Time to apologize

Time to apologize.

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for what?

I won't apologize for anything. It was shit.

Fabricating the holocaust and spreading it to subvert Europe's last line of defense

I'm sorry I liked it when it came out. I'm sorry I liked SOTFS. Sorry I liked Dark Souls 3 as well?

I'm sorry Dark Souls 2

I'm sorry you have such poor level design and enemy and boss variety.

I'm sorry area variety means shit when every area is fucking awful.

I'm sorry you had more original content than DS3 but managed to make it all terrible so the numbers don't matter

Your PvP is still the best

im sorry i try to replay you again because Sup Forums told me das2 have the best replayabality but i cant...i just cant..a turd will always be turd.


everyday with this faggot


Sorry that you had to be such a steaming pile of shit.

Why apologize when I like you? If other people don't like you, fine by them, it's a free country.

Im sorry you have such shit level design, boss designs, enemy placements, hit detection, story, and such a love for bastardizing the lore. 2 of your dlcs were ok to awesome and you have the better pvp in the series, but those are just little chucks of quality meat within a shit stew. I have literally never fallen asleep in the middle of a game until i played you

>Sup Forums liked the game when it came out
>suddenly started hating it after the matthewmatosis video

You're all a bunch of drone retards

don't forget pat from tbfp, people meme the shit out of him too

It would be a good game if there was proper lighting and the gameplay didn't suck ass.

1) Lighting would cover up the absolutely disgraceful graphics - youtube.com/watch?v=C-LgsWKWfGE

2) The gameplay is so bad. Animations are clunky and slow, combat is unresponsive and the hitboxes are terrible.

It's not even a good video, its a retard explaining the story of one game he really likes and then the game he's criticizing is "so you do some stuff and whatever and you meet a king and do things who cares"

this, he literally just reads out the plot of dark souls 2 and stops to say "for some reason", you could easily do the same thing for the plot in dark souls since you have no reason to do half the shit in the game other than the prophecy which you may not even care about

he criticises the pate and creighton story for happening offscreen then in his dark souls commentary praises it for having all the npc stuff happen off screen

also his criticism of multi enemy encounters is based entirely on the premise that dark souls combat is built around locking on to the enemy which you are never obligated to do, the game is actually very fun when you don't lock on

Yeah, no.

I'm sorry people still to this day try to defend you by saying your combat/mechanics are better than the first even among all the other flaws when in reality you have shittier combat mechanics too, including a lack of cooldown cancelling, terrible hitboxes, and tracking to hilarious degrees

FromSoft is dead to me if there's no Maldron the Assassin invader in the DaS3 DLCs.

>the apologize meme

Just fuck off, I wasn't even on the "DaS2 sucks" bandwagon.

WTF that's funny and also infuriating ass hell


>color palette is shit
>lighting is shit
>some of the lore/bosses doesn't make any fucking sense
>poise doesn't work
>level design is fucked up
>animations look like shit
>NPCs are boring
>UI is shit
>SFX worse than in DeS
>worst OST in the series
>worst matchmaking mechanics in the series
>second worst covenants in the series
>worst rolling mechanics in the series

We're talking about DaS2, not DaS3

>color palette is shit
Dark environments with a little bit of orange/yellow. Perfectly fits the setting, looks really good.
>lighting is shit
I'll skip this one, Dark Souls 2 looks like Skyrim with turned off shadows.
>level design is fucked up
Dark Souls 3 has the best level design in the series.
>animations look like shit
Only BB has better animations than DaS3.
>NPCs are boring
Best NPCs in the series.
>UI is shit
Well, it doesn't look like something made in paint.
>SFX worse than in DeS
Only BB has better SFX than Dark Souls 3.
>worst OST in the series
Stop joking around
>worst matchmaking in the series
Nothing is worse than SM
>worst rolling mechanics in the series

>Dark Souls 3 has the best level design in the series

Retard on the loose again, but that could sum up a massive majority of souls fans.

Even if you don't think it's the best it's so vastly better compared to anything in DS2.
DS2 really is the worst

I disagree, actually.

says the retard who thinks that DaS2 has better level design.

Come on, tell me how good it is. Name three good DaS2 locations, faggot. DLC doesn't count.

DaS3 has the worst matchmaking. Weapons reinforcement being part of what determines matchmaking is fucking stupid. At least with DaS2 I never had a problem finding invasions/summons.

>name three good DaS2 locations
>except those ones otherwise my argument falls flat

Not even going there. Keep the blinders on for all I care.

>try to cheese an encounter
>get btfo

also doesn't help that you're wearing the meme predator set and using the meme fist.

Lost Bastille
The Gutter (not Black Gulch which is trash)

All SotFS version

baka desu senpai

Best post in this thread so far.

I keep getting invaded by annying fucking NPC's in the middle battles that is just swarms of enemies.
I'm currently at Velstsadt, Is it worth to keep going because I'm really fucking close to dropping this game.

It's preventing twinking, it's actually fucking awesome. It makes it impossible to encounter a SL1 fag with +10 Darksword.

>At least with DaS2 I never had a problem finding invasions/summons.
Yeah, in DaS2 you were matched with 838 fags after 100 hours of playing. And you couldn't join fightclubs. Or play with your friends. Or play with people on NG+.

Well, DLC is the only good thing about DaS2. Fuck off.

>Lost Bastille
I'll give you that one, but retarded suicide shortcut and the door with a skeleton behind it is fucking retarded. Also this retarded unnecessary door that requires a key.
>The Gutter
Please, it would be shit without the lighting. It's uninteresting, doesn't encourage exploration and relies on frustrating jumps.
Another good one. The only bad thing about it is the fact that it looks extremely shit.

Sorry you and Ds3 turned out to be shit

you're almost at the end. What NPCs?

Okay then.
How is the DS2 level design not the worst? The enemy placement is terrible, often relying on huge groups of enemies, long ranged enemies you can't reach, or doing obnoxious things such as placing enemies in front of bonfires, the levels are either really linear or kind of a clusterfuck (black gulch VS drangleic castle), the transition from levels makes no sense half the time, and overall it's just sloppy. That's not even getting into the hilariously abundant bonfires and pointless shortcuts because of them.

>it's uninteresting

Sums up DS3 in a nutshell.

All the fuckers that keeps invading me. I guess it's a sotfs thing.

>he lit the sconces
>when the NPC in the room before specifically said "human, do not produce light"
The actual madman.

>Untended Graves
>Grand Archives
>Cathedral of the Deep

I disagree that FotFG is good. It's better than a lot of the levels but it's kind of all over the place and has the DS2 problem of really relying on big groups of enemies for every single combat encounter.

>cathedral level
>cathedral level
>cathedral level
>cathedral level
>cathedral level


Fuck off

i liked it

i like it better than 3 in some ways

>le ebin meme castle with dragons???? and copy pasted enemies from earlier in the game and one of the laziest and most uninspired boss fights in the game (which is saying a lot because there are only 2 good bosses in the first place)
>>Untended Graves
>the starter zone copied and pasted but DUDE DARKNESS EVERYWHERE SO SICKDARK WOAH
>>Grand Archives
>dukes archives with an extra floor and a shitty rooftop section with copy pasted enemies from earlier in the game
>>Cathedral of the Deep
>literally the grand archives except without books
>a straight line. but DUDE ANOR LONDO LMAO

>t's uninteresting, doesn't encourage exploration and relies on frustrating jumps.
U wat mate?

Did you know there's a hidden floor in the building before you get invaded by Melinda with a mimic that drops a piece of the Dark Armor set?

Did you know that if you light all the torches in the area, you get a special invasions which gives you a helmet preventing curse?

Did you know that you can get all the way back up to the original bonfire before the drop to the second bonfire by using the zipline all the way on top and jump on the building right after the bonfire bridge?

There's a bunch of stuff you can do in the Gutter that I find pretty fun imo.

The best things about it are optional pursuer encounter, clever traps (like spear wielding enemies in tight corridors), wall shortcut and possible use of the barrels to get rid of the multiple enemies.

Are you retarded?

I'm sorry user. I'm deeply sorry I spent £20 on this piece of shit.

>huge groups of enemies
2 dudes is huge groups of enemies now? Unless you're sprinting like someone with brain damage, you never get more enemies than you can deal with if you have basic eye-hand coordination
>long ranged enemies you can't reach
Use a long range weapon or duck for cover, you know. Challenge, in a souls game? Perish the thought.
>the transition from levels makes no sense half the time
I put that one on the whole travelling an entire kingdom so yeah you're going to see some change of scenery, and you're losing your marbles on the way because of the curse so you can't remember half the shit you travelled through. Also, console limitations.
>hilariously abundant bonfires and pointless shortcuts
Only DS1 and BB get that one right.

When are you going to stop making this thread?

Knocking enemies off the edge is hardly cheesing.

Now abusing their aggro range is cheesing.

Also sorry for missing my quads, God fucking damn it!

It's all forgiven if you kill yourself as soon as possible.

I feel like the level design due to the environment in DaS2 is pretty good compared to DaS3, but the problem is the enemies. If you put less annoying enemies in Iron Keep for example, it would be a pretty fun area as there's already a bunch of interesting stuff due to the environment imo.

>Lost Bastille
>le ebin meme bastle with undead???? and one of the laziest and most uninspired boss fights in the game (which is saying a lot because there are none of good bosses in the first place)
>The Gutter
>same platforms copypasted everywhere but DUDE DARKNESS EVERYWHERE SO SICKDARK WOAH
>literally undead burg except with green shit everywhere

Here you go, something on your level.

Anyway - I meant Lothric as the whole Castle, both lower and upper section. It's great as a whole. Also calling Twin Princes lazy or uninspired is retarded, it's literally one of the best bosses in the franchise.

>dukes archives with an extra floor and a shitty rooftop section with copy pasted enemies from earlier in the game

Where can I find Scholars earlier in the game? I'd like to get their daggers for my newest build.

>literally the grand archives except without books
There's not a single similarity.

>a straight line. but DUDE ANOR LONDO LMAO
>most vertical location ever

But I love, love, LOVE Dark Souls 2!
Especially as a caster.

>people saying DaS2 is bad
Daily reminder that these are the same people who started playing souls when the prepare to die edition released for PC.

From veterans liked the game, after all Naotoshi zin was the head of the design team.

ruin sentinels is a fun boss fight imo

>Did you know there's a hidden floor in the building before you get invaded by Melinda with a mimic that drops a piece of the Dark Armor set?
No, does that happen in the vanilla game? I spent over 600 hours in it and it never happened.

>Did you know that if you light all the torches in the area, you get a special invasions which gives you a helmet preventing curse?
No. Again, I played vanilla and I lit all the torches.

>Did you know that you can get all the way back up to the original bonfire before the drop to the second bonfire by using the zipline all the way on top and jump on the building right after the bonfire bridge?
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. That was pretty fucking awesome, especially during invasions.

>Also this retarded unnecessary door that requires a key.
What door are you talking about? The one when you come from the Flexile Sentry path? I think it's a good idea. You get the key before the Ruin Sentinels boss fight, so you can completely skip that boss if you want when you come from the Flexile Sentry. However, if you skip the Ruin Sentinels, you can't get the key that lights the torches giving more lock-on range during the Lost Sinner boss fight. Plus, you have to take the more dangerous path before the Lost Sinner boss fight in the water instead of the safe spots above on the sides.

>Level Design

This is objective fact for the base games not including DLC since DS3 doesn't have DLC yet.

and Miyazaki-san was the supervisor for the whole project.

>From veterans liked the game, after all Naotoshi zin was the head of the design team.

Tell me more

Wow, you got your arrows all wrong.

>implying it's not lazy

Literally copypasted three armored dudes who then get copypasted x8 in Drangleic Castle. It's definitely more lazy and uninspired than two princes with their own OST, great looking moveset, original design, fun as fuck weapons to get, good voiceacting and interesting dialogue.

I'm talking about the one near the blacksmith.

all 3 das2 dlcs were goat

>2 dudes is huge groups of enemies now? Unless you're sprinting like someone with brain damage, you never get more enemies than you can deal with if you have basic eye-hand coordination
No, you often get 3+ difficult enemies aggroing all at the same time even if you try to kite them separately, and the combat mechanics, especially in 2, really aren't designed for fighting multiple strong enemies at once. You basically ahve to turtle and dodge until every single enemy attacks at once so you're safe to poke them a little since you can't cancel combat animations (including cooldown in 2!) and rolls are slow. This happens in basically every level. In comparison, Bloodborne makes you fight big groups of enemies all the time but those mechanics are made for it so it's much better.
>Use a long range weapon or duck for cover, you know. Challenge, in a souls game? Perish the thought.
And are you really defending shit like Shrine of Amana? That's not challenge, that's just obnoxious. Yeah you can just pick them all off with a bow but it's not particularly fun or engaging gameplay, and it definitely isn't a good challenge.
>I put that one on the whole travelling an entire kingdom so yeah you're going to see some change of scenery, and you're losing your marbles on the way because of the curse so you can't remember half the shit you travelled through. Also, console limitations.
If the transitions were meant to simulate losing your marbles then they did a really shit job. And console limitations? Really? Fucking DS1 and Demon's Souls were fine in this regard. You didn't magically ride elevators into nonexistent volcanoes or suddenly teleport to lighthouses.
>Only DS1 and BB get that one right.
No, Demon's also had great use of checkpoints and shortcuts. The series started with this style of design that they completely threw out the window in 2 because they had no idea what they were doing.
And I haven't played 3 yet but from what I've seen it's still better than 2.

I prefer the far more varied Dark Souls 2 areas even if they are not as well made.
DSIII felt soo fucking small and short

it sounds like you've never gotten gud

I'm sorry you fucked the lighting so bad and the game overall looked ugly
I'm sorry you had to rearrange all the areas halfway through development and now the map makes no sense
I'm sorry your animations looked like shit
I'm sorry I can't apparently climb over a tiny bit of rubble
I'm sorry you had that stupid shit controller deadzone crap
I'm sorry that I spent money on this game
I'm sorry these threads are even made anymore

now i know you just suck ass at the game

I feel like they should have given more time to Dark Souls 3, it felt so short compared to 1 and 2.

People say this all the time but I felt like the DLCs had a lot of issues the base game had as well, such as an over-reliance on big groups of enemies and everything being humanoid knight enemies and all that. The level design was better but enemy placement was still not the best.
Not to mention Fume Knight and Sir Alonne were more fucking big dudes in armor with weapons. I sure love fighting Lost Sinner again and again. How does anyone think Fume Knight was a good boss?

>>color palette is shit
At least it has color, which is more than I can say for a game that Sup Forums likes to fellate (*cooooough*DS3*hackingcough*)

>I'm talking about the one near the blacksmith.
Well, not everyone is gonna know that wall explosion happens. When you come from the Flexile Sentry side, the guy pushing the barrel down makes it explode on a wall on the side instead, so you would have to come from the bonfire after the giant crow transports you to find that out. Also, even if you come from the giant crow path, you can always fuck up the barrel push.

>Have no counter to the arugment
Fuck off, I beat DS2 fine. It's just badly designed compared to all the other games.
DS2 apologists are the worst.

>And are you really defending shit like Shrine of Amana, the zone where just before you get a +2 magic defense ring, where you can parry spells with half a million of the shields? Or use a bow if you aren't memeing a melee build only

Yes, sort of.

>And I haven't played 3 yet
From what you're telling, you apparently haven't played DS2, which is confirming that you're memeing, so you'll love the droves of enemies DS3 throws at you throughout most levels, most of which have almost unlimited stamina.

dodging range attacks is easy as fuck, you don't even have to look at the projectile to dodge it you just use your fucking ears

Why does it take so fucking long to estus in this game?
Why isn't my rolls working?

>most vertical location ever
That would be Grand Archives or Research Halls. Irithyll is flat as fuck.

you might want to replay Dark Souls 1 because it's just as short as 3

2 is definitely the longest though

>2 dudes is huge groups of enemies now?
explain three bombing knights near the ironclad soldier with barrels everywhere and two sleeping swordsmen nearby
>Use a long range weapon or duck for cover, you know. Challenge, in a souls game? Perish the thought.
How to fucking duck for cover if you're literally getting bombed 24/7 by three guys?
>you're losing your marbles on the way because of the curse so you can't remember half the shit you travelled through. Also, console limitations.
What the fuck? What the literal fuck? Is that how you're trying to explain something like taking an elevator to the mountains with lava? Or going under a castle to see a castle from the distance?

>DaS3 doesn't have color meme
Even Undead Settlement has some orange, which perfectly fits the setting. I'd rather have more locations with subtle colors than rainbow vomit all over the screen like Black Gulch, Iron Keep, Shrine of Amana or this poison shit after Skeleton Lords.

I actually like the slow chugging, it stops being such a big crutch in combat.

Still the worst Souls game.

>Not to mention Fume Knight and Sir Alonne were more fucking big dudes in armor with weapons. I sure love fighting Lost Sinner again and again. How does anyone think Fume Knight was a good boss?
By that logic, how does anyone think Dragonslayer Armour is a good boss?

I liked them all for different reasons.

Okay, I fucked up

But I love how Irithyll is a true city with its elevators, stairs and shit beyond and under it (Anor Londo, Profaned Capital)

No, I actually clocked in quite a few hours and multiple playthroughs into DS2. It's still an alright game, just not as good as the others.
Look, enemy spam isn't good design. It's stupid, lazy, bad design at its finest. It's not the fact that it's hard, which is what you people seem to think my complaints are about. It's just the fact that all they did was copy paste those dumb sorceresses like 5 times and call it a day. Fuck that shit. That's not interesting. That's not well crafted challenge. That's trash design.
When the game first came out, I immediately knew what to do against them. I got my bow, and I sniped them all. I actually never had problems in Amana. That doesn't mean it's good design.


>explain one bombing knight near the ironclad soldier

Fixed that for you. Unless you're talking about the courtyard near the ballista (so 2 bombing knights, then), in which case, bait the ironclad with a knife. Wow, so hard I know.

The base game of DS1 is just as short. IIRC DS1 only has about 2 or 3 more bosses and both games can be beat in 30-40 hours.