Just got a new PC, no GPU yet

Just got a new PC, no GPU yet.

Recommend me some classic PC games that do not require a GPU.

adom, rogue.

nigger you can't play that on anything past win95

anything that a laptop can run. :^)

its even on steam and works just find on win7

image related

the original Myst is not on steam.

>it's on steam


Ur Quan Masters (Star Control 2),
BattleZone (1998)
Both are open source now.


What are your specs and what GPU are you getting?


Heroes of Might and Magic III

Any nintendo game


It requires a little extra reading instructions and installing but its free classic game and worth the trouble.

Anything made before 2000?

Dink Smallwood



You can never go wrong with Fallout 1/2 (especially the restoration mod for 2)

And if you like racing you can play NFS high stakes and Underground 1 (or most wanted if you are a faggot).

Onboard graphics are surprisingly good IF you got a very strong CPU