How do we fix PC Gaming?

How do we fix PC Gaming?

>implying le PC masterrace aren't ex-consolists who switched to be hipsters

How do we fix Console Gaming?


>Better graphics
Subjective. You can get better looking graphics, but the money investment is ridiculous.
>Quicker patch support
Because PC games are buggy, unfinished pieces of shit.
>Better online community
Hackers, pretentious people and manchildren don't make an online community better.
>Free online
The playstation 3 gives you free online too, and that one was hacked all the time. Free online gives you a shit service.
Developers has become lazy because the pcfags fix their games for them. Also, I fail to see how a horse genitals mod improves the experience.
>Better sound quality
>Better controls
A keyboard is vastly inferior to a controller. Using a keyboard and mouse in a FPS is the equivalent of using an aimbot. Using a controller requires true skill.
>RTS games
Those games are for fat neckbeard autists with no life.
>Upgradable hardware
Expensive and obligatory every year.
>Better FPS games
F2P shit
>Compatibility with any controller
>Emulators for older consoles
Emulation is imperfect at best. You can't even emulate the N64 right and can't emulate anything past the fifth gen.
>More players per server
That doesn't make the game better. Too many people makes some games unbearable.
>Better frame rates
Requires expensive hardware. You need a $2000 computer.
>Cheaper games
those are shitty indie flash games.
>Older playerbase
Older in physical age, but they're nothing but manchildrens.
>More mature playerbase


Make it less elitist and more accepting.



>Requires expensive hardware. You need a $2000 computer.
jesus fucking christ. this is why is hate Sup Forums


it's bait don't reply faggots

Theres nothing to fix, it doesn't have any inherent flaws


Like farmville and the Sims?

>>Compatibility with any controller
this is 100% true, if I can find a driver for it, I can use it

go ahead try and plug an Xbox360 controller into your PS4 and see how it likes it

Name 1 benefit of console gaming besides exclusives.

>It's a "give me all your reaction images" post

Sure why not

There is no need for fixing, there are great games coming out constantly, we have the best multiplats, great pc exclusives, there is no feeling quite like running the new doom at high settings and 144 fps.

>A keyboard is vastly inferior to a controller. Using a keyboard and mouse in a FPS is the equivalent of using an aimbot.

>it's inferior
>that's why it's easier

>much more accepting
what the fuck does this even mean? there are tons of references, guides, how-to's, instruction videos, fucking everything that can get you into PC gaming easily

This shit didn't exist 10 years ago, it was far harder to get into it, today there are so many of these guides you can never truly say "I can't do it"

They're really convenient. You don't have to worry if your machine will be strong enough to run the game. You don't have to worry about having the right drivers or anything.

>Name 1 benefit of console gaming besides exclusives

>Name 1 benefit of console besides FUCKING VIDEO GAMES

lol pc users we dont game to use side features


>the right drivers
jesus I hate this meme, people treat drivers like they treat an update for every other game

News flash, your driver doesn't need to be updated just because they release a new one

So you're actively admitting that consoles have nothing over a PC beyond exclusives?

Plug an play gaming: plug console, insert disk, play.
No "GAME.EXE has stopped working"
No "Error - game can't start - the integer register 0x1348z721s913224 became overflowed"
No "This PC doesn't fulfill the minimal hardware requirements to run GAME".
No "Steam servers are offline; GAME.exe can't start".

>Subjective. You can get better looking graphics, but the money investment is ridiculous.
Not really. The GTX 960 and AMD equivalent cost $200 and can get get 1080p/60 with better than PS4 graphics. A $300 card will max out 99% of 1080p. Price per performance is getting even better with Pascal/Polaris.
>Because PC games are buggy, unfinished pieces of shit.
And console games aren't? Most console games need patches as well now.
>Hackers, pretentious people and manchildren don't make an online community better.
It's man children vs. literal children,they're boh shit. The positive of PC multi is private servers, some games stay alive forever.
>The playstation 3 gives you free online too, and that one was hacked all the time. Free online gives you a shit service.
There are 3rd party programs to do everything that PSN or Xbox Live can do. There is literally no excuse for paid online.
>Developers has become lazy because the pcfags fix their games for them. Also, I fail to see how a horse genitals mod improves the experience.
You clearly have never installed a horse genitalia mod then.
You have more options. Mobo sound or DAC?
>A keyboard is vastly inferior to a controller. Using a keyboard and mouse in a FPS is the equivalent of using an aimbot. Using a controller requires true skill.
Oh fuck I've been trolled.

>that feel when Butterlord never

MOst games are getting ported to PC I want to play.

I'll wait til PS4's are cheap and getting it for Uncharted series.

No problem with PC for me.