It's been 17 years since FF8 released

>It's been 17 years since FF8 released
>There hasn't been a single RPG released that's come close to it since then

Will any RPG ever come out ever be as meaningful and well-crafted as FF8? I just finished replaying it and it's still seriously just as good as the first time. Share your FF8 love, anons.

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Why are you trolling a game I love?

I like this game a lot - people hate it for shitty reasons

Also FUCK TRIPLE TRIAD - Blitzball is absolutely fucking better

good music

that's it really


Yeah that part is retarded but SeeD tho

Squall is by far the worst FF protagonist

It's a pretty great game.

Guardian Forces are to blame. the game literally says this. Child soldiers with brain damage are the game's heroes.

>Inb4 the Lucid dreaming Copy pasta

The thing is that problem is only brought up during the scene where they all realize they were orphanage buddies. Other then that there is only a 1 line NPC reference if you happen to talk to someone out of the way. If it was hinted at or more openly discussed through out the game then it would be acceptable.

>Multiple lines from various npcs, both your classmates and teachers at school
>Infos about it both in your computer and in the help section
>Foreshadowed by Irvine's actions during the assassination mission
I mean, it's not exactly perfect writing but it's nowhere as bad as people made it sound.

I wonder what it is about fictional coed military academy high schools that are so comfy.

is this the one with the dude with the sword gun?

It's also why Irvine can't take the shot during the sorceress parade. He was awakening to the fact Edea raised them.

The game telegraphs it plenty of times.

Some body post the foreshadowing picture please

No, fuck off, it it's pretty great writing
Plot twists are supposed to be like this, the foreshadowing shouldn't be in your face
Or do you want another MGSV?

Music and art style. I think there isn't a single city in this game that isn't absolutely lovely, in a reason or another.
Well, with the exception of Centra, but them holographic stairs at the entrance were amazing.
I've never heard such a beautiful dungeon theme.

There's a reason why there's no rpgs like it. It was shit

Wait I found it

Dude, I was defending the game, did I word it poorly?
I love FF8, I think the story is great.


It seemed like you were criticizing the writing
The writing should be criticized for other stuff, mainly Rinoa-related stuff, but the memory wiping GFs were a pretty big "HOLY FUCK" moment, and it was executed really well

FFVIII confirmed deepest FF

Oh well there you go

Yeah she was one of them

A bunch of FF games do this
FFXIII does this a ton, it's actually so much that you don't pick up on the nuances until the second playthrough


yeah like a puddle

>let's keep the evil sorceress orbiting the planet instead of just rocketing her frozen ass into deep space

Impeach president laguna



Still deeper than FF8.

best way to play the game imo

It doesn't occur nearly enough to justify the plot twist. Encountering an insane SeeD, or former college from early missions who had forgotten YOU would have been more effective, but it's obvious that the entire plot element was grafted on at the last minute.

The game was a train-wreck of a narrative. I'm pretty sure there are like, 5 major plot threads in there and non of them get resolved. None of the characters develop or faces crises of any meaningful degree. The whole Squall/Siefer thing is basically forgotten about in the final disc, despite being in the opening intro. (Doesn't Seifer only have a cameo in the final disc?) And who the fuck was Ultimecia anyway? This character never even appears until you fight her as the final boss! What the fuck!?

By far the worst sin of the plot though, is the lack of themeing. All of the best FF games have strong, integrated, consistent themes that help to unify the often disparate world settings and characters under one cohesive shared narrative.

FFVII has particular strong themes of environmentalism, anti-corporatism, mental illness and cyberpunk influences. I can understand square wanting to tone it back, but FF8 has, a love story...? Do Squall and Rinoa even shack up at the end? I forget. Compare and contrast to FF-X, a far, far better FF love story, themes of religion, duty, love, struggle, and reincarnation out the fucking ass.

There are few major elements of VII and X that could not be recalled with but a brief reminder. I can't even remember what the names of my party members were in FFVIII. It was just a badly written game.

For brevity, I won't get into the problems with the rest of the design.

>moon is full of fucking monsters
>Esthar pussies don't just nuke it or use some of their other bullshit science

What's the fastest way to break this piece of shit and steamroll through every single enemy?

>junctioning meltdown instead of using it
i mean you get doomtrain eventually but come on, step up senpai

You can still use junctioned magic famiglio. Meltdown is just the best Vit magic to junction. That plus limit break spam is the shit

Don't level. Play triple triad like did.

>for brevity
>still posts a wall of text
>oh no a surprise final boss who was talked about since dozens of hours before
>oh no the game doesn't beat you over the head with a preachy moral

>Themes guy strikes again
It's like you are unable to stop entering threads about ff8 and repeat the same thing all over again. We get it, you prefer a game with lots of themes that don't really mean shit (seriously? Reincarnation being an important theme of X? X having a good love story?), so what?

>nuking the moon
You can't kill them all like that
And you can't destroy the moon
Laguna being goofy and not so bright is a plot point

Honestly forgetting your "childhood friends" in your teens isn't that unbelievable.

I still maintain if they had played that straight without any "GFS WIPED OUR MEMORY" and set up some "you look familiar" or w/e bullshit in-game hours before the reveal it would have been fine.

>you can't destroy the moon

Oh yeah, how do you figure? Why don't you just toss it into a time-compressed dimension or some shit?

My nigga, Zell my favorite FF character. Duel best limit break coming through. Stepped up when he was needed, was knowledgeable more than the main story let on, got the girl, cucked Squall, master race Aryan, loving mother, played bass/guitar for selphie band. Never did a play through without equipping Ifrit and Brothers on this nigga

>Laguna goes to Raine's tomb
>He remembers how years back, in that same spot, he gave her the ring
The 20 minutes that is the ending cutscene are so amazing. I tear up every time.

You do realize the moon is fundamental in the balance of the earth right?
Even sci-fi from the 70s got that right
You can't jist destroy or remove it, it'd fuck up everything

>Her mother is the best card player in Balamb
>She's so good she has her own son's card, how does that even work
Also, if I recall correctly, he allows you to enter the last level of the underwater research station without triggering the alarm.

Who says time-compressed space isn't incredibly dense dark matter that no longer takes up volume in our dimension but still has gravity? Remember that this a universe that has extremely high level science as well as super powerful sorceress.

I only played this game last year and while it's story has some problems such as not including Laguna enough I honestly can't help but say the game was actually pretty fucking good.

>Tfw fucking shit up with Squall, Irvine & Zell bro team

It's a game where magic and summons exist and monsters live on the moon and ejaculate onto earth.
Stop thinking so hard

My nigga, I hooked him up with Ifrit every time too. All those str bonuses, he couldnt be stopped

>Currently replaying it
>Decide not to play triple triad in order to break the game a bit less
>Don't really want to draw until my characters have enough mag to get 9 units each time
>"I'll just use elab st-mag"
>Realize medusa is dirty cheap to refine, so are bio and idro
>Overpowered already without even converting tents to energiga
Also, this is the first time I killed the spider bot thingie and the 15-18 jewels allow you to refine around 80 thundagas. Fuck.

People who like 8 also tend to like 10

I really liked 8 because the graphical improvement over 7 was tremendous

you could play that one.

>cucked Squall

Ok, this seems plausible, basically a black hole since time effectively gets fucked
But how does Esthar know about it?
Unless otherwise stated those general laws of physics still apply

to be honest this seems like a half assed attempt to justify a really bad plot twist

He didn't let you in without triggering the alarm, he was just very knowledgeable about the place. If he wasn't in your party, then you didn't get the extra dialogue. To get through without the alarm you have top move when the light is dim otherwise you'll fight ruby dragon as you know. And yeah his mom having his card, that's a proud mother of a god tier son.

Not really, just meant that he took squall necklace from him so he could give it to Rinoa. Basically Squall helping him to slay his future girls pussy

>meaningful and well-crafted

The first disc, maybe. Everything after that feels rushed as all hell.

>Hey guys, you know the forces of nature we literally use to have any sort of power whatsoever? They fuck with our brains and make us forget important shit!

>But only for the sake of the plot. We'll continue using them the whole game with no ill effects whatsoever

No. It's dumb.

>he actually believes this
>he couldn't comprehend a game with young teenagers in mind

Also Squall is dead.

I strongly recommend that everyone in this thread watches marc papeghins ffviii medleys