Both Mafia 3 and Watch Dogs 2 are going to have black protagonists, why is this becoming a common thing?
Im not mad, im just confused.
Why does every new game have a black protagonist?
Other urls found in this thread:
>every game
2 games
>im not mad
uhhh im not OP but you can add battlefield to the list i guess
is this b8?
That hand in Watch Dogs 2 just looks kind of tan
sjw stuff is currently in and hip, so "diversity" is the in thing now
although diversity just means "how many black people do you have" now, they don't give a fuck about any other race
Mafia 3 is the only that actually bothers me the rest are fine. Whether pandering or not theyll see it doesnt boost sales or stop the people that care about that shit from bitching about other stuff in the game anyways.
Also thats hardly every new game or even a lot of games, just a few AAA titles, stop being as bad as a sjw.
It won't be a thing after both of these games bomb.
Why not? Theyre just fictional characters, man.
He's just one of the protagonists. Those games always have cycling protags.
you fucking racist dont disrespect the african people like that
>Mafia 3 is the only that actually bothers me
I'm with OP, that definitely looks black.
Bronze at the lightest.
Diversity quota
If you don't like it don't play it. Watch dogs isn't even that good
Well Mafia 3 has a reason to have a black protagonist.
They needed to have a character in a rival mafia to be attacked and and go after the Italian mafia, I guess they chose the black mafia over the rest.
I liked watch dogs and I also liked Mafia 2/3 [mafia 1 was kinda boring]
I am kinda mad Aiden wont be back as the main lead.
I guess because the Black Mob fit with the new Orleans setting.
>Black character
>Caucasian face
It's this nigger mixed or what?
Aiden was just batman with a gun. Never played the mafia games.
>[mafia 1 was kinda boring]
But check this 89
12 though
do you really want just another brown haired white guy?
What about a 0
fag. 23 incoming!
Do you really want watch dogs?
I meant this 2
>why is this becoming a common thing?
The developers felt like it.
I don't know, dude. The "bald white space marine" and "brown haired white man with stubble" archetypes got a bit of ridicule in the late 00s.
There's a mix of reasons. As Sup Forums will not hesitate to remind you, some writers have social/normative interests in mind. They want to have characters that look unique because they want an underrepresented segment of their audience to be represented.
Other writers don't have as much interest in the representative aspect, and they just want to tell different stories with protagonists with different backstories that might have different outlooks on life or perspectives on different situations.
Really, that's it.
Anybody who gets mad about any of it is a gigantic faggot anyway.
Close but check my 10
meant for OP, obviously
>every game
>lists two
do you want an anime character or a white man with stubble because that's what every other game offers you.
and yes, you are mad if you feel the need to make a thread about seeing the occasional black person means you're surrounded. do you clutch your purse when someone darker than a paper bag walks past you?
Even closer.
Check this 75
how does it affect you
Why is forced multiculturalism not considered extremely racist in the first place
>hey we totally like black people, see we put a black in the game!
Social Justice
You know, that thing everyone tried to silence a few years ago, but Sup Forums was "too smart" to join that.
This is the result
Yeah, Sal Marcano is his biological father probably, but that's pure speculation on my part and not an actual spoiler.
Black people actually are hugely overrepresented compared to hispanics who make up a much larger percent of the population.
>2008 Sup Forums complains about white baldheaded space marine
>2016 Sup Forums complains about 2 games with black guys
what have we become
The Taxi mission at the beginning fucking kills me
It's for cash you idiots
watch dogs is shit no matter the skin color it has
>always add black people
>middle Easterns
We're totally not racists see we added blacks for the 300th time! They're the only minority in the world!
We've been playing white characters for the last 25 years so whats the problem if we have a black character once in a while?
>almost 500 games coming out this year
>but 2 feature black protagonists
>therefore SJW jewish conspiracy taking over video games
Because the people who are so bothered by black characters in video games that they consider any dignified appearance to be "forced" are actually racist.
The only one that *matters*.
Thread pruning incoming.
There's nothing wrong with a protagonist being black, or any other color.
However, if/when a developer/publisher starts to make a big deal out of the fact they're X/Y/Z color, then there's an issue.
>Sup Forums is a bunch of nazis and can't handle playing as a black character
You guys are worse than SJWs now
Hispanics are not a homogeneous group they're made up of Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and a bunch of other places that don't culturally identify with one another.
>game is about crime
Because the industry believes that black people are the only minority in the world. When Asians are literally the majority of the planet but you never ever see them. Where are all the Asian sjws at, I'd be pissed.
Maybe in movies or tv but videogames actually have very few black protagonist.
There are tons of those characters in video games.
if this were a gta or a gang shooter, you'd have a point.
but how many black people do you see run around committing serious cyber crimes?
>Battlefield 4
>multiple protagonists
Yeah, I doubt it.
The average American doesn't know that. The average American can't find Spain or Finland on a map
Hispanics isn't even a race though
2 triple A games have a black protagonist when they did not have them before, also I cant list all the games that have a black protagonist because I dont play every game that comes out.
I just thought it was kinda interesting that these game were having black protagonists, I never said that was a bad thing, but we are on Sup Forums so I can see why you would think that.
I kinda like the black protagonist in Mafia 3[I was wanting vito back is the protag, but he is a side character sadly], watch dogs 2 I kinda dislike but we will see.
>implying less generic White dudes are bad
As one I'd like to see more latinos in vidya
There are tons of Asian characters in video games. What are you talking about?
>plants vs zombies can't exist because realism
>starcraft can't exist because realism
>planescape tournament can't exist because realism
>doom can't exist because realism
>lara croft can't exist because realism
>if this were a gta or a gang shooter, you'd have a point.
it's practically GTA:tech edition, the fuck is your point?
The main character of Watch Dogs 2 is Aisha Tyler. It'll be more comedy oriented, kind of like Saint's Row.
No one wants to play as a black guy besides black people or wiggers. The few percent of them that own consoles are using an xbox 360 anyways.
Did you watch the trailer?
Uhh, then you're wrong.
It's been mentioned both the black guy and a bedoin woman would be playable characters.
And not even the majority of the game- last I heard it was mostly going to be some white guy.
It's considered a separate ethnicity on every legal document. Sometimes it's a sub-option under Caucasian, but it usually gets its own checkbox
>but how many black people do you see run around committing serious cyber crimes?
Its been known to happen.
LMAO wiggers xD
Give me 10 Asian main protags
I though native Americans were the minority's of the earth
S-stop embarrassing me user-kun
I think the term is mestizo
>black main character
>that's alright
>a major part of his character is the fact that he's black
>every enemy he encounters is racist
They always have to do it. It can never just be a black main character. Their most defining feature has to be that they're black. It makes up everything about their character and must be mentioned as many times as possible.
If you count japanese games with characters with japanese names than their is a ton.
By that logic, the protagonist of Watch Dogs should be some fat motherfucker who can't run a mile, a skinny 15 year-old with a skin condition, or some weak and greasy Chinese-employed government spy who sits on his ass all day.
>planescape tournament
oh wow 1 black guy in a cast where you chage to new characters every mission most of which being white dudes.
That happens all the time- we just don't notice it.
Yes but hispanics could be either caucasian, black or amerindian or a mix of it
Hell there are even asian hispanics
Though for american media and ironically SJW, only the caucasian + native is consider
We just fucking had this thread.
WD2 protag's hand looks indian, not black.
no we must shill agenda dailey under the guise of fighting sjw's
We've had many a thread like this, and will continue to do so
You guys just hate black people other than that this wouldn't bother a normal person
Post the whole webm. It's a good watch
this got leaked ages ago why are people pretending to be suprised or give a fuck
>crime games
>play as black people
Not surpirising
That documentary was very boring.
Black people kind of suck and the "normal" people you refer to likely have never had to deal with them on a daily basis.
I'm pretty interested in how they'll justify a colored boy in the Family. Don't think I've ever seen a mooly a made man.
Most Hispanics are Caucasian/Indian mix though. The white population is 15% and the black population is as low as the natives if not lower. Or atleast that's what I've read
hey guys i just came back from my game crazy gaming store with this game, why are so many black people protagonists now, im not mad im just confused
a few games out of over a hundreds have black protags, who could possibly care.
Battlefield is telling a cool sotry in WW1 and watch dogs doesn't even make it a big deal, it's just who the character is
>add a white protagonist to the game
>"this game looks like shit but I'll play it"
>add a robot protagonist to the game
>"I get to play as a robot? oh ok cool"
>add a sheet of paper as the protagonist of the game
>"hmm as long as the story is good I'll play it"
>add a fucking piece of broccoli as the protagonist of the game
>"HAH HAH this is so random wat are this studio thinking ill still play the game tho xD"
>add a black guy as the protagonist of the game
This is how stupid you look right now.
He's not in Mafia. He's an angry vet who got fucked by Mafia and decided to go full Charles Bronson on them.
If you add a black person then make him over the top thug so we can get some comedic value.
It varies from country and region
Colombia has more blacks while Uruguay has more caucasians for example