We deviantart now
We deviantart now
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Just fuse my shit up.
Looks better than the new trashnime
just fuck my shit up senpai
Fusions were always a little wierd
this isn't the gotenks i know
what the absolute fuck
english when
Will Tiencha come back?
Why would anyone fuse with krillin?
I'd be more intrested in gokule.
Well if you want to fuse with the strongest human then he's your guy.
What about Gokule?
But that's wrong, the strongest human is Hercules.
What the fuck
>5 character fusion
Who the fuck asked for this trash?
The fusion of Goku and Krillin is called Gorillin. This is awesome.
>Saiyans have their tails
>Can make a slim Majin
>Way more characters,even Bra makes it in
Unironically already looks a pissload better than Xenoverse. God dammit they dropped the balls so fucking hard with that
But that's wrong, the strongest human is Tienshinhan
Sorry, but Krillin is the strongest human.
To get a shot with Android 18.
That's actually Gohan.
He's half saiyan those mary sues dont count.
What is that blue race?
Why you make her into a slut?
It really felt like Xenoverse was sort a test to see what people thought about the idea.
But Hercules not only defeated Cell as he defeated Buu as well.
Is this a Turn-based RPG?
actually as strange at it might sound if goku fused with hercule he probably would have beat buu faster since could have used the spirit bomb without delay.
Good point.
But he's weak now.
Krillian ain't the weakest Z warrior.
You should be wondering why anyone would fuse with Yajirobi or Yamcha.
Yajirobi pretty much slacks off on training as much as possible but by no means is he the weakest.
Probably has the best sword game in the universe
>inb4 what if episode where Goku teaches Yajirobi instant transmission
Hate to be that guy, but google reverse gives me nothing. Sauce for the pic??
Tenshinhan is the strongest human. He never stopped training even in Super. Krillin stopped training right after Freeza saga.
His destructo disk a shit. It doesnt work on really powerful enemies. Nice technique anyways, but that doesnt put him above Tenshinhan.
He also doesnt have a nose and breaths through his skin. He is not even a human.
>make her into
>You should be wondering why anyone would fuse with Yajirobi or Yamcha.
Yajirobi was the strongest human before the Saiyan saga started. He got left behind because he never wanted to train.
And Tenshinhan has four arms and a third eye.
dragonball has been deviantart for 20 fucking years
You know, people always make fun of that dub line that said he could grow his arm back, but he really could have probably grown an extra hand if he can make them pop out of his back.
Wasn't yamcha theoretically stronger than krillin at the start of the Android saga but then immediately jobbed
Already confirmed
>Haven't watched Super
>Go into an Sup Forums Dragon Ball thread
>Future Trunks is paired with Mai
>Mai, from the original Dragon Ball
The Fuck?
Between Z and Super the Pilaf Gang used the Dragon Balls to restore their youth, they got too young.
They were also paired in the Battle of God movie.
isn't 18 technically the strongest human now
She doesn't count because she's a robot now.
Fusion was the worst thing to happen to dragonball.
I'm looking forward to this.
Which never could have happened in future trunks timeline.
Chances are Tien is stronger than her by now if you count him as human.
But if you count her as human, 17 is one too, and hes stronger.
Toriyama originally wrote it as Kid Trunks and a de-aged Mai in the Battle of Gods and Resurrection F movies, but Toei removed their relationship from the Super version of events.
The first time the guy that admittedly has a hard time writing romance tries writing a new romantic relationship between characters and they just scrap it? Dick move.
So when they asked him to write a new arc about Future Trunks, he threw Mai in there too so they couldn't remove it this time.
We don't know if she's even been de-aged in Future Trunks' timeline.
In the preview for the arc we see her, deaged as a teenager, with future trunks who is narrating as if he is the one from the cell saga, so yeah she's there, with no possible way she could be.
Bulma's flawed time machine creates an alternate timeline where things happen differently when it's used. Pretty sure this is the same Future Trunks from Z that showed up in Xenoverse.
That's a theory, but if so then this can't be the actual future trunks from before.
>same future trunks
>purple hair
he has blue hair now
>In the preview for the arc we see her, deaged as a teenager,
No, we just see her in the new art style.
The same art style that makes Chichi look as young as she did at the 23rd world tournament.
The same art style that makes 70-something years old Mrs Briefs look young enough to be one of Videl's classmates.
Until outright stated, there is no reason to assume she's been de-aged because the current art style makes everyone look younger. Even Future Bulma in the previews looks younger than Future Bulma from Z.
They could have made the wish before the androids appeared...
To lineup with trunks she would have had to become a fetus then.
Pretty sure it was confirmed.
Remember when Trunks got his shit kicked in when he went Ultra Super Saiyan? He probably learned from his mistake and made his SSB form his natural state like Goku did with SSJ during the Cell Saga.
Yajirobe easily defeats krillian without even trying at all during their training arc. Krillian is really angry with him because hes literally eating and wankin off while hes trying to fight him at full strength.
Yajirobe is at least as strong as end of dragon ball goku, and hes even relevant in the vegeta fight where krillan and gohan were literally actually useless. (They play it off as a joke and oh man it was just he was unexpected!!) but he was fast enough to get in close to a full ape vegeta, and strong enough to cut through his tail.
Near the end of DBZ, Yajirobe is obviously still stronger than krillan, and yamcha, and probably the second strongest full blood human. (I'd say tien is the obvious strongest human)
Confirmed, yes. Nonsensical, totally. Dbz has the worst time travel physics in any show I've ever seen.
>He probably learned from his mistake and made his SSB form his natural state like Goku did with SSJ during the Cell Saga.
If that were the case, it'd be in the spiky style he has when he goes SS, not his natural style.
It's just Toei finally giving in to Toriyama wanting to have Bulma and Trunks' hair be the same color like they were in the manga.
Why they've kept Kid Trunks purple is a problem though. Could be to differentiate the two if Future Trunks is sticking around after this.
It'll get localized, right? I want a good Dragonball game, and Xenoverse is the worst thing ever baring the Kinect game.
Sounds like you haven't played st least 75% of the dbz games out there.
>I* will be staying by you so that you won't have any bad dreams
>So don't worry. Sleep tight, bouya/boy
*Using masculine boku for "I"...hhggghhhnnnnnn my dick
To be fair that hair isnt new.
Normal Gotrenks had that weird hair color too.
>It doesnt work on really powerful enemies.
Kienzan works on absolutely everything, it just has to hit the enemy.
I hope you aren't thinking of Krillin lanching a Kienzan on Perfect Cell's neck and he taking it without even flinching, that's 100% filler.