Halo 2 Vista PC Multiplayer


Halo 2 Vista (PC) Multiplayer lives on, only requiring a simple patch to play online again! (After Downloading & Installing the Full Game + Latest Official update)

We need more players! So far its been working good with a few dedicated servers up already. Currently around 30 players online as of this post

>Multiplayer Capability
>Complete removal of GFWL
>Launcher to provide latest updates

Other urls found in this thread:

halo2vista.com/downloads/files/Latest Official Update.zip
github-cloud.s3.amazonaws.com/releases/52245239/8f0838f6-2397-11e6-966f-869d8065842a.exe?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAISTNZFOVBIJMK3TQ/20160607/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20160607T010208Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=4dbe86dde4d820322ac17538f27e1ca5f827ee847440f205239b618bac594135&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=0&response-content-disposition=attachment; filename=h2online.exe&response-content-type=application/octet-stream

no thanks, as much as I love Halo 2 on PC, its ruined by the garbage hardlock for controller users

Who would use a gamepad in an FPS?

>hardlock for controller users
what is that? do you mean aim assist?

I would kill for a working pc version of halo 3

Halo Online

h3 is way better than anything that came after it but desu the default movement speed was slow af. better maps than h5 4 and reach tho

Not him, but I do remember Halo 2 Vista having HORRIBLE mouse input.

This'll work with a pirated version?


It came out in russian first right?

Wait-- does this not work on W7?

>Playing bungee shit port over dewrito

where to get this and does it work with win 7 and xbox 360 controller?

Looks like W7 and after all work.

wheres the DL link for the full game?

The full download link:

Can someone portforward 1000:1006 UDP and host a server? I am sick of playing with a bunch of fucking mexicans.

Can halo 2 run on a 2gb ram computer?

how many people are playing this right now?

original xbox has 64mb of ram. you'll be fine

Usually about 2 full 16 player servers

Mouse is perfect for me. Only issue I had was the FOV was ATROCIOUS. I fixed it with this halo2vista.com/downloads/

(H2V FOV) Run it while running the game.

Yes it works on pirated copies.

Yes it does.

And yes, it is fun.


I was playing today, got totally destroyed by a guy that was top quality with a sniper. Thanks fine, he was good.

There was another player that seemed like he could kill me in 2 BR shots, is double shooting a thing in the vista version? I know when I suck and it just seemed like they always killed me way too quickly.

theres a auto aim fix for controller users in the halo2vista downloads

They're Columbians. Definitely call them Mexicans though.

>Halo lives on

is it still possible to get a legit copy of this

Why would you?


you dont need one tho it removes games for windows live and all the old sht that doesnt work anymore

You installed Halo 2 then applied the update then it gave you this?

What are your steps?

Can I play with a controller?
I miss the good ol' 360 days

I fixed it-- I tried deleting the various .dll's it would say in the error and letting them update to download them and now I'm in the menu!

What FOV do you recommend?

Someone wanna give me a torrent???

read the fucking thread

Also fuck you nep-nep

>playing on a server with nep-nep

I did all this crap a year ago and after having to go through hell and back for a whole day to get that stupid shark to work the mouse controls were completely fucked thanks to forced Vsync, removing it made the whole game shit itself and the aim would jitter around like a bitch

so thanks but no fucking thanks, enjoy those pitiful scraps of a port if you want, I'll await a real release.

>forced vsync that makes mouse aiming like moving through shit
>removing it makes the aim go apeshit

haha not playing this turd lmao

>thinly veiled bumps

ur mum bumped my penis last nite


Won't let me join any servers, says I have a different version. The launcher says I'm updated though.

>Halo 2 Vista (PC) Multiplayer lives on,

No it doesn't. It wasn't good when it was released, and it isn't good now

Someone please fucking make a server, I hate playing with these terrible people.

Restart computer and try

It may not really live on but it still is a good game.

Well I took a hot load from your dad deep in my boy soul last night, bitch.

Yes. Works with Xinput, so any 360 or Xbone controller works

I see anons complaining about mouse movement, is this shitposting or do I need a mod?

Game is still downloading so I haven't played yet.

Mouse movement is shit, you will need a controller
There are some downloads here that may fix it but I haven't tried them.

they are not lying, you will literally have to play with a fucking controller, ON PC

do not believe these autists about "relieving le halo may may" they are fucking retards

I place it around the middle of the FOV bar it gives you. Seems decent. Only thing that sucks is that you have to open it up every time you open up Halo 2. It doesn't save as far as I am concerned.

Literally what?

The game has perfect raw input for me and I am using a shitty walmart mouse.

Are you fucking retarded? Halo is a console game for controllers. Yeah its a terrible port but if we are talking about "reliving" it then controller is the way to go.
Well good for you then

Nope, still can't join servers.

Damn, my product key is back at my parent's house and I won't be visiting them until August


Holy shit man I loved this shit so much back in 07, fun times.

>playing a game designed with using a controller

>with a mouse

autists will rage the other way around but apparently this is fine. the game was made to be played with a controller so movement speed was lowered, weapons were balanced around slower fire so you didn't have to consistently keep your aim on them, limited weapon loadout etc

just come and join me and all the rest of the community with the MCC, and stop being greedy leeches on your private server

No need to all you need is to download the game and use the update.
If you started the game before the patch it fucks it up ONLY install the game then use the update. Reinstall then try again. If not then use this: halo2vista.com/downloads/files/Latest Official Update.zip

Can I play singleplayer?

Yep, works just fine.

I just applied that update and its working.

Halo 2 is sorta meh though. Feels too slow.

(Not him) Im only going to download this shit if there's a torrent, im not going to wait 5 hour for a zip file to download

But it doesn't...

Why not just play Dewrito?

Sorry, now it works. Thanks a lot m8, Halo 2 is the only Halo game I never played (except Halo 5)

It took me about 5 minutes to download, but since you are being a bitch here: kat.cr/halo-2-pc-t5710020.html

Halo 2 and Halo 3 aren't the same game. They feel very different and I prefer Halo 2.

>Play this unfinished, cobbled together alpha instead of an actual halo game

Why bother doing all this when you can still wreck mexicanz and BR's in Halo:CE?

Does Coop work?

Refer to They aren't the same game.
Sadly no, they decided to leave it out of the port.

CE has garbage hit registration on PC.

Standing by if anyone wants to Coop. If it works.

Ahh that's a shame. Thought I'd ask

Join server2 VA if you guys all want to play together

I am sorry I meant Server FL.

>No need to all you need is to download the game and use the update.
Fucking nice

Someone should make a Pastebin or infographic for this

Im at that screen, but there's no servers showing up. Also, windows live seems to be in the game, and it's logged in I assume because I have gta iv on my pc. I installed the patch here .

Make sure that you use the patch first and do not run the game first. Although having live installed may be the problem. The servers may not show up even if everything is done right. Try going through other menus or backing out to the title screen to be able to see the servers.
I'll make an infograph.

Welp I already uininstalled so I'm just going to go through with uninstalling live too, fresh and clean

Fuck yes got it working, anyone still palying? Bump


>inb4 this dies out like Halo Custom Edition game nights from 4 years ago

>join the laggier server
When are we gonna get a private Sup Forums server?

We should get a team speak or whatever set up.


>Get Halo 2 from teambeyond.net/forum/topic/5181-repopulate-halo-2-vista/
>Customize Game Install
>Full Install, Do Not Start
> If you see a Product Activation Wizard window appear asking for a product key, put in this key: 8784Q-W6F92-DHQ7R-P3PKV-7DM8F and click Next
>Now apply the patch found here halo2vista.com/downloads/files/Latest Official Update.zip
>Afterwards, use this github-cloud.s3.amazonaws.com/releases/52245239/8f0838f6-2397-11e6-966f-869d8065842a.exe?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAISTNZFOVBIJMK3TQ/20160607/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20160607T010208Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=4dbe86dde4d820322ac17538f27e1ca5f827ee847440f205239b618bac594135&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=0&response-content-disposition=attachment; filename=h2online.exe&response-content-type=application/octet-stream
>Get multiplayer using "network"

If I still had the bandwidth I could have ran a dedicated server from my basement

Try /r/halopc or something. People won't play it if they don't know about it

Get it together blue team

So you just have to download the game and then go to OP's link for the patch and that's it or is there more?

How do I set FOV? Also my crosshair isn't centered, it's a little lower than where it should be.
I followed guide.

When someone port forwards 1000:1006 UDP to host it other wise it won't work.
I'll try to find one to use right now.

but muh sekrit klub

I'm paying for a 100 mbps connection for fuck's sake


Ill post the Teamspeak after I finish the infographic.

nvm, I figured out FOV, but what about the crosshair thingy? Anyone?

why would i play this when halo online exists

Because Halo 2 is better now fuck off.

Because it doesn't have Russians

How'd you figure it out? I'm starting the H2V FOV file while running Halo 2, but nothing is happening