How do you feel about Junkrat?
How do you feel about Junkrat?
I'm still confused that he's one of the tallest character
i want him to fuck roadhog
The only person I hate is a really good Genji player.
Thank god 95% of them are terrible.
trashcan no skill hero that sits in place spamming bullshit hoping to hit something
bad junkrat play is identical to bad torb play, holding m1 in one place for the duration of the game
more like junkcrap
He made me realize how much I wanted infinite ammo in TF2. Shooting nades fa days over walls is great. Those easy kills.
>punching + mine on tracer
>tracer is kill
fucking love the rat.
Literally unskilled players launching randomly over corners and walls.
Wait til he gets buffed and we get non stop threads bitching about him
Incredible fun if used "right".
By "right" I mean the exact opposite way the game claims to use him.
Fuck defense, I run to the front lines Head shotting fuckfaces with pipebombs and throwing concussion mines to get them away from me (and a lot of the time, kill them).
He's way, way more fun as an offense close/medium range than a defensive hide-behind-wall pussy.
>when a bastion turret shoots at a genji player baiting him
I've gotten a lot of reflect kills via bastionshitters
He's a lot of fun if you can aim his pills and the beartrap works way better than I expected it to.
If you can manage to hit someone with a pill you can usually seal the deal with his mine which is hard as hell to fuck up. I've had a lot of fun killing phara's with it.
If I had to change anything I think his tire needs a buff.
I didn't mind him at first but hes become a victim of stupid players gravitating towards him. The worst is when people use him in hero stacking strategies because it's either impossible to deal with or utter garbage that just wastes time depending on the map and objective.
He's the guy I pick when I don't want to bother aiming or position myself well but still contribute
my goto pub stomp classes
This guy gets it. The hunkrat can do lots of damage and harass up close while also having snares and landmines to escape easily when the jig is up. With consistent mine jumping and careful use of traps you can even hold off on a cap in KotH to buy your team time to respawn.
>Junkrat doesn't need to aim
Found the shitter. If you want to actually be effective he probably has to aim the most out of any of the classes in the game, the grenades only do good damage if you get direct hits or enemies step on them.
Fun as shit, he's my main. There's no better feeling than trapping a Roadhog and singlehandedly taking them down with your grenade launcher.
Faggots do flock to this character though, primarily people who play camp-friendly shooters like CoD or Battlefield. If you're not on the objective laying on pressure with your grenades and concussion mines you're a faggot who sucks at the character, period.
>pipes still explode on impact after bouncing
>mcree camping in a room
>bounce nades off wall
>"wow fuck you junkrat is so broken"
>reflect in front of a Bastion after hitting him a few times to get his attention
>he waves
>dash through him and kill him
Hes either
>mildly annoying but ineffective artillery that would be better off playing Pharah
>holy fuck there are explosions everywhere
I love doing that.
Sometimes they take a few pills, are low health.
Instead of running away for an healthpack they think "No worries, I can still take him. He just steps in and I flashbang his ass".
And then the plastic explosive strolls in.
I used to think Mccree was broken but now? You take two steps back and he can't do a thing. It's hilarious.
that has to be the most blatantly broken thing about him, you can't just dodge the pipe in the air you need to worry about where it's going the entire time too or half your health is gone as opposed to tf2's where a roller isn't too much of a pain.
Junkrat is one of the few classes who can force him out of his camp spot. Just pray you don't run into a mcree who can aim his M1 because you WILL lose.
Barely notice him since he dies in 2 widow shots at a range his gun can't reach :^)
>You take two steps back and he can't do a thing. It's hilarious.
two steps out of flashbang range is still fan range, and god help you if the mcree has his roll and his flash.
He is super fun
I just wish his mine jump pushed you a bit further,sometimes i wonder if it even makes you go further than just walking
you know what's coming next right
the labels are shit. The game even says that defense heroes are heroes the excel at clearing or holding an area. That doesn't mean they're only good on defense. Same goes for the other labels.
Fun as fuck. Bouncy/floating projectiles were my favorites in FPS of the early years. I think I used a grenade launcher as often as a chain gun in Quake2.
>Jumping a RipTire over a Reinhardt shield and killing everyone behind it
Fucking glorious.
He and Roadhog are good together
>never tried McCree before
>Whoa missed all my right click
>it's ok i can just press shift and do it again
>E to win button
>Hitscan m1 that deals retarded damage and reloads fast if you don't use FTH
>Tanks or squishies it doesn't matter
How could they allow this to exist? Only problem is other McCree or people who stand on the other side of the map it's a joke
well thats a fine howdya do
My go to "they are turtling on the point" guy. Catching a Reinhardt with the snare trap while he's charging is the best.
>You take two steps back and he can't do a thing
Only if theyre a shitter who only plays McCree cause of the memes, any decent McCree player is fucking dangerous because of how busted that character is. He absolutely shits on Junkrat close range, especially if he's circle-strafing, has his roll and his stun.
Most played hero at 157 games with 101 wins, probably the only hero I spam besides Lucio because the rest of the cast feels really boring to me.
Probably just gonna place the game on the back burner for a bit until they poop out some new dudes. Hopefully some more robots.
his laugh gives me chuckles
I forgot to mention that I play on consol and I'm low level
they should lower his sound on his ult a tiny bit
that thing is fucking loud as shit and can easily be countered by people with a brain and a set of ears
His tire doesnt need a buff when it can wipe half the enemy team before they can react if you play smart. Bad Junkrats run the tire right at their faces and get shot down, a good Junkrat minejumps to a higher areas and launches from above
>the rest of the cast seems boring
>plays junkrat and lucio
>meanwhile the most powerful ult in the game is fucking whispered
god I hate widowmaker
what makes him a good demoman?
>when a Genji player thinks he's hot shit and starts deflecting my onslaught, only to get melted a second later because I'm not a retard and stopped firing when he started deflecting
Same things happens all the time when I'm ulting as s76.
Genji players are pretty shit.
He fucks my shit up frequently. I've tried playing him but can't get the hang of it.
Isn't he like 6'9'' or somthing
Easily the best character in the game.
Sadly that's not that hard to be.
>aim 30 degrees up in the air
>point in general direction of enemies
>send an electrical signal from your brain to your index finger muscle to contract several times
It's the pegleg
artillery rat is the most low impact useless idiot
gotta get in close to do any real work with trashmouse
Ez mode farah desu. Less rewarding Q to balance
How were they even allowed to ripoff demoman to this extent
you don't have to aim your pipes, just lob them in the enemys general direction and hope they step on em. plus unlimited ammo and an ability that traps your target so you can just direct hit em.
>mostly plays Junkrat and Lucio
My nigger.
Like 76 he's my go to fill due to him being pretty good in all situations.
6'6" give or take an inch.
He's literally just the demoman and I love him
I love these
Exactly, she can only do work out in the open. Hard mode junkrat desu
Posting it in this thread.
Should I go with Devi or Goddess Symmetra?
Junkrat is my favorite character to play in Overwatch
Coming from somebody who enjoyed years of playing Demoman in TF2.
not even once.
Goddess distracts from the fuck awful nose.
The mine/trap is an amazing Mei counter. Especially if you make her fall to death
I feel like he should move slightly slower than the rest of the cast, what with only having one good leg.
The mine/trap combo is great against pretty much everyone besides tanks, granted you're fast enough to blow the mine before high mobility heroes escape.
make direct hit nades do more dmg
I knew a hot girl named Farah so I can never remember it properly
>I used to think Mccree was broken but now? You take two steps back and he can't do a thing. It's hilarious.
just wait till you get out of shitter bracket and into the "mccrees actually press left click on ur head" bracket
They can't do anything once they're trapped. Save for reaper who can spook float, but still not move.
Okay Osira
Tracer can recall out of it
>Last push on Route 66 as Junkrat
>Enemy Reaper jumps down and tries to Q our team
>Drops down on top of a mine
>Trigger it and he bounces into the air and lands on a platform
>Spins above everyone's heads and wastes his entire ult
Junkrat is made for fun.
Can they really? I don't think I've met a single one who had the where with all to do it.
steel trap disables blink and recall.
dont talk shit.
He pays half price for shoes
no they cant.
>Knock a hanzo in the air with my mine
>Lands on my trap
>forcibly conc jump enemy lucio into my team
>conc hanzo into the air and shoot him out of the sky with a cricket ball
>double conc jump straight to the point with lucio speed boost at the start of the round
best skill in the game desusenpai
It's a grenade launcher. Shooting circular grenades. If he was shooting the "pipes" on his chest, then maybe. But no, they're fucking nades.
Seriously. I can reasonably shift-react as pharah and still get taken out 15 metres in the fucking air
>Pharah's harassing me with floaty bullshit.
>Fuckit, Two can play at that game.
>concussion mine my way up to her level, begin spamming nades.
>Somehow had two connect while I was up there, taking her out.
Junkrat's fun, attack or defense.
>yfw the rip tire hits the entire enemy team just right
>Pharah flies in the air to run from me
>Throw mine in the air
>detonate in her face
Why is he so fun?
M1 spamming nigger whose tire would be balanced if the game wasn't 20 tick
t.salty widowmaker