Why didn't Dragon's Dogma become the template for the ARPGs that followed after it...

Why didn't Dragon's Dogma become the template for the ARPGs that followed after it? Why does this industry reject being inspired by great gameplay?

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the problem is almost everything but the combat/character building is utter shit. i think it unfairly gets passed over due to this.

because dark souls is better


Pretty much this.

Gameplay and character customization is cool and all, but the rest is pretty mediocre.


>unparalleled in realism

It was too ambitious. It tried too many things and got spread too thin.
Not enough focused dungeons like Bitterblack.

Western game journalists pretty much wrecked videogames singlehandedly.

Because we're in industry where good combat isn't the only thing a lot of people look forward to. If it all you offer is that, you'll hardly be remembered or anticipated with wide open arms.



Dragons Dogma was one of the worst games I played in the last months.


I hate how people like this have ruined the word 'badass' because they use it too much and always use it wrong. Then again it was a bit of a stupid word anyway.

You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.


>This game released in 2012 totally doesn't live up to the standard of a AAA game released in 2015
Sounds about right.

Speaking of, I find it pretty impressive that in four years we've improved graphics so much. Pretty neat shit.

Is someone this butthurt the game sold 2.3 million copies?

It's a bad game. And I say that as someone who put a hundred hours into it.

>Waah, I don't like boss fights that need me to think
>I'd rather grind for hours until I can just one shot it

I'm still waiting for someone to put mechanics like that in a good RPG. Like Witcher or Gothic.
What's stopping them?

Cause the gameplay fucking sucks?

Dragons Dogma is literally grind to win though.
If you don't have good enough weapons and aren't high level enough you literally do no damage to enemies with high defense. And as soon as you get some halfway decent weapons every fight becomes a joke.

It's bland with shit ai

Because the Witcher devs didn't want to alienate the dudebro crowd that later became their primary audience.

>dude grab on to this nigga then spam attack then get thrown off for no reason because you can't control it in any way with armour, button presses, stats, or anything then climb back on and repeat


How does one put a hundred hours into a bad game? Did you feel like you needed to get your money's worth? Did you feel it would get better somehow? Explain this to me.

Thanks for proving you can't think at least.

Climbing isn't the best in most cases.

Because it was mediocre through and through.
It has a couple neat elements but they are so far and few between that it can't elevate the game beyond a mish-mash of other games that are all better than DD.

Also the story is complete nonsense, like when the king finds you cheating with his wife, throws you in the dungeons but after you escape offers you missions like nothing happened.

Oh you mean when you had to shoot a bunch of crystals in the air because the boss was literally unkillable otherwise. Wow

Depth of a game can only be exposed sometimes after later playthroughs after the honeymoon period.

That and the original game had basically no fast travel for a long time, especially if you weren't using a guide and had to trudge through the completely barren world to get anywhere.

Why do people say Dragons dogma have good combat, it has nothing good about it, its just normal you just swing you sword and thats it, the magic just look flashy thats all

by ignoring most of it

>those comments
is that what being triggered feels like?

And its retarded too because the magic looks so fucking cool but it is useless and not viable because it takes 30 seconds to prime it.

More that if you aren't a class that uses daggers or swords, you get jack shit out of climbing.

Now, I'm not saying DD is a game only for genius level IQs or something, but it still requires at least some brain impulses to identify, adapt, and take advantage of situations.

Hell, I wasn't even referencing DD specifically in my original frustration. I just hate people who balk when the game requires of them something other than a warm body.

I got all the way up to the best spells and instead of taking less time, it takes triple the time to cast. Fucking retarded and useless.

I really liked being a sorcerer. Timing your spells so that you don't get hit, sucking up smaller enemies with tornadoes or throwing them with a firewall, taking multiple health bars off a boss with a giant fucking spell. Its how sorcerers should be.

It would work if your teamates werent retarded and were actual people who you could communicate with and defend you

The only thing that really felt good about combat in this game was charging the hard attack with the big sword and letting it go right in the enemy's weak spot

Granted, I can't speak 100% for magic since I went through DD as fuck-Magic-420-yolo warrior, but there were plenty of tricks you could pull to help with the casts.

Start with quicker and faster spells to get a knockdown/stagger then shift into the longer ones, use the piggyback casting system, or just use the environment.

And useless isn't want I'd call those high level spells.
Unless you're casting it on a Golem.
Then it was useless.

The low tier combat is fine but when you get to high levels you find your spells taking forever and when they finally go off they blind you. Then you've got greatswords which also take far too long for mediocre damage.
If you sword and board you end up holding your shield up for half the fight.
On the other hand archer classes are completely broken being able to move faster in combat and volley explosive arrows that stun lock and gib everything in seconds.

>Trying to get somewhere
>All roads lead to Gran Soren
>Get lost in the woods trying to avoid roads so I don't end up where I started

I really never had an issue casting except starting out and then I figured out the proper rhythm of timing my spells between attacks, how far back to stand to keep out of range for longer cast times, using the terrain as cover, what spells to use at what range, using my pawns as distractions to get something devastating off. It was great and just "worked" for me and felt really satisfying once I got the hang of it.

I think what cinched it for me was opening the gate at the female bandit camp. Didn't know what the fuck I was getting into when I suddenly got swarmed, but my pawns were basically meat shielding for me while I flung female bandits off the parapets with fire walls.

There are items and "skills" that allows for shorter casting time for the high grade spells.

>trying to spam those spells
Niggah, you got the tier 1 spells to spam for.

Magic fags kill yourselves
Big dick sword bros ww@

Let me whip my lightning around bitch.

Yeah ill sit here and fuck you are bitch while you nerds cast your little fireworks

Don't mind me, just launching you upwards with magic :^)

Wont stop my dick from getting inside your wife nerds
Sword bros wins again

I don't know, and I don't really care because I fucking loved DD and if I want to play a game like it I can go replay DD and do a new build

My "Wife"? :^)


A certain "Goat" punisher~

Haven't tried it desu.
What's so special about ir's gameplay?

only 3 skills ruined it for me

it's good compared to other open world rpgs like skyrim

It seems like the game's enemies are just too bullet-spongey. I got to the well dungeon underneath your home town and fought all the monsters there, it was funfor a few minutes but all of them had so much health and just kept swarming in, it just felt tedious. Yeah I get the game needs to be balanced around having 4 characters but all of the fights just go on forever, and the game treats everything so dramatically even the lowest level shit.

it took me half an hour to kill those stupid lizard things. then later in the game you can one shot them.

I loved the gameplay and playing basically as Guts but I hated that I spent more time running from point A to point B than I did playing the game. I eventually got fed up with spending 65% of my time running down the road and stopped playing.

because normies don't care about gameplay AT ALL. That's why they just watch twitch streamers now.

Those lizard are resistant to everything except darkness attribute damage.

they're weak to ice

>not attacking their tails
>not realizing its one of those games with a surprise enemy level

There are different types of lizards. There are ones in the Everfall that are weak to 'dark', I think they are the 'shamanistic' variety.

The Dark Arisen version does away with long travels. I still preferred walking everywhere on my PC run. Feels more geniune adventure.

Yes but that person wasn't talking about those. He was talking about the ones in the well.