Ever had that awful feeling of finishing a great game and have that huge void in your chest?

Ever had that awful feeling of finishing a great game and have that huge void in your chest?

Once you try a 2nd playthrough or get the best ending, it's not the same as the first time.

How do you deal with this?

Wait 10 years then play it again

But it doesn't really work. Plus I want something to deal with after I finish a game. Especially one that I got hooked on from the beginning.


A couple times yeah.

Playing all the mgs game from 1 to 4 over a year and a half.

Portal 2

And playing all the Ace attorneys over 2 years.

I get into the fandom stuff after I finish something I truly love.

Start lurking the fandom if there is still one and search up theories and discussions. Once you are dried up about them, forget about the game until one day you see it sitting in your library and decide to play it again.

MGS 4 was the one I thought everything was over and felt really sad but they fucked it up be releasing more games then needed. AA is also a decent choice

>I get into the fandom stuff after I finish something I truly love.

I'm starting to do that, but I think just talking about the game with a friend is good enough for me

Yeah forgetting about it might take a while but if I have fun with it as much as last time then I'm ok with it.

The worst case for me was tlou

>MGS 4 was the one I thought everything was over and felt really sad but they fucked it up be releasing more games then needed.

100% agree, Peace Walker was fun and 5 had great gameplay but I'd would have ended strongly if they left it at 4.

tlou was like "that's pretty good" but never really felt that strongly about it. I should play it again

I'm a sucker for emotionally loaded content like that tho. Especially when it's about something like a father - daughter relationship like tlou was.

Same goes for Interstellar, had the exact same reaction to some of the scenes in that movie as i did while playing tlou, bawled like a 10 year old girl.

Happened with Uncharted 4 with me recently. Nothing is filling the void. Trying to decide what to play on pc all summer(not a neet have a job) along with my yearly diablo 3 playthrough

Dark souls series(i loved desouls)
Witcher 3---im like an hour in.

I lost a part of me permanently when the whole me3 debacle stuff started

I just

Invested so much of my emotion and thoughts in the series and this is how I get fucked.

Never again.

Yeah I can understand that. Father-Daughter relationship is always nice and sad at times.

Dark Souls is a great series and it happened to me with the first one. Such great games.

Yeah that's fucking awful. Invested in a series and all goes to shit. I'm glad I didn't play the games or I would be mad

This thread is cozy af

Too bad it's sort of died.

I was so bummed when Pirate's Curse ended.

Thank fuck Half Genie Hero is coming. I cannot get enough of this genie cutie and her games. spectacular.

>play game for 40 hours
>be done within the next hour or two
>put game down, never come back.
>tell everyone I just don't have the time but really just avoiding the emptiness that always follows.
>buy new game

are you me.

Yeah Shantae is a great series, especially how good the music is.