Which one, Sup Forums?
The cyber or the steam
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cyberpunk always, steampunk is for plebs.
Sup Forums
Cyberpunk because the technology makes the world credible. Steampunk doesn't explain how the tech works.
didn't reddit pick steampunk over cyberpunk with over 89% of the total votes?
I would honestly hate to live in either.
If I had to pick one I guess it would be light steampunk, as far from le random goth middleschooler as I can get...
Why not both!
Top: Shadowrun, Underrail, Copper Dreams?
Bottom: Arcanum
cyber is better in every way
Cyber all day every day
fuck steampunk
99% of steampunk is just Victorian era England with gears plastered on and the society given a varnish of modern politically correct ideologies.
99% of cyberpunk is just modern day Japan but with white people and no fashion sense.
I like the clothing in deus ex
cyber with cybersluts and sexbots pls
i prefer GoG
as an engineer I prefer steampunk if its done right, not just gears glued to everything and exaust ports everywhere
Cyber all the way, steampunk is for hipster faggots .
Cyberpunk all the way
Steampunk is so fucking boring
I used to like steampunk but cringy Reddit neckbeards have run it into the ground.
Cyberpunk is also losing its appeal, since it's becoming reality without all the cool parts.
Steampunk, preferably with airships
>not cyber punk with cool ass anti grav air ships
>he wants gears glued on to another hindenburg
Corsets and goggles are muh fetish
Cyber has infinitely more options and potential than steam.
Steampunk is like steam power itself, obsolete.
inb4 muh steam turbines and shit, I mean steam in the coal fired sense
He just wants another Arcanum. Your steampunk generalizations just make you look retarded desu
pick two rows
(all versace btw)
cyber corsets and cyber goggles are better desu
how about Dieselpunk?
A & B
Given the choice between those two? Cyber.
B and F
Steampunkfags will never know this feel
No, but they found feel all the pollution and smoke in their lungs. Just go to a big city in China and take a deep breath.
thats a good fucking list
>no SS1
What's Dead Space era called?
sci-fi space horror
Steam punk all the way
Steam punk genre hasn't been saturated, good Steam punk games are a treat
>Cyberpunk games are a dime a dozen
Steam like this:
Got to go with Cyberpunk.
Steampunk is an aesthetic that was ruined by autistic retards.
Cyberpunk is a sub-genre of sci-fi not an aesthetic.
Comparing them is pointless and retarded.
I love Guns of Icarus
>tfw you will never cum inside the majors cyborg pussy that is equipped to squeeze and milk your dick better than a thousand hands
So would it be better to say cyber goth
cyber: the reality is worse that you believe it is
steam: lol magics!
>Implying steampunk isn't more polluted
>tfw gf loves steampunk, gears, cogs, and this band and has pretty much all their albums
>meanwhile i can share my cyberpunk fetish with Sup Forums
It only proves that they're a bunch of pretentious cunts that suck mad Jules Verne cock.
Cyberpunk is clearly superior. Get her to understand rather than just going along with it.
That's basically dieselpunk with a side of aqua.
Cyberpunk >>>>> Steampunk
Why are there no good dieselpunk games..
i'd rather just play deus ex for the first time
by the way, is there any drawbacks to going full nonlethal? like, prod/crossbow with tranq darts only?
You can compare their aesthetic qualities without getting into the particulars of it.
It's more difficult like in any other game that gives you the option. You have to be much more thoughtful of your actions in Deus Ex if you don't go lethal. Boss battles are very difficult if you don't try for a walking tank character (since that's what the bosses basically are) so you're better off just avoiding them. Which you CAN actually do in the first Deus Ex.
>avoiding boss battles
i want this video game to feel very game-y, so i guess i'll just ditch the crossbow and pick up a shotgun or something
good thing i got the gep gun at the start of the game
Cyberpunk has a larger story and theme behind it. Steampunk is primarily a style on top of general technological advancement. With cyberpunk stories you get shit like government conspiracies, cybernetic debates, poverty stricken environments despite technological advancement, societies run by businesses, obsessive consumerism, and more. With steampunk stories you get technological advancement through unorthodox means and not much else.
So I personally prefer cyberpunk. Same goes for if we purely focus on the style. I prefer dark blues, neon lights, and grimy city streets to posh brass and over-complicated machinery.
Would you really put the SNES shadowrun above the Genesis one?
Combat was shit due to that weird 'move the reticule from yourself to the enemy while he auto-locks on' shit and cyberspace was almost non-existent
Honeybee is pretty good though steampunk is crap
Hard to choose, but I think a good cyber has more to offer.
>Coming never
More or less this.
Steampunk is stupid made up shit that only manchildren fantasize about. Cyberpunk is an actual realistic projection of our future.
No, cyber actually has literary value
Major likes girls. And weird super cyber sex involving drugs and shared experience hardware and shit.
Why didn't you post actual vidya related music for steampunk games?
The original Robocop movies: cyberpunk or prophetic?
Also its funny how the tits are censored when you link the video, but not censored on Youtube
Demolition Man is more prophetic than Robocop.
Does that mean I'll have to learn how to use seashells?
You don't already know user? Its so simple.
Fuck that was good music
Neither are really.
I mean for fucks sake. Do you really think this is what Taco Bell is going to serve in the future?
>He doesn't know how the seashells work
The release date was announced like yesterday or something.
>Grimdark, derivative schlock for teenagers who've only just discovered philosophy and realised the world isn't a cartoon
>Lame, derivative schlock for teenagers who've just discovered history and realised the world was once different
Both can be done well but are done poorly more often than not. "DUDE NEON LMAO" is not better than "DUDE BRASS LMAO".
The guitarist seems like the type of a guy who would always be the center of attention at parties with his calm but not boring attitude, but he's based enough to stay at the back so you get some attention and chicks too.
awwww yeah
There was that flying game about a balkanized USA. I forget the name.
Cyberpunk > steampunk. If steampunk dealt with more of the varied and rich landscape of the 19th century than the most bland and milquetoast of L O N D O N then I'd be down for it. off the top of my head the only steampunk I can think of doing that would be Amnesia being in the Prussian spooky forest. Steampunk has even lost sight of the iconic pith hat clad adventurer. It's always just wheel cog industrial bullshit with the rarer wild west experience (which is good).
Also dug the neo-reinassance aesthetic of DX:HR.
I prefer the themes that Steampunk should deal with (industrialization, colonialism, exploration, etc.) than Cyberpunk, along with the aesthetic, but good Steampunk vidya along those lines just doesn't exist.
Where do steampunk fans come from? There's almost no media depicting it and I can't think of a single steampunk game. Occasionally you have something like Bioshock or Thief 2 with some steam-powered technology, but it's hardly the overall theme of the game.
Someone's never been to Detroit.
Hell if I know.
Hipsters looking for pictures of mememustaches find steam punk by accident and glom on because it's so unique and classic and other bullshit
>Still no proper single player Cyberpunk RPG
How fucking hard is it to do?
>Bladerunner replica
>Painted Nerf gun with a funnel on the barrel
>Well rendered scene with only characters and tits
>Brown PS2 era 3D
Disregarding your shit image picks, cyberpunk all the way.
What was improper about Deus Ex?
Or Shadowrun for that matter (though I know why I didn't like the newer one)