That game you wish existed

>nuclear or zombie post apocalyptic game set in Japan

No you don't, it exists and it is fucking shit

Isn't that most SMT?
And that Yakuza game with zombies?

I was more thinking of it like STALKER with Crysis graphics..

>give me this really atmospheric setting that people would love, with graphics people would love, in an interesting enviroment.
Not gonna happen senpai

Take bioshocks mechanics
Set it in the world of dishonored

A proper Pokemon MMO

>post apocalyptic game set in Japan

There's an entire fucking series based on that.

Medieval survival game. Like Dark Souls with more exploration, less bosses, and building a small base at some place you like

Shadow of the Colossus game without any weeb shit and centered around killing sea monsters.

So you mean a fantasy game or actual medieval without any magic bullshit?

I don't really care. I would just want to have Souls-like atmosphere and level design, plus the comfyness of building a safe house, like in, say, Minecraft

>actual medieval
>enter cave where the boss is located
>just some guy named Steve who calls himself The Overlord
>no special powers just a normal dude who calls himself The Overlord
>you kill him
>he's dead

>open-world sandbox game set in Vegas

This. Why the fuck hasn't GTA done a Vegas type map? Las Venturas was far too small to do it justice. They have Miami, NYC, and Los Angeles. All we have left is a fleshed out Vegas and some surrounding cities.

Metal Max?

512vs512 player multiplayer shooter.

>tfw it's literally impossible since 2010
Without Leslie it won't be the same.

>how about another generic sandbox open world zombie game
weeaboos man

>not wanting a game where you're an american soldier who awoke after hiroshima got nuked
>shoot gooks AND zombies at the same time
how un-patriotic are you faggot

Sounds like something that might happen in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

An open-world Metro 2035 game

there's already heaps of games on steam like this. Reign of Kings is one, there was an MMO that was like that too.

Shin Megami Tensei you dolt

Just looked this up, these guys are promising the same shit molyneux promised for "Project Ego" aka fable. I really hope they deliver

An open-world game like stalker just set in Moscow metro, with all locations accuratly represented as in the book would literally make me jizz