Horizon zero dawn coming February 2017

>Sony already starting E3 hype

Sony is already showcasing one of its biggest titles from last year, are they saving even bigger reveals for E3 this year? What the fuck are Microsoft and Nintendo waiting for?

>PVC statue of a protagonist no-one knows or cares about
Loving this 'every AAA game needs a collector's edition with a statue' meme.

Not everyone can be marketing geniuses like Desd Island's Tits Torso

That statue looks horrible
But either way, if they are releasing trailers for their major IPs this early, I can't imagine how crazy the conference will be.

>9" Aloy Statue

fucking DROPPED

Does anyone give a fuck about this game ?

Seems like all the ign, Facebook etc comments are all saying this game looks stupid etc..

The only people "hyped" for this are paid off "journos" and sonyggers

Fall 2016 would've been killer.

On a side note, I really wish these greedy fucktards would stop revealing games so early in development. There's no reason for it.

Well it's a Sony exclusive so yeah, I think people who are a fan of their shit would be excited. What a mystery. Glad we solved it.

The initial presentation last year got my attention, but its hard to judge how good the game is just from a scripted demo.

Hopefully it'll be playable on the floor this year so we can get a look at how the game actually plays.

>reading facebook and IGN

I haven't been to IgN since Skyrim's review. The fuck do you even read there.

But this gsmr's gaming presence feels like the same as the Killzone series. It's known, but people just don't seem that excited about it and there isn't even much shitposting fuel.

The theme alone will get my purchase. I don't even know much about the game.

Does this trigger you?

I'm not buying a PS4 in the newr future, still have lot to play on PS3, but what's with the unwarranted hate this seems to get?
I mean, the trailer showed some actual gameplay (I'd like to believe) and while it doesn't look groundbreaking it certainly loks pretty cool. It's literally about hunting robo dinos with cool weapons.

>You can only be interested in a game if it is available on your platform of choice :^)

The game looks amazing.

Sorry, ignore Read the post wrong.

Anyway get Vanquish.

It just looks like yet-another-generic-open-world game.
Anyway you'll start to see much more "hype" in the future, when the marketing machine starts to go full throttle.

Don't see why you would care for a game on a platform you aren't already invested in.

Is your gripe with the fact no one is mindlessly hyping it? Very pointless argument.

I already have Vanquish and played it multiple times, same with Binary Domain

How many semi high profile open world games even came out last year? Or will be coming out this fiscal year

>it's open world so I have to instinctively hate it
Oh boy. Stop making it so easy to write off your opinion.

Just Cause 3, Mad Max, AssCreed Syndicate, Witcher 3 (?). This year seems pretty barren on tps other than Uncharted 4

>Mad Max

this idiots like him keep poping up

what is the difference user?

Name ONE (1) good open world game released recently

the witcher 3

Not the point. You're a dullard if you promote the idea that open world is inherently bad. Any open world game can be good or bad based on plenty of other reasons.

Xenoblade X

I'm sure this game won't be full to the brim of shitty fetch-quest, mindless collectables and terrible level design.
I mean, none of the recent AAA open-world games share those flaws.


>taking the bait
Now the argument will become you vs him trying to argue that Witcher 3 isn't good.

It's okay not to like those things. Doesn't mean your awful projecting holds weight on everyone else who enjoys those games.

The only thing I don't like is that I think they're giving away too much in the trailer. I mean her being a part of some secret society with high tech security door access seems like a major plot point

this stupid

Nice bait, the original trailer has almost 5 million views on YT. For a new IP that's groundbreaking

He said good.

And I said Xenoblade X

As much as I'd like to hype this, they're probably making room for VR.

>Xenoblade X
>le good

Which is shit....

Did you misquote?

It's on a Nintendo console.

Ordered this for 100 hamburgers

Now I hope it doesnt end up being the order 1886 2, but it probably wont. Because entirely different devs
are we one hundred percent sure this is open world?

user what the hell why'd you just preorder a game after 2014

Theyve already made the "you can climb that mountain" speech last year.

And he asked for a "good open world game released recently"
Xenoblade X fits that criteria.

Yeah, it's this. The mechanical dinosaurs and animals on a ruined Earth has my attention. The gameplay looks alright, the main character seems uninteresting but the previous reasons I stated has me cautiously optimistic for this game.

>Horizon and Yooka Laylee getting massive E3 trailer before the show even starts
W-what the fuck could Sony have planned for E3 that's so b-big??

Would either of these trailers have surprised people? They just showed off more of what was previously established.

>literally posting a picture of the pre-purchase edition
>stupid, unrelated name to not look like a shill

Holy shit, I mean I know Sup Forums is infested with Sony shills but tone it down man.

This game looks like pure fucking shit, the developer is pure fucking shit, everything about it is.

I bet nothing else. At least for me there is no way E3 could be bigger than 2015 because of Shenmue 3. Even if a Chrono Trigger remake was announced it still would be not as big a deal as 2015.

He posted the most relevant image from the recent news/trailer. Get fucked.

Ever since we were conquered by NeoGAF mods this has been acceptable.

Where have you been?

Why does Sony go full Jew/-ism propaganda lately anyway? I thought they're mainly Japanese? All those female protagonists, bisexual shit, interracial etc.

Kinda tired of it desu.

Because if I dont like it, I have the option to sell it next to full price again near release

>goty 2015: bloodborne
>goty 2016: uncharted 4
>goty 2017: horizon zero dawn

They cant keep getting away with this. This isnt fair. How do we stop sony?


>Yooka Laylee


Whether you like it or not, PS4.5, Xbox Scorpio and whatever Nintendo's new console is WILL turn this board into a bloodbath, and it's going to be hilarious.

because it's not some big scary jew conspiracy, you're just a bigot. surprise!

Guerilla have always been good (except or KZ3). It'll be a good game.

Some Nintenyearold shit.

Why even bother with this game when Wild has giant snake ladies in it? How can it even compete?

Are you straight from NeoGAF? All those games you listed are utter shit for everyone not born after the PS3 was released.

>Sup Forums doesnt want linear games
>Sup Forums doesnt want open world games with mechanical robot dinosaurs

The ride never ends here when It comes to sony exclusive games

>PS4.5, Xbox Scorpio and whatever Nintendo's new console is WILL turn this board into a bloodbath, and it's going to be hilarious.

Agreed. Sup Forums is gonna break and I will literally lol.

I wish baiters tried harder.

I'm pretty sure it is, user. Learn to accept other opinions.

This still isn't NeoGAF where you get banned for not being PC.Maybe one day it will be this way but you still have to be patient.

>mechanical robot dinosaurs
I think Horizon's too jarring, it failed to balance the 'super serious stronk women' and the
'Michael Bay's Robotic Jurassic Park'

Why? He successfully "baited" me with his post.

Why is America time Sup Forums always NeoGAF tier shitposting praising cinematic shit and acting like salty leftists?

>calls someone who says From shit, Uncharted and Killzone developers games are shit b8ing
You must be new here.

>i don't like thing and everyone who does is a shill, neogafer, redditer, etc
We get it.

Looks like it'll be really fun when it's inevitably ported to PC.

>Sup Forums hates in scale bound
>Made by proven devs
>Le headphones man is casual

>Adores this garbage
>Made by kill zone devs for fucks sake
>Le stonk woman is innovative !

I swear, I'm this close to ditching Sony and becoming an Xbot.

Is that Peter Cullen?

Still not a fucking second of actual gameplay footage

I'm getting increasingly worried at this point

America is the cultural containment hellhole for plebs and shit opinions.

Pray that when the wall is built you arent stuck on the wrong side.

>Le stonk woman meme

fuck off jackass

I know you're just shitposting, but not a single post mentions the female protag.

Just try harder, that's all I'm asking.

They showed gameplay a long time ago senpai

They did show 20+ minutes of gameplay, but it's in the same small area as the first trailer and didnt really offer much new footage.

>that strong yet feminine femme fatale protag
Feels like a breath of fresh air. Day one purchase for me. Cant wait to kick robot ass in style.

>Still not a fucking second of actual gameplay footage

Huh? We've seen tons of gameplay footage dude

We've been that way since we gave up when NeoGAF raided us.

Kamiya is too "problematic" for NeoGAV.

Pretty sure that's just alpha footage, not actual gameplay.

We will see


*running on PS4-like hardware

The art direction is on point


I am so FUCKING hype yoooo

If you're into Michael Bay Transformers, then sure.

I don't think any game will steal the show this e3

It's going to be all about Hardware shitposting

Looks pretty good to me

mmm bullshot trailers... never seen something like that before

it's going to be another "downgraded" mediocre 65/100 piece of shit anyway no matter the marketing bs

This is the type of game you'd wanna buy an artbook for

>pre-rendered fake gameplay
>2 years before the game is even coming out

If you like messy, over-designed robots, sure.

>hurrr pcucks
>hurrr nintendrones
>hurrr sonyggers
I wish all you console warriors would fucking suicide. I swear to god.

The MC looks like shit. There is nothing appealing about her.

fuck off Sup Forums


The MC looks shit.
The robots look shit.
I'm surprised with how much hype this game is generating.