ITT Shy Girls
ITT Shy Girls
Other urls found in this thread:
This is novel and I'm okay with this
It's better than wanting to fuck a skeleton
>tfw it's been over a year since the great shygirllening
i want to fuck that skeleton
RIP thread.
>That's Adagio Dazzle's hair
If i had no context who you were I'd assume you were in the middle of having a stroke
No barneyfag, you are the autism
Damn it, I just wanted more porn of Shy girls
Why does Barney fag have to ruin all of these threads?
Less Barneyfag, more Shygirls.
Why keep the sweatshirt on?
You need to die
>Go from having it be a mask to it just being a white face
>Copying Minus8 and failing
Get that shit out of here.
protect this
just report him you dipshits
Hey buddy, thanks for the bumps lol
I like Barneyfag, he's a very dedicated user
You gay?
Just because someone uploaded it to derpibooru doesnt mean thats where its from. Its also on gelbooru,, and e621 fucking chromesome collector
>barney autist deleted
fucking lmao
Do you people mind if I save these images?
He's triggered by literally anything that can be related to MLP in any way. It's actual autism
Its yours my friend ;)
Who gives a damn? Download as much lewd art as you want, you damn pervert
Just don't be like Barney Fag
see i told you
just report him and everything will be fire
>take random girl and put a mask
>"hey guys shy girl! it resembles nothing about the source or remotely makes sense b-but tits and ass!"
Every fucking time
Any shygal tits?
I want her sweater off.
>Barneyfag deleted instantly but first post porn is still up
>mask displaying emotion
why would someone do this
>inb4 I get (you)s
No, Barneyfags do.
They're the ones shilling their shit where they're not supposed to
All to make sure OP gets banned.
OP's picture is still Adagio Dazzle's hair
It's cute
You are a faggot
fair enough
>They're the ones shilling their shit where they're not supposed to
Like your "die barneyfags die" shit? Yeah no, you're the one that needs to die.
Since we are talking about ponies, I would just like to confess that I would fuck a human Twilight Sparkle
Seriously, just make them all fucking die
It's summer, sweater's should be off.
pretty decent taste
Haha man, I wonder how serious barneyfag is.
Does he really think they're getting op banned?
You are a brony, you stupid fuck. You watch the show, you talk about it endlessly and you never hesitate to bring it up to people so EVERYONE knows instead of keeping that shit in /mlp/ where it belongs.
>Not yellow quiet
I regularly fap to humanized mlp characters. I'd fuck any of them as long as they were human.
Fucking shit taste, man. She can't even seductively tell me the square root of 546
average tripfag loser T.B.H.
how the fuck do you say that seductively
I like my bitches who can fuck while reciting facts about herpetology
In a low female voice that suggests the speaker wants to have sex, of course
Great taste, flutter butter a best.
Also, is there a shy girl rosalina somewhere floating around in the internet? i need it for research
I want to bully them with my dick
This nigga gets it
Someone said shy. Wheres the ..
fuck I'm too late
>barneyfag so buttblasted he had to make a different thread to share all his screencaps in
Technically yes but I'm not sure it's what you're looking for.
On the other hand Shy Gal corruption is a pretty great concept.
I should draw more shygirls...
Can we bully him there?
>Only I'm not, I'm just good at using reverse image search utilities
Im curious. Do you reverse image search all posts on Sup Forums? If not, then how do you know when something is barney related?
Feels like just yesterday shygals were all the rage.
Do you mind if I save this?
Close enough, mainly just a shy girl with Rosalina's colors and hair would be enough for me.
Also, what is shy gal corruption? post more examples
Please go back to
Post more ass
>going to Sup Forums ever
And I'm already out of Shy Girl images. Damn it
I'd share some MLP Humanized porn, but I would prefer not being suspended
you first
Like this, basically.
Reset IP m8
>Tfw you unintentionally started the great shygirlenning and no one believes you
>No one is posting lewd shytits
It's their flesh.
Uh, that's cool i guess, nice detail that Samus gets bustier when she gets Shy girl-ified
I want to put on the mask and be transformed into a sexy female bombshell so I can be a complete slut anonymously with my real identity kept a secret behind that unchanging blank expression.
What is adagio dazzle?