rather playable, from what I understand.
What they need to remake is Mystic Quest. Make it a lil bit harder and boom.
>remember having to choose between drawing magic for 60 hours or refining it by cheating the card game for 60 hours
You don't have to do any of that if you're not a minmaxing faggot. Jesus, the game is easy enough as it is.
>I don't want to do all this optional content but I did it anyway so the game is bad
The story was just too goddamn fucking stupid.
Oh yeah! We all grew up in the same orphanage! I forgot!
>drawing is replaced by analysis, where you can remember up to X spells by extracting them from monsters
>Once all party members learn a spell, it's put into a sort of data bank where you can access it at any time in battle, but can still only junction if it's memorized individually
>Rather than refining magic, GFs now automatically grant spells to the data bank after being leveled to a certain degree. Some (new) spells can only be acquired this way.
>Use a system similar to 3 where spells are separated into tiers within your data bank, and you can only cast spells from each tier X amount of times, which varies from party member to party member
That way there's more individuality to your party members aside from "who has the limit break that does the most damage."
>remember having to choose between drawing magic for 60 hours or refining it by cheating the card game for 60 hours
Why do people keep saying this? I mean, we all had that one retarded friend who told us "FIRST DRAW 100 FIRE BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE", but really, you don't need to.
You also get the Card command for Quetzalcoatl rather early, so you don't even need to play Triple Triad that much either.
Like, what the fuck.
Not much to change. It's great as is, so long as you have the mindset of a matured adult to truly experience it.
I do remember drawing magic was tedious at first but I also remember it scaling to I think the magic stat so once you got it high enough, it'd take 10 turns to max any new spell which wasn't that much time at all.
The only change I would make is having a lot of the obscure content more readily available to the player
There's so much fucking bullshit in this game that the average player will NEVER see, and way too much of it is either extremely plot relevant, or crucial to worldbuilding
Any story with time-travel fuckery or "dimensions" shit is automatically garbage.
Yes. Also, Stronger magic required a higher magic stat to draw at a bearable rate, or you would only be getting 1 or 2 uses at a turn.
Could be cool if in a remake they removed the 10 (or was it 9?) spells per turn limit, so if your Magic stat was really high you could get 100 uses in just a few turns.
Yet Chrono Trigger is one of the most beloved JRPGs that exists.
with what the ff7 remake shapes up to be I can only say, I would probably expect nothing and would still be disappointed
According to the children of GameFAQs, maybe
Anyone who actually grew up in that era considers Chrono Trigger a middling JRPG on a console that had tons of great ones. It's not even in the top 10.
They need to add more information/gameplay with the lunatic pandora, that was some mysterious shit
Oh, more stuff like SEED missions and sidequests like the train or political assassinationsthe that you can accept whenever.
The garden battles would be great in a remake.
>Add Selphie, Quistis and Ma Dincht routes alongside the standard Rinoa one
I'm ashamed to say that something like this would probably be enough by itself to get my attention. Quistis deserves a happier ending, man.
>teacher with a whip have the hots for the protag
Makers of this game is out of fucking touch.
Sorta feels like a fantasy even
Squall wasn't that whiny. Sorta the opposite really, early on he seems overly cold for no particular reason.
Rebalance junctioning & refining to be far less OP early game. (no more max HP in the first 10 minutes and early Lionheart)
Revamp 110% of Squall's dialogue to stop him being a whiny bitch.
Cut down on long cutscenes and some of those arbitrarily-placed flashbacks.
Fix the retarded level scaling so that levelling is actually an improvement and not a punishment.
Anything else?
Not sure if i miss the god damn grind. Spending hours trying to level up via cactur battles. All I remember is the god damn hour long grinds to level up in this game. You can keep it. I aint playing it
>Squall wasn't that whiny
"...", "waaah stop bothering me", "why me" is at least half of his dialogue throughout the game.
Yeah he does do that a lot.
>"waaah stop bothering me", "why me"
He doesn't do that though, it's the opposite. He constantly gets thrown into shitty situations and just rolls with it, especially further into the game after he essentially leads Balamb Garden himself.
>ultimate polished ff8
remove all characters except quistis and replace them with likeable useful ones
change magic system
change summon system
change weapon system
change limit break system
totally revamp story
card game is ok
I love squall. Keep him
FF8 is 20 times bigger than FF7 and they are going to split 7 into 3-4 parts
They also changed the battle system and who knows what else
it would most likely turn out to be utter shit
remove everything except triple triad
He didn't voice out all of his opinions which is exactly what any sane person would think in his situation. Nigga got assigned a shit ass job just because some privileged cunt who was sucking Seifer's dick got enough pull to play Resistance in her teen-life crisis.
If I was Squall, I'd have asked for a transfer.
He was a bit of a shit-head during that scene where Quistis takes him to the school's secret sex hideout. Other than that he was fine.
>Eden in HD
Fucking this. I was like 9 or 10 when i first played and I never remember having to grind hard in that game. Even the optional shit was pretty easy.
Gingers are gross, I don't blame him
Yeah you don't need to grind in FF8, on the contrary the difficulty doesn't change in a normal way regardless due to the retarded scaling. A person thinking that they had to grind because the other FFs have that to an extent is understandable, but when a person says that the game actually is grindy then I find it hard to take their opinion seriously.
At most, getting cards in Triple Triad can get grindy. It's also something no one complains about because Triple Triad was more fun than most of the actual core game.
Wasn't Japanese Squall more talkative than the NA localized version?
>Simplify Junctioning (Maybe by having each TP have preset stat progression, or have them work in a similar fashion to the Job System)
>Drawing could stay, but have a station where you can purchase more draws of magic you've already collected
>Better or more apparent Character Development
>Alternate Romantic Route with Quistis
How much would this fix?
I know he didn't say 'whatever' about everything. Don't know if he is actually more talkative, though. The translation changed a lot of things, not just Squall.
coupled with fleshing out a few things on the story a bit more, it would probably make this game perfect.