I've had several detailed dreams of OW characters being my family & friends

I've had several detailed dreams of OW characters being my family & friends.

Mum - Mei
Dad - young Soldier: 76
Older Sister - Pharah
Younger Sister - Tracer
Cool family friend/uncle - McCree
Gym buddies - Zarya & Reinhardt
Friendly college professor - Winston
Childhood friend - D.Va
Awesome next door neighbours - Torbjörn and Mercy
Best bro - Lucio

>Nobody is a soldier or etc.
>Mei and 76 adopted me and my siblings at various young ages, with Pharah being the daughter of their (dead) good friend.
>Get along great with my siblings, me and Tracer are virtually inseparable - and both still teenagers
>Lucio is an aspiring DJ and constantly sends me mictapes or youtube links to songs he's gonna sample
>Zarya and Reinhardt are first gen immigrants, and started helping me out instantly after seeing I had poor form on my squats and then started coaching me from there - and after I bought them drinks at the end of the day as thanks, we became good friends
>McCree sends me a new cool knife or novelty antique weapon every birthday and nobody has any clue how the fuck he sneaks them through the mail so well
>Pharah dotes on me a lot and tries to set me up with her friend, Symmetra, all the time since she thinks I need an older woman to care for me
>D.Va and I fooled around in middle school and have some underlying sexual tension between us still, but are mostly just good friends
>Winston is exasperated at how I put off my studies to socialize and do extracurricular stuff like run the film society for our college - and he always tries to gently help me realize my full academic potential
>Torb and Mercy throw sick parties every public holiday and are cool as shit, we've even gone to Disneyland and Spain with them on holidays since we're so close to 'em - and Torb is a total bro who constantly lowkey brags about how hot his wife is and tries to give me advice on women

I genuinely feel sad when I wake up and these dreams stop being real. Anyone else have this happen?

Off yourself

You'll be able to meet all of your favorite Overwatch characters in the afterlife.
Go to them user, they're waiting for you.

sick copypasta


wait fuck this isn't a copypasta at all

>no suicide portal shit
0/10 you tried

You're autism is flaring up guy.

>Dad - young Soldier: 76
>not grandpa 76
Shit dreams, would not have.

I've had the same dream too, but Junkrat is my uncle and touches me.

Jesus fucking Christ you are the epitome of being autist and retarded.

End your wretched existence.

all these normies ITT

keep dreaming OP, whatever makes you happy.

Turbo autism


It's still early in the day but this is the saddest thing I've read so far.


I now wanna read the Persona 4 copypasta.

Which one mi amigo?


Grampa: 76 is the greatest dad of all, I want to hug him after getting my Bachelors degree and then go for drinks with him and my uncles.

post happy okuyasu at least you fuck

The one I imagine OP was inspired by where the user talks about how finishing the game was so bittersweet because he'll never see his friends again.

Don't have that one, sorry.

That IS happy Okuyasu
