Donate $60 to a streamer

>Donate $60 to a streamer
>Doesn't thank me or even acknowledge the donation
>Think to myself "that's okay, he's just busy with the stream and probably didn't notice"
>Streamer asks the chat what game to play next
>I donate another $10 followed by my suggestion in the donation comment
>He ignores that too
>Plays a game a non-donor suggested
>I call him out on it
>He starts making fun of me
>Everyone in the chat starts making fun of me
>"You have been permanently banned."

Other urls found in this thread:

kill yourself


>Giving money to other people to play videogames

That would never happen, but git fucked

Twitch donors are the most financially irresponsible people in the world.

>giving money to streamers

Is "cuck" appropriate to use here?

old copypasta

Name the streamer then

yes, but i think "fucking retard" fits here even more

>actually watching other people play video games instead of just playing them yourself

also this

I mean, I know it's a bait post but my comments still stand. My 13 year old cousin heard I liked games at a family get together and he tried to talk to me about Let's Players and I had to feign interest and pretend I knew what he was talking about when he mentioned Game Grumps and JonTron episodes.

100% deserved, might as well kill yourself now

> White millennial problems thread

what streamer OP?

also try chargeback on paypal

Pasta that still triggers me. Donors that shouldn't be allowed independent money spending expect attention and special treatment from the fake friend they just bought.

>He pays money for a service that is already free

>Watching other people play video games

kys my man

How beta do you have to be to be virtually cucked by a stranger with a Webcam. I cany imagine ever donating to a streamer.

You should have kept giving him your money, OP.

that's called democracy m8. imagine if our political system was this fair and removed of corruption. you should be proud to donate money to such a streamer

>taking about video games on a image board

Kys my man


I'm fine with people watching others play games. Especially if they have no real interest in playing that game themselves. Giving money to people playing videogames however is literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.

top kek, kill yourself you fucking faggot

It's like a combination of autism and being cucked.

Like Cucktism or Auck

I want to see the chat logs for this before I believe your account.

Auck sounds like a Klingon delicacy

man you could have donat it too me, i needed that

i like auck


the worst part of it all is that this unironically happened to someone on this planet.

we can insult OP all day but that was still shitty behavior by the streamer

that said op you dun goofed by donating

Chargeback on paypal. Give the streamers name here. stop posting stale pasta

Autism doesn't exist. What you call an autist is a crystal child.
The Crystal children began to appear on the planet from about 1990-2010, although a few scouts came earlier. Their main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution and reveal to us our inner and higher power. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the “Law of One” or global oneness. They are also advocates for love and peace on this planet.
They are mostly born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution, which means they have access to gifts of clairvoyance and healing. They are born on the sixth dimension of consciousness, with the potential to open up rapidly to the ninth dimensional level of full Christ consciousness, and then from there to the thirteenth dimension, which represents universal consciousness.
Crystal children’s auras aren't specifically opalescent, but are octarine, which is a color that isn't in the normal visual range of human eyes, but is the manifest color of high magic, and on another color octave entirely. They have beautiful pastel hues to them. To the untrained eye, it appears to be without color at all, therefore Crystal, but the extremely high frequency of the energy field is what gives it away.
The first thing you will recognize about Crystal children is their forgiving nature. They are very sensitive, warm, and caring. Don’t mistake these characteristics as a sign of weakness as Crystal children are also very powerful.

Trolled you :^)

This is probably a fat Sup Forumstard just donating money to a gamer girl in hopes that she'll acknowledge his existence
Go watch other people destroy turrets on league and think you're doing something worthwhile
Also, you realize that twitch is free right


all me

Auck sounds good. I posted earlier about my 13 year old cousin watching streamers and he told me it made him feel like he had friends. I took him to get a DQ blizzard after that.

Okay, now you can hang yourself in peace.

That's fucking sad.

Twitch is enabling autism


Why would you even donate? Especially those people that actually take donations to pay their rent. Get a fucking job you numbnut.

This is bullshit but I believe it

>There are people that UNIRONICALLY watch other people play video games when they themselves have the money for said video game, and would rather pay the person playing the game the amount of money the game costs than buy and play it themselves.

I really have no problem if you watch others play video games, some people are funny and it's fun to watch them play.

But why the actual fuck would you give them money?

Hold me bros, i fucked up

>have $1500 saved up every month for cosmetics and twitch stuff
>donate $500 to my favorite female streamer so i can be the "biggest D of the month"
>there's no donation tune, so i try to donate $500 again
>it turns out both donations went through, she forgot to turn on the donation sound
>chargebacking my accidental donation would be a douchebag move, so i suck up and accept it
>now i have to spend the remaining $500 on overwatch loot boxes, but i really don't want to disappoint my bro sodapoppin by skipping his monthly donation

How do i escape this dillema bros?

What is this from, exactly?

It probably wont make you feel better, but people probably saw him pull that shit and silently decided never to donate. It's biting him in the ass by affecting his shitty streamer income.


>tfw I donate 300 dollars a month to female streamers
>subbed to 15 of them
>moderator in 9 channels for them
>tfw I hate myself but can't stop because I truly love them

pic related. ive been a mod for her channel for years now

Stop saving 1.5k for faggot ass shit like you have been

Donate $450 of that to me ans i'll take pics of my feet every day for the rest of the month and e-mail them to you

people like you shouldnt be allowed to spend money. you are living proof that capitalism was a mistake

she truly looks scary

But he's living proof that cannibalism is a good idea.

Don't donate for a bit. They honestly probably don't really care all that much outside of "Oh, someone gave me money"

Oh wait, something something faggot cuck

>donating to twitch faggots

Yeah, there you go. That's probably what you wanted right?

are you fucking donald trump or something, jesus chrsit

>DONATE to someone
>expect them to do what you want them to because of it

The point of a donation is that there are no strings attached. Otherwise you're just paying the person to do or not do whatever you tell them to.

You are a bad liar

I will never understand millennials giving money to people that play video games

>donate to webcam stripper
>ask for power-drill action
>get it

>donate to streamer
>ask to see videogame
>don't get it

Twitch is shit.

twitch dot tv/seramuun


That was pathetic.

It was appropriate behaviour.

Nothing worse than those simpering faggot streamers than stop playing every 3 seconds to say thanks so much guys ur contributions really mean a lot rly hit that sub button

Too obvious, try again next time.

Remember, unless you're burch you'll never be as cucked as this aussie kid who donated 50,000 dollars to streamers with the intention of chargebacking

Would you be her stream boyfriend, Sup Forums?

I donated $1000 to one of my favorite streamers and $300 to another.
Both of them are my kyodais

This cunt used to be a full-fledged camwhore, right?

>literally paying money to have people acknowledge you
That's pretty pathetic senpai

This is a pasta.

A copy-paste thing that gets a lot of replies which shitposters use every now and again.

You all failed the board test.

People are literally saying it's bad pasta but still commenting about how watching other people play video games instead of just playing those games yourself is retarded

With all this talk of female streamers, who was the very first "girlfriend simulator"?

Probably pic related.

Yes, that is the established consensus since forever.

Next time the pasta gets posted it will devolve into the same thing.

Isn't she the one who literally held her arm around her cat's throat for 30 seconds until the cat was struggling and twitching his body?

In fact I'm certain she is, that's why she got perm banned.

literally serves you right

either this is b8 or you're so the most millenial person on this board right now

this is so painfully awkward. how autistic do you have to be to actually pay and presumably attempt to enjoy this shit



Twitchers really are fucking cancer

>move in with gf since her rich ass parents buy her a house
>she has a cat and I have a dog
>it's a two story house so there's more than enough room for both animals
>ignore the cat but it won't leave me alone and is generally annoying as fuck
>rip up some of my clothes playing tug of war with my dog while she's at work
>she gets home and I complain that her cat did it and that her cat is harassing my dog
>tfw she handed off her dumbass cat to her mother that lives three hours away

I'll never have to see that annoying piece of shit again.

Actually I'm curious, why does Twitch allow camwhores to continue to exist on their site? Didn't they implement a rule a few years back for female streamers to not have huge ass boob windows?

Twitch has become a legal camwhore site now

probly bullshit but try and get it charged back, may end up fucking the guy since it just takes it directly out of his paypal.

>call credit card company
>tell them to block the transfer

Lonelygirl15 was another early female youtuber, back when people still fell for hoaxes en masse.

>stop using images on an image board
I know this is bait but come on man

>Donate $60 to a streamer

>tfw i beat my gf's dog every time she's not home


At least she gets to keep it. I don't think my gf has seen that cat in months

lol never seen bruce willis face like that

If you were pretending to be a tard for that long surely it would rub off on you I would think.

Who /asmr/ here?

>tfw watching girlfriend roleplays and get really sad
>tfw I fap to mouth sounds

Is there any hope for me bros?

>some years ago
>live with roommate in a small apartment
>for some retarded reason he decides to get a huge fucking dog
>tell him please no
>he still insists that we keep it
>it barks and takes up way too much space
>dog hair all over
>start feeding it dark chocolate when he isn't looking
>dog is forced to go to the vet several times, hurting his economy
>eventually he puts it down because the vet can't find anything wrong with it

>back when people still fell for hoaxes en masse.
Wait, people still don't?